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Everything posted by SplinterOfChaos

  1. Uck, I've been there. I'm a writer. When my harddrive crashed, I lost over 20 writings...3 or 4 good ones XP. Good luck with the reconstruction. Build things newly instead of copying the old memories.
  2. If I said high-pitched, would that work better?
  3. I agree with sztin13. Especially in the mid-area of the song. Pretty short, but pretty good. Maybe too much in the high-range.
  4. If I had a Pounce account, it wouldn't be hard for me to tell you what I think.
  5. Dude, finish this. I've never heard a remix of this song, and this is awesome.
  6. There's not a lot to this song. I thought I was listening to a build-up, but no, that was it. It needs to be more dynamic, complex, and full.
  7. I just clicked the link and it said there was no such album! I had bookmarked it because I was going to listen to them later (now), but my bookmark isn't good either! Anything up with that?
  8. First: congratulations on your first song (or at least with contributing credits) on OCR! Second: The song's friken long, now! Now that the drums are mixed into the song (instead of over), they sound pretty great. Before, I said it sounded like they tried too hard...maybe so, but it's much less noticeable. One thing I DID like more about the Tensei-San upload was the first seven seconds of heavy drums. After that, I like that the guitar takes over.
  9. I'm so glad to be able to scratch this from my list of not-completed songs that really deserved it. This is great stuff, man. You managed to take the old version, which I loved, and blow it out of the water with the new one. Although in 1:15 - 1:26, I think it gets a little messy with the guitar in the background.
  10. It's a fairly good mix. Although 1:27 - 1:40 I think could be done differently to hold the tension better...maybe. And I do think it's pretty long.
  11. I'll give feedback (assuming I have any) after I can listen to it somewhere other than myspace. http://www.willhostforfood.com/ has been good to me. A lot of people use http://www.tindeck.com/
  12. Yeah, this would take an hour for me to download. This is one of those times when I'd actually consider streaming over downloading (if that were an option).
  13. I think 0:43 - end should step it up a notch and really go heavy.
  14. Not easily. There's just not a lot to that small section. Little complexity. Not much to entertain me. Pretty much. What I feel I've learned about this site is that they care more about professionalism than enjoyability. They'd eat this song up. Hell, they eat up really good songs! I'm truely surprised at some of the songs that didn't make the cut, where the artist had to go and redo much of their song.
  15. FL Studio? Some of those sounds are familiar. Ehh...no. It can't pass. Yet... 0:39 - 0:55 I just can't find myself liking. Besides that, it's not got the good synths. Great work considering. Enjoyable. But, not professional enough, I don't think. Very well orchestrated.
  16. KH2: I think the orchestration sounds pretty good, but there's a lot of it competing for my ears. I'd suggest toning down just a few of the sounds. That is, if I'm not dead wrong... Wily: Even my computer can't count how many remixes of this I've heard! Seriously. Heap overflow with only one variable. (If you got that, you must be a programmer.) Bias aside, it's pretty good. Exactly what I'd expect from that song orchestrated. Actually, that's the problem. Surprise me.
  17. Rock on. (Yeah, not a very good criticism.) EDIT: Hearing how good the music in the intro is has made me want to play this game. *sigh* as if that list wasn't long enough.
  18. Inversely, I believe the drums need more energy and a really loud climax wouldn't be too bad. Yeah, pretty much. I hope you'll get a little advice on that, here. I'm more worried about some clashing between 0:30 and 0:47. Maybe. I like just grooving to messy rock, but it does tend to carry on a while without carrying anywhere. But, the soundscape wasn't too static for me. More dynamics would be nice, though. I can't think of anything personal to say ... I like your haircut?
  19. Aw, crap. An indirect order. It's neato. I think that. Maybe you could add a layer of complexity to 1:40 - 2:06. I don't really like how long I have to wait to listen to the music and hear footsteps instead. Less feet, more rock!
  20. While the concept might not be anything new, I enjoy listening to this remix along side, if not instead of, any other rock-Wiley stage remix. Great job on this.
  21. Plays for me. Not a lot to say. It's not great, and the quality of the "presets" is such that I don't feel I can really evaluate anything. The melody doesn't even really carry through! (too deep) Besides, there's a feeling to rock when you have this deep (real) guitar going, and good percussions playing together. You can't have that feeling without real instruments.
  22. Around 0:29, the notes kind of lose their enunciation. (Not high on piano terminology.) Very enjoyable.
  23. I thought I'd compare the two versions--with the new drums and the original--but I don't feel entirely comfortable. The new drums version feels cluttered and muffled (or is the word muddled?). To be able to give a non-bias opinion, I'd want to compare nearly identical versions. What I feel confident in saying is that I feel it's a little obvious that the drums and guitars weren't done by the same person. I expect their relationship to be stronger by the time the song is finalized. But, this also might have been due to the sound problems. All in all, the drums are much more complicated, which is mostly good, but some times it feels they try too hard. (Maybe 1:10 is an example?) On the other hand, I was a little worried that added drums wouldn't be a good idea at times like 1:15. You proved my wrong with good sincipation. After that point, the drums do a good job of helping build the energy back up.
  24. At 0:25, maybe a second earlier, I hear some base drum. This could be a little sharper. The sound scape is fairly the same through the first half of the song. I'd love to hear random instruments to break up the monotony. At 1:15, you start over again. It was great the first time, but... it'd be nice if something changed. For some reason, I want to hear a duet start here... This song is really heavy! A little heavier than I like, but that's personal preference. (Just a comment, not really a critique.) I love 2:15. Very different from the rest of the song; it offers a nice resting period. Around 3:20 is when the lead begins to drownd out what I'm guessing is the Omen reference. I'd like to be able to still hear it while I'm listening to the lead. Especially since this seems to be when your song tried to be softer. This is really great work. Keep it up!
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