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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. The Metroid Database, a Metroid site that I frequent, posted up a review of the album: http://www.metroid-database.com/reviews/review_MetroidArrange.php Nothing super-duper indepth, and it's mostly positive with some reservations/critiques (I'm sure we're all mature enough to know that not everyone will like every track on a fan album~), so hopefully no posts after this just say "MAN THAT GUY IS AN IDIOT FOR NOT LIKE SO-N-SO'S STUFF" I wish I hads da moneys to get this, because A) the previews sound simply scrumptious, and the prospect of a 13-minute Joshua Morse Metroid remix sounds godly. Heck I might when I get paid on Friday, and when I get Christmas money... All the same, Metroid is (despite my sig and avatar) my all-time favorite game series, so the more fan-albums (by top-notch remixers, I might add) the better!
  2. Regardless of everyone's thoughts on the timeline, why does EVERYONE place Four Swords Adventures so long after Four Swords? Do they forget that part of the FSA -you know, the fucking intro- that states that it takes place just a short time after FS? Like I said, it always bugs the hell out of me, not for timeline consistency, but because everyone just seems to ignore that pretty big fucking clue when constructing all this gobbledy-gook. Also, my reaction to there being an alleged "Link fails" timeline.
  3. And if by "fun" you mean having all of your characters on auto-battle and the only thing making a difference to the outcome of battles is not any skill or management on your part but your ability to switch to the right paradigm at the right time.
  4. U.S. politics hasn't had meaningful "party" politics in at least three or so generations. It's not so much parties in these crazy post-WWII days, as it is individual personalities. I can get behind that man! Then again, this was probably a natural development due to the fact that unlike Europe, America never had a strong socialist/leftist movement to oppose the traditional liberal democratic parties. So what do you do when your parties essentially agree on the same style of governance? I'll leave that to you to figure out.
  5. Still doesn't hold a candle to Oh it tries, believe me, it tries. Tries, and fails. It just gets the colder shoulder. Admirable attempt though. I mean, to be fair, all game music has been in decline since the release of Unknown for M.E., but that's how it goes.
  6. while some tracks on the american soundtrack aren't bad, per se, they all lack the personality and flair that the JPN/EU soundtrack possesses. Compared to the fun-loving, thumpin', crazy tracks in the JPN version, the American soundtrack sounds like your typical generic 90s soundtrack in comparison, with nothing really remarkable save for Sonic Boom. This is very noticeable in, say, the boss tracks between both versions.
  7. The fact that the CD tracks now loop is a big, big, big improvement.
  8. Thank God, I thought they'd NEVER release Nicktoons MLB 3D.
  9. It's not that I pass on Gradius V; it's that I don't have a PS2 at this point in time anymore. My older brother took it with him because he wants to not play games on it apparently. (my hyperbole, but that's what it SEEMS like) I like Treasure, and I like G.Rev a whole lot (I'm hoping G.Rev's newest game for the 3DS gets localized, and I would love to get their XBLA releases, Strania: The Stella Machina and Under Defeat HD), so I think i'd like Gradius V. Just no means (or money, at least right now) to play it. And the arcade version of Gradius III is what made me so damn frustrated - the game is way too damn hard for its own good. The SNES is better in the sense that it's far easier, but Gradius III is too unforgiving for its own good. And credit limits? Come on, fuck that. Shit was annoying in the 80s and its still annoying (like Darius 1's "If you lose all your lives to the last boss we won't let you enter another credit you go straight to the game over screen mister!).
  10. Another year passes and OCR continues to fill up my harddrive space. Congraturations OCR! You have prooved the justice of our culture. Now go rest our heroes.
  11. Looking forward to next week when the show gets back to the business of them vijima-games. I would've liked to see some examples of technobabble in modern games to tie everything in, but that might have filled numerous episodes, ha ha. A whole video or 6 can be dedicated to the stuff that Hideo Kojima pulls out of his ass every game!
  12. Just ordered sexy parodius. Found a copy for $40 and thought "well that's the cheapest I've ever seen it so why not??" I assume I will be in for a rip-roaring good time. Because ANY Konami shooter has to be better than Gradius III. Ugggh. I did a test run of Darius 1 today to see how far i could get, and i got to the sixth stage before losing my first credit. Mainly because the later stages of Darius are overly cheap and kind of crappy. : / Of course I still had my autofire option on when I died so I messed up inputting my name which is just dandy. I tried for a while to do Darius "pure" with no autofire, but after enough cramps in my fingers I said fuck it. I went the entirely upper route, trying to get to Great Thing (or as close as possible), and avoided powering up to the laser until after beating Fatty Glutton (because that son of a bitch is a fucking cheap cock-sucker)... I felt I did pretty well, all things considered. Playing a bit of GUNBIRDO TEW (GB 2, heh) here and there, and I feel it's like the Saturday morning anime of shootemups - bright, cheery, and all-around pleasant. It's why I've always liked the Gunbird games most out of the Psykio games I've played. I mean, no need to pick favorites since Psykio is all-around quality, amirite? ;p
  13. okay what are all these nerds gushing abo-
  14. The only acid jazz I have ever heard or know about is Janne Suni's .
  15. OCR mixes are freely made and non-profit, so there isn't any copyright issues. Plus, it's a school project, so if you're not making any money you can put some Chrono Trigger trance remix into your BritLit project.
  16. I wouldn't recommend the Etrian Odyssey games unless your little young charge loves grinding ceaselessly, and heavy inventory management.... Not exactly fun things for a young kid. Super Mario RPG is much better in that regard - great difficulty curve, great music, battle system (timed hits you see!), and all in all, lots of fun. A perfect "kid" game for the experience. Plus, it is the forebear of all the subsequent Mario rpg games (including Paper Mario and the Mario n' Luigi games), and in my view, still better than all of them. If you haven't, there is always Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest. You don't need to play any of the other 2. But it's two-player, lots of fun, and challenging. I was mesmerized as a child by the bright, cartoony, vibrant world. I don't know if graphics make or break a game for your kid, but I feel like these ones hold up because of the pseudo CG graphics. Speaking of vibrant, there is also Yoshi's Island. Great game. However, if you want something more -up-to-date- (because, deep down, we all like pretty graphics) there's Zack and Wiki, an adventure point-n-click game for the Wii... but those puzzles, lemme warn you, are HARD. Fun game, though. There is Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor for the wii. Think of it like Starfox 64, but a lot more going on, and it's crazy chaotic fun. Not everyone is into arcade-style shooters, though. Lots of weirdo alien bosses, massive levels, rockin' tunes... One of my favorite Wii games. However, the controls are complex (but it's one of the few games that I feel actually uses the Wiimote effective, being your laser-gun pointer)... It IS rated T for Teen, though. Like, slight suggestive themes, and the bad-guys blow up. Maybe wait till he's 10 ; p
  17. It kind of reminds me of Egoraptor's .Regardless of if you like his humor-style or not, i think the "Yeah I get it" analogy is pretty dead-on. While I haven't played it yet, I don't like being constantly reminded about stupid stuff like rupees and keys and doors. Because I mean, it was even annoying when I was 7 years old playing Link's Awakening the first time, hearing about that damned "NEW FUCKING FEATURE: A TONE THAT TELLS YOU WHERE SHIT IS" that every single compass in every single dungeon had to blather on about. And when i was older, playing OoT, having to be told how to open a door. : / At least it was only in the first dungeon! Unlike in TP.
  18. It really does. No joke. Sorry OCR I think you've been outmatched by the slammin and jammin
  19. Both soundtracks? Now that's what I'm talking about. If they had snubbed the JAP soundtrack AGAIN I would have been irritated- at this point there would have been little reason to buy ANOTHER version of Sonic-CD. I like both versions at least at certain points, but I lean towards the JAP soundtrack. Though SONIC BOOM is a great tune.
  20. I wish there was a pithy way to say "Please read the topic before you post, pal"
  21. VGM Music Maker came out a few months ago, back in the summer, which is an update to TFM Music Maker. So now, not only do you have the 6 FM channels, but now you also have 3 PSG channels, a FM channel dedicated to Sampling, and a PSG White Noise channel. In short, complete sega genesis emulation. Now we can all be like Gecko Yamori! : D An example I made: http://soundcloud.com/emperorcharlemagne/hope-flies-high-under-stars-we Forgive the cheesy title ;p Some better examples: You can find some good original mixes from .Unfortunately, there aren't many songs on youtube yet- I guess the program hasn't gotten enough exposure. But it's a really fantastic program.
  22. Looks to me like Irem's Metal Storm for the NES. The Happy Video Game Nerd did his ; it looks like a pretty fun game all things considered.
  23. That's what I figured; I'm just confused as to how to get to those options when the game is a digital Steam game, as opposed to an actual .exe or something like that.
  24. Finally went and bought myself the Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics pack ($10 was a pretty good deal in my eyes), and I'm going through Fallout 1 for the first time in a good long while. But since the game is from 1997, the video graphics look all terrible with random colors and artifacts everywhere, and sometimes the game screen does that annoying black-out where you have to roll your mouse over everything to get it visible once more. I'm sure someone has encountered something like that before. If so, does anyone have a remedy? Sometimes I forget that these older games are increasingly more difficult to run on higher hardware... >.>
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