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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. What about those rumors of a new neo-geo portable console?
  2. I haven't played SS, so I'll reserve judgment on ol' Groose, but I will say I really liked Linebeck's character, and that the idea of giving Link a scheisty cowardly asshole as a sidekick is a great idea with lots of potential... That being said, PH was pretty mediocre. And ST was even more so - bland everything coupled with a boring monster-of-the-week story and those terrible train rides. Zelda was a cute sidekick, though. Midna was an all right character, but the whole Lol let's break the mirror thing made the entire game pointless and irrelevant to the series. That and turning Zant from cool badass into gibbering madman is again not a bad idea but executed poorly - he should have been the final boss and beefed up appropriately. Though I think we can all agree: This guy's big pimpin'
  3. Not so much processing power as much as it is connection - a shitty d-link wireless router on the other side of the apartment isn't conducive to fast internet load times.
  4. I think if any game in the series really deserved a ground up remake, anyhow, it wouldn't be FFX, which is all ready a complete and competent game (though it's not as if rpg mechanics have improved at all since then!). Far better if it were FFIX, which very much shows signs of story elements being cut out due to time restraints.
  5. you can start by getting some of the older yamaha and casio keyboards from the 80s and 90s.
  6. My only reservation is that once embedding is allowed, many posts will be nothing but long tedious strings of youtube embeds, making browsing and loading a page a chore. This has happened more or less on every forum I've been to that has added embed functionality. I mean, it's nice, but I don't see it as a necessary feature.
  7. I think if you reread the statement you quoted you'd find that he is not saying what you think he is implying. For actual score production, Sibelius 5 is the way to go, but that is really at its best when you have access to an actual orchestra that can play the music. Which is not often. Outside of that, most DAWs have what you want in terms of orchestral. FL is pretty good in that regard, at least from personal experience. However, if you are dealing with a piano roll (like in FL Studio and REAPER), you more or less are dealing with the same thing in terms of actual composition. Orchestral music on a computer is a lot about filter effects, reverberation, etc., which would be something you have to learn about. Especially about "humanization" and mixing, and mastering. In that point I don't think there really is one DAW better than another at that - it depends on what works for you.
  8. i know it's off topic...... but.. Gosh damn is it awesome.
  9. But that picture of Samus is still badass. And ok we get it. Mega Man had terrible box art. Ha ha. Also: most profitable franchise? Ha ha, no, that'd be resident evil (thus why each iteration is getting successively more bland).
  10. Speaking of Macross, you guys should check out the Hong Kong Toho dub of Super Dimension Space Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? It's pretty damn hilarious: It makes the mess of a OVA very watchable. WE MUST NOT ALLOW THE WOMAN TO PENETRATE! It also has that great glossy look to it that bespeaks to those old awesome mech anime.
  11. Reason behind its necessity? Shit we want this to make more money and last longer on the air... I know! How about a story that like focuses around a dog for an entire episode!!!
  12. From what I gather, Germany, Switzerland, Hong Kong, and USA all held servers.
  13. That didn't stop them from taking down megaupload!
  14. putting a sarcasm marker in your post ruins the point of being sarcastic. So much more fun when people think you're serious. Also, I l o l'd when I saw that the website is operating under Russian law. To quote M. Bison... OF COURSE!
  15. For platformers, there is the Great Giana Sisters, I believe. Fun little Mario Clone. It is a fun game that is pretty easy but gets trickier in the later worlds. It really is a Mario clone (and its original C64 version was taken off the shelves by Nintendo). Also, it has remixes of music by the legendary and godly European composer Chris Huelsbeck (or Hulsbeck whichever way you spell it). For hardcore, you can't go wrong with Cave games: How's that for hardcore Bitchin' soundtrack as well.
  16. Mofos think they can make a dollar-sixty-two off of us???? I'mma cap their asses. -doesn't know the full situation-
  17. If you want to see cute girls doing cute things, just watch Dirty Pair. If by cute girls you mean "hot detective bounty hunter trouble consultant chicks" and by cute things you mean 'kicking ass'. Lots of fun. After watching more clips, I kind of want to buy The Boondocks series. I loved the comic as a kid and I feel the show had some really funny moments.
  18. and how like the K-On movie is like the highest grossing anime movie of all time or something like that. To ease the pain of that tidbit, have some classic ORGUSS 02 dub: So good.
  19. 80s-early 90s OVAs are some of the best anime out there, if only for sheer entertainment factor. They really ratchet up the crazy and fun. Watch something like ORGUSS 02, MD Geist, Mad Bull 34, or Tank Police and try to say different.
  20. I agree that perhaps more "boring" drums : D could be used. Sometimes a simple beat is what is necessary to move the song forward, where special rhythmic changes being good for bridging into new sections or accenting certain passages. I also agree if could use a some more filling out - it sounds a little empty with just the main synths and the bass. This doesn't mean loading on more instruments, but using more instruments smartly: back ups here, sweeps there, whatever you're feeling. Too much and it will sound muddy (when everything just bleeds on top of one another) and you'll want to avoid that. Of course, this WIP is in an early stage and I'm sure you're aware more than I am what needs improvement. Keep at it.
  21. I thought Bebop's musical style changed more or less all the time, to fit the mood or story they were going for. Then again I haven't watched the series in like, 6 or 7 years so I can't remember very well.
  22. The first one had Jun Senoue trying to imitate Nakamura's style and not doing particularly well (when Jun himself has made his own fantastic Sonic music; see: Rusty Ruins)... And they thought they could get a "retro" sound by using a crappy compressed drum sample because I REMEMBER THOSE DRUM SOUNDS FROM THE PAST BEST SONGS EVER. And seriously, that final boss music of Ep1? That's what they came up with? Especially after, like every other Sonic game?
  23. Pretty soon we'll all be wearing cardboard belts. RIP Mostel, a true actor ; ;
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