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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. Thanks for the heads-up. Stuff looks pretty cool. EDIT: If I'm using FL 10, which file do I put the karlette .dll into? Putting it into the VST folder prompts an error message.
  2. I'm about 32 seconds into my WIP, with a lot of work yet to do. Should be fine for the deadline though. As inspiration I took Time's Scar, but I don't think it'll be that good (what could?).
  3. http://www.soniccouture.com/en/free-stuff/ While I cannot comment on their non-free merchandise, they have a good selection of free pads and instruments for your perusal. You have to register on the site (I tried with a yahoo email but didn't get the activation email, but it worked fine with my gmail), but that's no biggie. So yeah, there's some good stuff on there, so I thought I'd share since if I know anything about OCR it's that it loves free instruments.
  4. Don't forget when from . Not technically VGM but close enough to count.Long story short: one's got gobs of money, and the other doesn't, and money (and recognition) in just about every art form determines legitimacy. Which is why you never hear about
  5. It would be an awesome thing to behold to see MM mixes (MMMs?) on OCR. Adding to that, the Emperor theme and Final Battle theme would go well together, I feel. But Marina's theme is probably more deserving. I'm not sure if Nazo^2 did the music, or a member thereof, but it's your typical Treasure greatness.
  6. And if he's more the type to want to score out things completely, like an orchestra, and work with "proper" musical notation, Sibelius is a fantastic program for that (and what many famous composers, like and Steve Reich use*).But for wanting to do electronic music or incidental music it's probably not what he'd be looking for. I can only really speak for REAPER, FL Studio, and Sibelius, having tried them all (and sticking with FL Studio). FL is good for the creation of laptop music, so to speak. Zircon uses it, so look him up if you want to see the potential of the program pushed to its limits. Zircon (an OCR member) is doing some of the music for Soul Caliber V if that means something to ya. REAPER is more or less free (it's like 40-60 dollars, and it has an endlessly renewable free trial), but user-unfriendly. If your brother is not prepared to sink a lot of time looking up a bunch of stuff to just get a single instrument loaded in, it's a safe bet to say that Reaper is not for you. It's a poor man's Fruity Loops Studio, in my opinion, but some of its features (like its tracklist, it's way of handling patterns) are actually pretty intuitive. Fruity Loops Studio - you don't need to buy the bundles. You would more or less, if someone is starting out, just need to get the Producer edition. At best. After that, you can start scouring the internet for free instruments (VSTs, soundfonts, etc.) because trust me there are loads of them out there and they are more or less comparable if not better than any of the instrument bundles FL Studio has. FL is pretty user friendly, and can be used to make more or less any genre you prefer (though its strength is in electronic music). FL Studio has the stigma of being not a "serious" tool (because of its ease of use, a lot of hacks gravitate towards it; eg, Solja Boi), compared to something like Pro Tools (which everyone tells me is a great program, and I guess I more or less take their word for it), but it has its uses and its low cost works to its favor. I'm not the most knowledgeable in Digital Audio Workstations like some members here, and I remember when I too wanted to get into music but knew next to nothing about making it on the laptop. The important thing is to do your homework, try out demos, and see what fits the type of workflow you want to have. *They don't use it by itself, though. They use it for their scoring and of course have a live orchestra perform it. An important distinction!
  7. Lol, fucking Liefeld. That image of Cap'n America will never not make me laugh. I only really learned how to draw from John Kricfalusci's Blog (and poorly at that), but that's not really the style you're going for. Unless you want to start drawing some crazy comics in the vein of Krazy Kat (then more power to you!). Though he emphasizes a different style it might be good to leaf through some of his pointers as his blog can teach some nice fundamentals about setting up characters, lines of action, negative space, and all that jazz. I think he does have a few posts about Jack Kirby, the comic king.
  8. My initial impressions: A really nice electronic arrangement! I love the instrument used as the lead - it reminds me of a sega genesis lead (which I like a lot~). All around solid production - though I might have turned down the drums just a smidge (but please don't take my word on it; wait for an expert opinion ;P ). Then again, it sounds fantastic so it doesn't matter to me either way. I really liked the variation at the 2:15 mark. Some nice stuff. All in all I thought this was great. Keep up the good work and I hope some folks can give you some real solid advice/critique to make this track absolutely perfect. I think it's well on its way towards being OCR worthy, but I ain't a judge!
  9. That's a mouthful of a title, eh? Anyhoo, VGM MM is a freeware tracker that lets you do FM synthesis and emulate the YM2616 chip of the Sega Genesis. It is a direct update to TFM Music Maker. How so? It supports 6 FM channels, one being used for sampling PCM audio, 3 PSG square wave channels, and one PSG white noise channel. So that's 9 channels, plus noise. TFM MM only had support for the 6 FM channels. Both can be downloaded for free here. Here are some tracks I made with it: Chopper Blues Hope Flies High MadMen For an example of TFM MM in action, here's another track I made: Zero Hour IronLife Rhythm I need to listen to more Matt Furniss so I can become as good at this stuff as he is... >.> By far it's my favorite tracker I've ever worked with, so if anyone wants to make some cool sega genesis music, give it a try!
  10. it's the default view for this forum (and I suspect all boards that use vbulletin as well) and personally seems to me ass-backwards, much like the default setting of 10 posts per page.
  11. I hope to submit a working "Searching for Friends" WIP sometime this weekend if not early in the week. EDIT: considering I'm 23 seconds in, and just had a greeaat idea... hoo boy maybe I can actually finish something this time >.> Second EDIT: Not to get ahead of myself, but since I have this assumption that no one will really want to take Fanatic I might try that one later down the line since I have a killer industrial drum sample set that'd be perfect for it.
  12. you've never heard of an amputee fetish bleck?
  13. Hmm, I'm going to have to see if I can't whip something up for this. I'd love to be part of a FFVI album.
  14. The mission statement for OCR 2011 is something I found very inspirational and something I hope to keep in my own heart when I finally gain the skill to remix something. In that respect, I wish OCR many more a year like this one.
  15. Some more: This is mostly the only song in the OST that really stands out, but it's really good. Pay no heed to the top-rated comments or the game's general fanbase... Then again, you know who this game markets itself towards... Hint: rhymes with yuri but not as good. All the same, the composer did a good job on this theme. Also, something far more awesome just because of the great engrish, it's... DUCK KING'S THEME!!!!! BRUSS YO TEES WASS YO FASS ALL THE RADIES IN THE HOUSE Seriously, it's the best song in the arranged soundtrack.
  16. oooh, that sounds awesome! I feel like I've missed out on any other freebie / discounted music deals this year... But all the same, it's good to find some quality sample-sets like this! EDIT: some interesting sounds in here, though many of them I don't see much use (the whole fingernail set, for example), but there are some good sounds. The Impulse set is interesting too, though then again, not sure the use of outside of some... ambient crash noises? The bulbul drone noises are pretty nice though. Not shabby for a free pack. Reminds me of the amalgamations that Tonehammer used to put out... Wait, did 8dio form from the remains of Tonehammer? I know they merged with someone, but I can't remember...
  17. I don't know if that post is meant to show that the creator is in fact hired by Capcom or that capcom doesn't need to hire anyone because of its bullshit "DLC" policies that make it gobs of money, but either way it works. And I bet you the arranged bgms are the shitty remixes in Maverick Hunter X, too. Wouldn't that be a kick to the pants?
  18. when I do that, it plays a note, instead of switching. Or am I doing something wrong? I right-click on my instrument of choice, select "Piano Roll" and once inside, press "m".
  19. I misspoke. It's not that it's far, but it is not intuitive in the least. Then again, I understand that putting in a dash but limits your options for keyboard setups. And fuck you my left hand only has three fingers
  20. I downloaded this not too long ago, and was happy to see some love for the Darius series, whose music is frankly far too good to have been so ignored on OCR. I might try to tackle Captain Neo (among other tracks) one day, when I get good enough at this remixing stuff (fat chance). Seeing how much The Coop loves shootemups (and convinced me to buy Darius II for my Saturn), it made sense, when I discovered this Darius mix, that it was made by him. It's a good mix, in my opinion, and has some nice 80s electronica/rock vibe to it. It's got some nice variation to it too, with a good degree of interpretation. I don't have any real problem with volume, but then again I listen with headphones.
  21. I'll echo what everyone has said in saying that mainly the dash button is too far away for its own good, making things needlessly clunky, but from what I've played -I haven't beaten it yet- it's a pretty competent fan game. I'll have to try and beat it. I like how the intro is basically -ROKKO CHAN I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE ALIVE NOW -RIGHT ONII-SAMA IT IS SO WONDERFUL TO BE ALIVE -OH BUT NOT COMPLETELY YOU SEE THAT EVIL DOKTORU-SAMA HAS MADE ROBOTS THAT HATE LIFE -tears- -OH HOW COULD ANYONE DO THAT I MUST STOP HIM! -NO ROKKO CHAN DON'T -DON'T WORRY CREATOR-SENPAI I MUST FIGHT FOR EVERRASTING PEACE!
  22. Evilhead, you will then be pleased to see that And from the video, it looks like touch controls makes the ol' X-LAY move super fast now (who'da thunk!?). Don't know if it's coming out west, but since RayForce is about as good as shooters get (and in my personal top 3 or so in the genre), you know... GET IT. Honestly, the only reason I'd want an iPad 2 is for the ability to play inexpensive Cave ports, but that's just me... >.>
  23. Hmmmm.... Man, there should really be a "set your default settings" option, because not having otherwise is really just silly.
  24. yeah, is there any way to permanently change the default visual settings for the piano roll? Or the zoom of the piano roll for that matter? Unlike 96% of the people who use FL, I actually know how to play music, and seeing a big alphabet-for-idiots constantly jars me out of my composing flow, considering how frequently I have to change it. That and the view being way too zoomed in.
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