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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. Some of the games I play are less well-known to gamers (Atlus niche games, old 16bit games), and I am always on the lookout (or... hear-out?) for new, good tunes. Matt Furniss, Jeroen Tul, Hulsbeck, Hubbard, Follin, anything by the old PC masters is fair game. And worthy of recognition and remix.
  2. and now I can rub it in movie theaters' faces that the reason no one goes to movies isn't because of piracy but because of the overly expensive bullshit that going to a theater is. Wait, what am I thinking!? Of course, piracy is killing the industry!
  3. Lol, the fucking "Mega Conspiracy" So glad 50 year olds who don't know anything about the internet other than newfangled email are trying to be in charge of the internet.
  4. My only problem with Evangelion is that it's been remade so many times now I don't even know which one I'm supposed to follow, or which ending is considered the "correct" ending, or which characters are even "real." Is it the latest iteration? Is it the super-happy version? Is it the manga (still waiting on that one to finish...)? Is it the original remastered series? I feel that with each remake Evangelion loses more and more of its punch and impact, though I guess that's stating the obvious. Also stating the obvious: Dominion Tank Police is awesome, hilarious, and loads of fun. For some reason, those 80s/early 90s OVAs often have some of the best stuff out there. Companies can do a lot more with four episodes than a 26-episode (or 52) bloated bore. Hell just look at Mad Bull 34, aka, Mike Haggar the Anime. British people doing Brooklyn accents = best anime
  5. Unstable, if you want "Cult Classics" I'd say look into either Tekkonkinkreet: It's a pretty odd flick, with a distinct visual style (you haven't seen anime characters look like this), and a pretty zonky plot flipping around all over the place (but it's never hard to follow). The relationship between the main characters, Black and White, is very well done, and the side characters (the yakuza boss and his underling, and the villain) all have their chance to really shine. The English dub isn't bad, per se (Robin from Teen Titans voices Black), one look at the trailer shows that these characters aren't really meant to speak in English. It's a thought. Made by the studio who did Animatrix, which I remember liking a whole lot (and after The Matrix, is probably the only other good piece of media in the whole Matrix franchise, hah hah.). Or the incredibly entertaining and awesomely dubbed Dominion Tank Police: The guy who made this would go on to do Ghost in the Shell. It was dubbed by Manga UK, who did the Mad Bull 34 dub (which was awesome - anything they did was always incredibly entertaining). Also, unlike many dubs, they redid all of the music. Instead of the , they decided to make everything cool house/dance music. (title is a misnomer. New Dominion Tank Police is the sequel series with many of the same characters) ( ) The dub is pretty hilarious, and every actor sounds like they're having lots of fun with the role, which means you have fun with them. The only bad thing is that it's four episodes long, and you want to have an entire series with these goofballs and badasses.
  6. well hot dog I just got the series for myself and wanted to see if it was any good.
  7. Until the strategy of only developing high-budget cutscene fests with boring orchestral music (or worse, licensed music!) puts a company into bankruptcy which it has been doing for a while now. ; p
  8. They point out something important, though - such an album would need at least two - no, three remixes dealing with Daytona USA's iconic, groundbreaking game-over music
  9. - NDS -Masafumi Takada (Other tracks - Habara - ) - GCN - Masafumi Takada - NDS/PSP - Shigeki Hayashi / - Wii - Kenji YamamotoI would say God Hand, but that OST is already perfect in every single way - any interpretation by any OCRemixer would more than likely lose what made those tracks so special in the first place. To go off of what Mokram was saying, that's almost all ready the case with many of Takada's soundtracks; in most cases there is little wiggle room. EDIT: lol, like anyone is going to vote for obscure Atlus DS games
  10. While game music itself stopped after the , here are some notable attempts to recapture that magic. And yes, LotL is modern.Really, this list is easy! Contact (NDS) - Masafumi Takada God Hand - More Takada - Guess who - Do you see a theme going on hereTakada is probably the best VGM composer to have come around in the last decade of gaming. And I'm serious about that. The guy is a damn freakin' genius. The 90s had its Uematsu (or Kondo if you prefer... or Hisayoshi Ogura*, if you're an oddball like me), but the 2000s are all Takada's. (Arcade, PSP) - ZUNTATAStrania: The Stella Machina (Arcade, XBLA) - Yasuhise Wantanabe (aka .YACK) Wartech: Senko No Ronde (Arcade, 360) - .YACK DoDonPachi Resurrection (Arcade, 360) Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (Wii) - Norio Hanzawa (Wii) - Kenji Yamamoto (Wii) - Kenji Yamamoto (Wii, and yes, I'll count it as a "good" soundtrack, but it's only barely in there. There's some good jams to be had) - Kuniaki HaishimaMuramasa The Demon Blade (Wii) - many composers (NDS, PSP) - Shigeki HayashiI could probably be at this for a while but my mind is hitting a blind a spot. You may proceed to sweep these under the rug, lol. *The original big three of ZUNTATA, Ogura (OGR), Tamayo Kawamoto (Tamayo), and , for their contributions to the field of VGM technically exist outside all of chronology and datedness - they stand far above anything most composers (and those who dream of composing) attempt and they never age : DEDIT: saw one of the edits to the Op asking for "appeal" and "good for remixing". Umm, ok. Most of my links still apply (I plan on remixing tracks from Contact one day because that music demands you listen to it). .... After relistening to them, yeah, they're good. I had a little lol at seeing a game that wasn't even released yet be on the list.
  11. Man, my lappy is new... But you're generally right - the popping doesn't happen when there is a low CPU usage.
  12. B8Organ is pretty good, and free. http://www.meteoxavier.com/p/free-vsts-soundfonts-and-samples.html And bunches of other free stuffs, too! More for jazzy and percussive stuff, but there are some more churchy presets.
  13. For FL users: When I play back my piece in FL studio 10, there's no real problem in terms of audio quality (remix quality is different! ). However, when I export the project, it seems like there's a shitton of static, crackling, and popping that crops up in the mean time that is fucking awful and I don't know how to get rid of. I've tried going to 128-sinc sampling, and rendering at 256k, but the static is still there, though it is not present when I play the track in FL. Anyone have any solutions? I've checked to make sure that it isn't my headphones, or laptop speakers (though if it's my soundcard somehow, I'd have no way of knowing). EDIT: Now I'm not so sure, because replaying the rendered file, there is no static or popping now! Ummmm, not sure what to say there. It must be some technical hardware problem on my end, but not sure what.
  14. You want a PM sent to both you and Rexy, Prophecy? Just making sure.
  15. While indeed I am continuing to work on my FF6 track, I'm starting to put together an audition track for this project for the Temple of Time. While that should by no means frighten off any more talented musician from wanting to take the iconic track, hopefully I can submit something and see if it's up to snuff. If not, it's off to the workshop, I suppose : p
  16. mothafucka you thought you just wanted one ffvi album well guess what you gettin' like two. and a half if you count the cid project. chew on that sucka.
  17. Well in truth, every OCR remixer or wannabe remixer is a secret hardcore masochist that gets off to seeing big black NOs everywhere.
  18. Some good'uns: by Matt Furniss:The game itself is ok, but after the creepy heartbeat sounds that play, to hear this badass music makes you feel like you are going to be going on one hell of an adventure. Which is... not exactly the case but it's the thought that counts. Really, the effect is awesome if you watch the intro yourself. by Chris Hulsbeck:The game is only average at best, but gosh damn if this isn't some of the - that doesn't come from David Wise or Tim Follin! Seriously, check out the soundtrack, because it's one of the best SNES soundtracks in existence, right up with the Dean Evans/Johnathan Dunn OCEAN games and Tim Follin stuff. by Tim Follin by Tim/Geoff FollinSpeaking of the Follins, you cannot talk about great intro/main themes without talking about these guys. Experts is what they are, no matter what hardware they're working with. These songs are both impressive for their respective hardwares, and are bitchin' tunes to boot. JOHN MADDEN AMERICAN FOOTBALL THEME by Rob Hubbard HI IT'S JOHN MADDEN LET'S PLAY SOME FOOTBALL A John Madden game with awesome music? Surely you jest! Made by none other than legend Rob Hubbard, one of the kings of British VGM, this is probably the best song to carry the John Madden name! by Ben Daglish( ) by Jeroen Tul I can fill this entire thread with posts of C64 music; after all, the title/main theme music is often the most memorable part of a C64 game's soundtrack ; p But suffice it to leave with these two awesome chiptune composers. So yeah, EC has left you all with more obscure music. You may return to your normal posting schedules.
  19. I'm about 50 seconds in, and just need to come up with a suitable drum part for the first major melodic part. Considering the three-day weekend, I should be well on my way towards delivering a WIP by the deadline. If not before.
  20. An "anime soundtrack" for OoT? Yes, for goodness' sake, yes! The claimed tracks sound promising thus far (Jillian Aversa doing a rendition of Forest Temple? ), and I hope the momentum keeps up. Tackling OoT is no mean task, after all.
  21. Congraturations! You have prooved the justice of OCR. Now go rest our heroes! Great to see three dedicated and helpful site members take on the job.
  22. I have the bad habit of when I try to remix I start at the beginning of the song... I should try to learn how to start with sections that you know how you want them to sound, and then work on transitions between the different parts. Is that more or less how the rest of you gents do it?
  23. One: I suppose it would be for more or less the same reasons I will detail in (Two), but you have to have a passion for music, and a love for VGM to want to post on this site, which I assume everyone here working on their craft does. Two: I want to improve as a musician, hopefully enough to make a living of it - if not at least a lucrative hobby. OCR has a good dose of constructive criticism and the pressures of deadlines and project / remix standards, so learning how to be familiar in an environment where you are not the head-honcho is a good learning experience. On top of that, there are many songs that are criminally under-listened in the world of VGM so I've taken it upon myself (though I have only made one remix*) to try to broaden the listening base of the general internet, to try and show everyone that there is more to life than Wily Stage 1 and Schala's theme. *one remix on DJ mokram's Dynamite Headdy "Secret Bonus Point" album, one incomplete remix for Hylian Lemon's Oracle of Seasons album, and one WIP for Prophecy's FF6 remix project.
  24. And hear I was afraid that I was the only person who heavily listened to their own works. A budding community of narcissists! : D Though some of the very oldest ones, when I just started using FL Studio, are very painful to listen to, and I've more or less stopped listening to stuff I made 3 or so years ago. The fact that a large part of my output has been FM synthesis songs (sega genesis chiptunes) has made their listenability quite long-lasting, because using a tracker hides my poor production skills! As everyone else has said, I too make music I want to hear, so I'd naturally be drawn towards my pieces, ha ha. EDIT: Of course, sometimes i listen to tracks in order to really get a feel for what I can do better - each song I make is always an improvement over the last one (which makes the older ones so tough to listen to).
  25. Sounds like something from the Virtual-On series. I like kind of the older-sounding synths and instruments (like the orchestra hits and the shreddin' guitar). Sounds straight out of the 90s, which has some of the best "sounds" to my ears. Pretty good all-around.
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