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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. For the record, so everyone can talk about this while actually knowing what this could look like, here's some Tegra 3 footage.
  2. Well, here's the issue. You're using 64 bit Kontakt, but you're not even running multiple instruments in Kontakt and instead you're bridging 6 or 7 at a time. It's likely the bridge has issues with so many instances of it, so the simple solution is to use 32 bit Kontakt. You're not utilizing all of that RAM access you get with 64 bit anyway, so you have no reason to load 64 bit. And yeah, check my guide yo
  3. Did anyone (I mean The Derrit) ever stop to think that PC Games have a high RAM requirement because you have to hold windows in there too?
  4. I for one think this is the perfect thing to get me back into using my TV again. Don't know what The Derrit is talking about; I have an Android Tablet and phone, I also have emulators, and I have a beastly PC. Ouya still seems like a pretty great device to me.
  5. If you at all paid attention to the movie, Bruce Wayne's return had nothing to do with "Batman saving Gotham". He went back to give everyone that shining hope in the sky that they needed to save their city. Think of the scene where he showed up in The Bat and just threw a couple bullets at the tanks. He wasn't intending to destroy them or Bane's followers. He showed up merely to give the police morale. They were walking to their death hesitantly; shortly after, they ran in guns blazing.
  6. http://www.native-instruments.com/#/specials/komplete-plus-3/ If you buy Komplete THIS or next month (meaning you register the serial THIS month and next month only) you now get Razor, Session Strings, and The Mouth for free. Meaning if you just upgraded a week ago like me, sucks for you (and me).
  7. Harvey's burn was not a normal burn. His face, along with his body, was lying in gasoline when the fire erupted. Explain how someone can do that, and a few days later being walking around with half his face with no skin or muscle, making conversation as if nothing ever happened. And no, your conclusion is wrong, because Batman killed Harvey. He didn't die because of his burn. The point I'm making is that it is ridiculous to hold these movies to any standard of realism. They're comic book movies.
  8. Explain to me how you think Two Face is realistic.
  9. You're complaining about bends in reality and logic in a movie series about a broke cripple who has access to futuristic weapons, inertia ignoring motorcycles and a super computer in his basement? The reason he was able to recover in The Pit was because the physician punched his spine back into order. You say "yet with a fancy knee brace, Batman hasn't lost a step except when it comes to fighting Bane for the first time." I don't think it's at all unrealistic to suggest someone who has access to a flying bat ship also has access to some really nice body equipment. Are you at all suggesting the Joker never had a chance to do something that would have screwed everything? You're talking as if Dark Knight Rises is a sole offender in this category. You should try playing some of the thousands of video games, movies, comic books, books, etc. that also have this kind of problem.
  10. Dude, you HAVE TRANSIENT MASTER. It's not just for drums. Turn down the Attack knob. If it doesn't fix the issue, add another one onto it. Keep doing that until you actually hear an effect. You're asking for something that softens transients, and you freakin BOUGHT KOMPLETE for it, and now you're complaining it doesn't do the job? Ever wonder if you're just not using it right? :/ Truth to be told, you're probably not going to be able to do it, because it requires a # of Guitar Rig instances the same as the # of instruments you want to soften. Are you Transient Mastering the ACTUAL MASTER track? That's like wanting to add reverb to a guitar so you put it on the master.
  11. I think you're trying too hard to equate "morph it to the Hollywood big screen" to "ground it in reality".
  12. This isn't OCR's first album project. There's like over 30. Kickstarter's not a "cover our server expenses" fundraiser site, dude. It's for people that need money to fund putting their "innovative ideas!" into reality; Ouya is a perfect example. It's to "kick start" an idea/invention/whatever.
  13. Studio Drummer EZ doesn't exist. There's EZDrummer, by Toontrack, which is a VST. Then there's Studio Drummer, a Kontakt sample library by Native Instruments. Don't get the two confused, because Studio Drummer EZ sounds pretty cool if it would exist. @Kanthos: Is a Lounge Lizard Session copy still available?
  14. I don't write much because I'm afraid of wasting material, figuratively speaking. I'm trying to save my best melodies for when I can make them shine, but I'm not quite sure when I'm ready. Though I've been doing this a long time, I am not a practiced composer. Just a bunch of short, random sketches and then a very small few completed songs that everyone knows about. I have a very big lack of composing skills.
  15. Really? "Batman and Robin will join forces"? That's ridiculous and inconsistent with the movie's universe. There is no Robin. His name is a reference, he's not actually Robin, the side kick. He finds the Bat Cave so he will become Batman. As Bruce told him, the idea was that anyone could be Batman. The mask is to protect the people you love. Your bro's gf should think about, you know, logic, before calling you an idiot.
  16. Why would you want to leave out Talia Al Ghul? That was an important piece of the story.
  17. I think when Rozovian says high end listening, he means gear intended for monitoring/mixing. Flat response, non-colored etc. Home theater doesn't fit that bill at all.
  18. So far, I got: SpaceChem Back to the Future Rayman Origins Crysis 2 Deus Ex Human Revolution Not a bad deal for what I paid, and SpaceChem was a gift so the total was roughly $41.
  19. ATH M50s are bass enhancing headphones.
  20. What I don't understand is how you can be asking if an electronica band's bass is too electronic. *face palm* Why it isn't popular is because mainstream prefers songs strong in sub-bass kicks and rapping. Or, something super duper catchy and simple like Katy Perry. Pendulum music is a little more complex, and the fact that pure techno doesn't dominate the mainstream market has something to do with it too.
  21. Which is exactly why listening to Metal Man is unwise.
  22. You're deleting samples that you paid tons of money for? What if you need them down the line? You'd be surprised at the gems you can find in Kontakt's Synth library.
  23. What's crap about Audacity? It's not intended to be a full DAW. Just because it doesn't have any built-in synths like Reason doesn't mean it's crap. It's very good at what it does. But for music-making, I'd recommend something with a little more weight. Try Cockos REAPER.
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