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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. The stock sounds are an older library and not as specialized, so they're not as awesum.
  2. I never knew that this sort of stuff looked THAT complicated in sheet music... 0_o'
  3. I never understood why everyone hated the water temple. I thought it was pretty easy. By easy I mean straightforward.
  4. While I can't read sheet music, I can give you some advice on help translating it. You've probably already been given this, but I'm going to give you basic piano roll 101. I'm going to talk assuming you've never seen a piano before, you probably have (I KNOW you have) so just stick with the explanation until the end (where I'll explain time sigs in FL). So in pianos you have your white notes (all naturals) and your black (sharps/flats). Basically in sheet music whatever note it is you put it on the corresponding key in the piano (C white key is to the left of the pair of black keys). That's notes. Pretty basic. Rhythm is a little different, though. In the piano roll, a note's POSITION indicates WHEN it is played and how (literally) long it is determines the duration. You don't draw anything for rests (because a computer "rests" when it's not receiving a NOTE ON, and when it's not NOTE ON it's NOTE OFF), for rests you just need blank space. In the piano roll you'll see vertical lines, some are thicker (every four small squares) and some are even thicker (every 16). Those are either beats or measures. Every four small squares you have a thick line, that shows the beat (and that's what the tempo will click at if you have metronome enabled). Those small squares are sixteenth notes (you can change the snap like I mentioned somewhere in this thread). I'm sure you've figured out that a quarter note stretches four squares, an eighth note stretches two, and a sixteenth stretches one. As far as slurs go, you need to have either a synth set to "mono" (only one note at a time) or a virtual instrument capable of legato play. In which case it's kinda simple to draw it in the piano roll, you just have the note's duration bleed into the start of the next, which will trigger the virtual instrument to play it like it would play a slur. Although some virtual instruments don't use legato play for slur and just use it for regular one note to the next (in which case you're not in luck). IMAGE EXAMPLE The thing is you have to think of a piano roll not as how the music is written but as instructions for the virtual instrument to act on. As far as time signature goes, here: IMAGE EXAMPLE Again, the grid will change to match your selections. If I'm unclear you can catch me on skype: neblixsaber and I can just show you stuff.
  5. Why do you always say the polite things before I do? Anyways, nice entry dude. I was sure that I was gonna lose when I heard it, but I guess the voters thought otherwise. Gonna have a tough time beating pixelwave, but thanks for keeping this interesting for me. Well I don't imagine you can get closer than one vote.
  6. Your soundcard has very little to do with your frequency balance, it's your speakers. Were you using different speakers/headphones when you tested the onboard than when you tested the USB? Don't spend a lot on a soundcard, because better soundcards do not mean better frequency balance.
  7. Gonna have to agree with Rozovian, writing for a string ensemble and MAKING a string ensemble are very different.
  8. Yeah why can't you teleport some volcanic rock there ... o wait
  9. The thing is if you don't find a reason to get it then you DON'T. I don't think regrabbing the old OoT crowd was their intention in its entirety. Remember that it's been a long time, there are new gamers who have never touched an OoT before. I have this nagging feeling that this game is more targeted towards those people (and others like who can't sit down in front of a TV or only play mobile games), and instead of porting it for them, they clean it up and make it a little more presentable.
  10. I think it was just designed to keep you busy while you wondered why the heck you were even there. The White Wolfos at the end was the only interesting part about it.
  11. I'm talking about computers, not us. They don't read a key signature and go "it's in C Major". They react based on events and what values they are given. MIDI is just data, there's no structure like a time signature or key signature when you get to the low level of what's receiving the data because computers don't think, they don't need to comprehend structure. @swamptherion - To modify note lengths and positioning outside of the standard 16 beat measure, find the snap setting in your DAW and change it to your liking. At FL, it's at the top of the screen in the midde (set to Line at default). In FL, if you set it to none, you have COMPLETE FREEDOM by the MILLISECOND to the positioning/length of your notes. Be cautious and place notes carefully, because timing could get a little sloppy real soon if you're not paying attention to your notes.
  12. YES. I tried so hard to get in there but I could never do it.
  13. Well that's what I was saying, it was from MY perspective as someone who never used sheet music before.
  14. From a (solely) computer musician's perspective with no actual musical training/lessons I can say that I have no idea how doing that stuff on sheet music is easier; it's all about reading symbols while in a piano roll the position and length give you a pretty good idea. The piano roll lets you fine tune the EXACT (exact exact exact) behavior of the notes. So writing in sheet music and then exporting as MIDI for someone who already writes in sheet music is a GREAT IDEA. (except for reasons Tensei has stated, not everything in notation can be translated value by value into MIDI) Also, piano roll isn't meant for humans to read/perform off of, it's meant to write music the way a sampler or soundbank can understand it. In sheet music, you have to define a bunch of parameters (time signature, key signature) while for computers they can literally just receive the note pitch value and its velocity and send a signal to trigger a sound. They don't have to understand the music to perform it well like we do.
  15. New dungeons would make it NOT Ocarina of Time. Each dungeon pertained to the story, adding more dungeons = changing the story = not a remake. New weapons and items... not really the same as above. I suppose if you're talking about insignificant little fun items like masks then yeah, but nothing major like adding dual hook shot. I agree on the mechanics bit, the Sheik mode sounds kinda dumb, and the four swords thing sounds kind of irrelevant.
  16. I'm not comparing them, I'm saying they're uncomfortable to use for someone who is used to longer, more spaced out keys.
  17. Oh I know that it's very useful, it's just that I personally don't like it. It doesn't feel right after fiddling around with a regular full size key (old old old 20 year) synth so much. Also, the keys only go down a little bit, I had trouble figuring out what was supposed to be a hard press and what wasn't when I first tested the velocity sensitivity.
  18. I used that in my music production "class" (here's a volume knob, what does it do, here's MIDI, what does it do, read a packet on it, never ever touch the material again). I didn't like the size, tbh.
  19. ALL DONE :3 I added a blue fan. It's a little loud but I'll figure out how to slow it down (it's running at 1800 RPM). EDIT: It's normal volume as my other fans now, dunno the RPM's, but I found out how to drop it from 12v to 7v by switching pins on a molex power connector. If any of you guys have loud case fans that have a molex power connector (or a converter from the motherboard 3pin to a molex power male) and you can't change the fan speed to quiet it down, you should try it. Takes like 3 minutes.
  20. Piano roll is generally much faster to write in (electronically, not by hand. If by hand, sheet music is faster) when you're doing complex stuff (and humanizing, a straight MIDI import from Finale to Cubase will just have your performance sound inhuman). I would only write in sheet music if you plan it to be read by human eyes. Just my two cents, I realize sheet music is more traditional and accepted to be how you "write music" but for computer music, getting comfortable with either midi input by midi keyboard or by mouse is the way to go. I don't suggest by mouse unless you're using FL Studio. It's the easiest piano roll to get comfortable with right off the bat. (no keyboard shortcuts to get used to, just click to place and right click to erase. Notice, that isn't a right click menu, but actually clicking the note with the right mouse button will make it gone) However, the more popular method is to input by MIDI keyboard. If you can't play piano, your mouse is the way to go. <3 And just to clarify, there's no real "better" way. It's how you want to work and what suits you best.
  21. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the Wii U tablet is 480.
  22. A USB 3.0 will be as fast as an internal SATA drive (at least looking at the numbers, anyway) and around the same speed as eSATA (which if you have a port on your case will connect right into a SATA Port). In that case, an external has enough data transfer rate on the bus to match or exceed the speed of the hard drive (7200 RPM are good for internal, I would get one of those like a Caviar Black and stick it in a USB 3.0 enclosure). tl;dr USB 3.0 should be only a tiny bit slower if not as fast as an internal SATA hard drive (not SSD, that's a whole different story). If you have a laptop and not a desktop (the desktop needs a free hard drive cage slot and a free motherboard SATA port as well as a SATA power connector from the power supply) go external. If you have a desktop with all the previously listed requirements fulfilled, it's more convenient to just add an internal drive in addition to your current one.
  23. I don't think games have reached the limit yet: Of course this is on PC (which means it will take around 4 more years for consoles to catch up) in the far future because it took three GTX 580's to handle this (totalling over $1k in graphics cards) but I don't think it's reasonable to say graphics aren't gonna get any better than just a refined version of PS360 graphics.
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