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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. But I can't have a synth solo agaist myself! I'd kick my own ass!
  2. Or.. you know... I could have a synth solo competition against someone else as good as me... You guys are fucking nuts XD
  3. Depends on the country I guess, but i'm 95% sure that it wouldn't be a problem in the UK because names and titles aren't deemed unique or important enough to consider copyright. Can't say about it for other countries, but it seems a bit stupid tbh, I bet you could make names and titles out of any combination of words these days. You could always google it if you weren't sure.
  4. Ok, i'm going to give this a shot. I'll also add Damneds "no same pokemon twice" rule. I might even write about it as it happens. Wish me luck.
  5. Thanks for wishing me luck guys (if anyone knows of anyone who can sing, send them here!)
  6. I'm doing a remix of Kakariko village and need vocals. Its basically song format, and if there is anyone good at lyrics writing as well, get in touch with me also. The WIP is here: http://tindeck.com/listen/wjgn Anyone who is interested, send me a PM with a link to a track with your vocals in (can be over the WIP linked here if you wish, but i'm really not fussed). Just make sure it shows off all (or most) of your vocal range! Due to the style i'm going for, i'm looking for a male vocalist, not a female. Sorry girls! Look forward to hearing from you! WillRock
  7. I'm liking the arrangement, but sample quality and panning are bothering me right now. The panning really is all over the place. With panning, its a good idea to keep things fairly centered, unless you are going for a specific aesthetic. Less is more is the idea with panning, not saying remove it completely, but tone it down a little As for the samples, the drums lack energy right now, they feel thin and lifeless overall. Try laying drum samples together to fill them out more. 5 kicks sounds better than 1 I'm finding the drum patterns a little boring as well, don't be afraid to vary up your patterns and add some nice ornamentations and fills to spice them up some. I'm hearing very little bass overall in this. you could def boost up the bass a little, the bass itself is almost inaudible. The Guitar sound is also a little too distorted for the style imo... and its a rather grating distortion, which doesn't suit the sound of the mix particularly. There is alot of stuff to do production wise, but i'm liking the arrangement, very creative. Cool! Keep working at it.
  8. Being told i'm source deaf by rozo has warranted me to take another look and better back up my statements. I've listened to the source to the point I know it inside out, listening to the remix now. I feel like I can hear references to the source with those "twinkles" as you refer to them, but I'm not hearing anything concrete there, it sounds like there is very wet delay, which is interfering with me recognizing the source. I THINK its there but i'm having to try very hard to make the connection. That instrument is the only source related thing I can hear for the most part of the track. Then at 2:33, things get more obvious. I can definitely roll with that as source usuage. Basically, it becomes more obvious near the end of the mix. This is why I think it would be borderline - some of it is obviously there, but up until 2:33, its not obvious enough... I almost feel like i'm hearing references because i'm looking for them, not because they are there. OCR source guidelines call for 50% clear source usuage. I wouldn't call the twinkles clear source usuage, and there are other bits you mentioned (like at 2:08 ) that I feel might be there, but I can't make the solid connection and definitely wouldn't count if you didn't say they were there. It probably adds up to something like 30-35% for me... other judges might be kinder and count other parts I didn't but i'm not hearing enough for OCR myself. I wouldn't be sold on this for that reason.
  9. Actually, the OCR version is different to the GMRB and album version... think of it as the equivalent of a "single".
  10. For the record, I will say that quite a few of the mods who looked at your track in the album eval didn't hear the source in your remix, one or two of them judges, its not just me. Listening to your mix with the breakdown, quite a few bits i'm just not hearing at all source wise, even with what you've put in the breakdown. I'm hearing a little bit of the source here and there, but generally i'd argue many of the references are too liberal to be reasonably connected to the source. I'd call this a borderline call at best, and thats being very kind. If you want to submit this, I'd consider making this less liberal myself.
  11. PRODUCTION Low-quality samples Unrealistic sequencing STRUCTURE Lacks coherence overall (no "flow") Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) Pace too plodding Too repetitive Abrupt ending I will say that the arrangement and the performances seemed good to me for the most part, the sources were handled well, and the performance seemed tight enough after seeing previous comments. However, there are minor issues with humanization on your leads, particularly that opening violin and throughout as its used in the piece. Mess with the amp envelop automation a little, give some notes some decay or attack etc... i'd listen to the way people play violin and make edits as appropriate to make that performance seem more humanistic. Its all in the envelops I'm hearing a lot wrong with the structure unfortunately with the track lacking flow (it just plods along for about 5 minutes with the same dynamics, same textures, same sparseness, it doesn't change or evolve in any way really, which when you consider this track is 5 minutes long, it gets... taxing to listen to. The ending just seemed random. Why end it there? why not end it 2 minutes before hand? I couldn't tell what your structure was quite honestly, you need to work on differentiating each section with dynamic, textural, and instrumental changes. This sounds like a decent base for a good WIP. However, you need to work on your structuring and your humanisation to get this posted on OCR. Good luck!
  12. I claim victory of the WCRG in the name of mars. Isn't that lovely, hmm? :3
  13. Derrit, what are you talking about. MOD REVIEW Obvious Skrillex influence here, but its executed very well, I'm digging this. The drums don't sound terrible, but the snare/bass could use some more bass presence to give them a little kick. Generally, this lacks the needed punch that stuff like skrillex pulls off. The bass might need some sub layers. Basically, I'd work on improving the punch in your mix some. I actually quite like this, its a cool selection of sources to use, and I'm digging the arrangement for the most part. You just need to improve on bringing that bass punch to the table and you've got yourself a winner here.
  14. This is the source right? This probably wouldn't pass because its too liberal. I have trouble picking out source at all tbh - could you provide a source breakdown? Might be necessary for the judges with a mix as liberal as this. Production seems good enough, but they'd need alot more source from what I can tell... I know there is source in here at parts but generally i'm not hearing nearly enough for the pass. You need roughly 50% source for it to be accepted on OCR, obviously depending on the judge, thats not set in stone, but if you have less than 45% I wouldn't hold get your hopes up for a mixpost.
  15. Seeing as you subbed this almost a month ago, I've changed the thread prefix to "finished". No need to mod review whats already subbed Your "growling" vocals almost sound like lemmy. It has to be said tho, you DO have a minor problem with time keeping. I've heard worse from you but poor time keeping can greatly affect the enjoyability of a mix and you can sometimes cross that line. You haven't here, but it might be worth trying to tighten up your playing a little, particularly since you do heavy metal, which calls for pretty much midi like precision. You've got some nice solos here btw
  16. MOD REVIEW As this stands, this wouldn't pass the judges due to mainly production issues. The arrangement seems ok at a glance, if not a little conservative. There are some cool change ups in green hill zone that I digged. However, there are numerous production issues holding this back, the piano sounds decidedly thin and low quality when exposed at the intro like it is altho it fits in better with the full soundscape. It also seems rather mechanically sequenced as well. The kick has too much bass frequencies, its overpowering in the headphones, while having very little punch or presence. Bring down the bass frequencies on that and make it a little more audible. The panning is also a problem. Generally, panning wants to be used to widen the stereo soundscape, but you don't need to make massive panning decisions in order to achieve that. Atm, your panning is so strong on the leads its distracting to the ears. Panning is good, but its easy to get too excessive with the idea. I'd work on the production right now, thats your biggest obstacle from getting this posted. Good luck!
  17. Yes very good, I would know, i've listened to it. Go Download it!
  18. Are you still awake. You should be in bed at this hour ;)

  19. I have to admit, at first, I was digging the intro. The Choir does sound blocky, I'd consider putting some attack/release on it. Generally, the first half of this mix is cool, but it drags. Honestly, I'd consider doing what Darangen said and change the structure and move some of the first half parts to the, so it will 1: move to the rock part quicker and not drag so much and 2: give the piece a more coherent structure and round out your track nicely. Atm, you have your Clean Section on one side, an outro d the Rock section on the other, the transition seems sudden and it doesn't feel quite cohesive as a result. I feel like Darangen has pretty much nailed what you need to do here overall, but bare in mind that this is pretty close. With a little TLC, you'll get this over the bar without a problem.
  20. While I'm perfectly happy with people having their own opinions on tracks, I am interested to know why you say there is dissonance in the intro and outro of the remix I've had a look at the source file and found no dissonance in either parts so I'd like to call you out on that one If you can explain what you mean, then i'm happy to hear it
  21. By all means Submit an audition, altho if your music is OCR Standard that probably isn't necessary. EDIT: Sorry for long response PU, you got Kirby. Drakken, I've changed your claim to Wario Land. Its up to Damned to update the first post tho
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