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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Haven't seen that in a while! Maybe i'm just not paying attention. Happy Birthday Lidawg, I give my full approval of birthday threads for cool semi unknown guys who i've met IRL I propose we call him NiteDawg due to his WCRG involvement
  2. There is no rules against doing a mod review, but it is important you read the forum rules before you post it as such. Flex hit the main issue - the panned kick. As a general rule, The kick and bass should be centered in the mix, its what drives the rhythm of a track and with the kick being so strong, it gets taxing on my right ear. Two other main issues for are the lack of textural change and the rather generic (yet good sound design) synth lead. The production seems to be mostly there minus that kick issue, and I need a source link to mod review this properly. Midi rips don't get on OCR, you need to arrange the track yourself and give it your own spin on the source material. I'll change the thread prefix to WIP, but feel free to move it to finish if you feel this is done.
  3. Holy crap. For someone who's tried and failed (got to the 6th - final? - stage before giving up) I can appreciate just how impressive that feat is *claps*
  4. I used to be an air man, then I took an arrow to the knee and I deflated like a balloon
  5. For future reference, this is the internet, if you don't want your statements be taken seriously, YOU MUST USE SMILEYS!! If you are in fact serious, then how dare you interrupt this thread with your rude and thoughtless posting. Shut the hell up please, get out of the internet, go on back to magfest and play games and drink loads of beer The rest of us are getting on fine without you party hearty magfest people
  6. One thing to note is never assume you've won or lost based on voting before its finished. So many times i've seen things happen in these compos that defies what you'd expect based on what happened in the first few days. In the original GRMRB I got a ten vote lead against gecko, which was a hell of a lot. I lost by 6 votes.
  7. Pro Tip - if you feel you've "cheated" in a mix in some way, don't tell anyone
  8. Yeah ok so this is bloody awesome. I love Grayscale, fantastic ending to that. I'll do another post when i've listened to the whole thing and expect some money coming your way too
  9. MOD REVIEW For sure the bass could be beefier, and the highs are a little piercing but overall this is pretty good. However, it seems like many of the issues that flex stated are still here, didn't realise you'd updated at first from his crits... Better post the issues that are still there: Leads are still a little bit high end, don't seem as bad as flex said so I'm assuming you've fixed, but not enough. It seems to me that you've got one of those crappy (with frequencies) leads that is piercing over a huge amount of the frequency range, and while you've got rid of some of that content to the point that its almost inaudible in those frequencies, there are others that are still coming through piercing. It seems to me you've gone too narrow and too strong in your attempt to fix the problem. Nice idea on fixing the leads with EQ but work a little more on that. If you want more specifics, I can try and point it out for you Some of your panning automation on those arps is a little iffy at times, the automation is a little disorientating, I'd bring that down slightly, the panning is cool but its a tad strong. There are points there there seems to be volume automation as well thats bothersome. At one 1:38, that chord synth is a little loud and a little too off center for example. The arrangement seems cool I dig the way you used Magnet man. Seems to me the core is here. Just give some TLC to the production and sub
  10. clothes, chocolate, Pulp Fiction, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Sonic belt, Skyward Sword, 1 TB Mem Stick, and THE GREATEST VIDEO GAME MUSIC ALBUM made up my christmas. It was gud!
  11. Personally, If I was going to look for projects to join, I'd go to the projects forum. Can't speak for everyone here but I think it would be most logical to put it in projects.
  12. The AVGN already tried to solve this mystery. Personally, I'm not going to believe there is any timeline until one is made offical. As far as i'm concerned, its like the simpsons episodes - sometimes has chronological links to other games/episodes, but generally, they are self contained in terms of plot. Chronology doesn't come into it.
  13. Mod Review I remember this mix Ok, so first off, can't help but feel the synth-string lead is very bland and generic. I'd change that to something more like a sawtooth style lead, and don't be afriad to mess around with pitch bending your notes or using vibrato on your synths using the LFO settings to give them more character. The drums are okish I suppose but I've heard better samples for sure. These seem slightly dull, particularly the snare. Don't forget to mess around with velocity changes every now and then for the fills etc, the machine gun snare rolls for example. I'd also bring up that bass slightly, the guitars drown it out. Overall this sounds slightly... dull, production wise. It doesn't have the punch or crispness it could have, Maybe putting some reverb on those leads would help, altho subtlety is always good with reverb I have to admit, Elec Man's theme doesn't quite mesh with the style you have here, because you've got a hard hitting rock backing playing a happy elec man. Wood Man's theme seems pretty damn awesome tho. One suggestion I have for you is to try doing dynamic shifts between sections. For example, in the intro, you could do clean guitars instead of hitting hard from the get go and build up to hard rock wood man. It would help develop your arrangement to a much higher standard to mess around with dynamics and put a breakdown in there somewhere. There is alot of promise here, but there is alot of work to be done to get this up to standard as well. Good luck, and keep working at it
  14. still sounds to me like backing synth at 0:28 is clashing with the lead. Small issue that can be overlooked in the grand scheme of things production wise, but fixing the small issues really makes a good project sound great Compression is gone, sounds great to me now. Arrangement is bloody good. My only complaint - and is this something I'm guilty of as well- is that Elec Man's takes a back-seat a lot of the time, but you have some fantastic source melding. Clearly you've got an eye for good arrangement. Generally, this sounds good to me, though at times its a little liberal. Seems like you use a lot of the same source parts generally which makes it feel slightly more repetitive than it could be. Don't be afraid to use more source, and don't be afraid to give Elec Man more spotlight! Honestly tho, for subbing, I'd consider the yes, Source checks out, its got plenty of variation and production is solid. Nice work!
  15. The talkbox lead As for not being willing to change it, may I ask why? For the record, reverb is best executed when its not noticed.Yes, dry is good in some aspects but I do feel the talkbox lead would benefit from just a touch of reverb so its not so exposed like it is. Its your call if you take my advice or not tho, so don't feel pressured
  16. Mod Review Cool Mix. Starts off a little rough - intro is fine, creative drums, but the lead synth that comes in is too loud at the start, and stuff generally seems too dry. That backing synth also is clashing frequencies with your lead. When the bass kicks in tho, brighter story! Nice production from there. You've got some cool parts here. Seems like the production gets slightly overcompressed at 1:14, altho someone I said had overcompressed production claimed to not have a compressor on his track earlier today so take that with a pinch of salt. When that dry lead comes back in from the intro, it sounds as exposed as before - put some reverb on it, the dry signal should actually put it at the right volume for the track if you do it right, so you won't even have to mess around with volume. Hah 2:44-2:56 or so is awesome, love the creativity. Good stuff here! Fix the intro production and this shall be pretty cool. I'll come back and comment more on arrangement in a bit, I'm hungry, but at a glance the arrangement seemed cool, if not a little liberal at points.
  17. MOD REVIEW I remember this from the WCRG Atm, you have Mixing issues, and overcompression problems, but I'd say the samples are pretty cool. The velocities on the drums need more variation tho, particularly on those rides. Some of the sounds don't seem to quite 100% mesh together either, you've got cool synths but I don't feel the bass and drums quite mesh with them texturally. Not that I think its a killer problem, just an observation. As for the arrangement, it seems pretty cool at a glance, but fix these production issues and i'll look in more depth at the arrangement
  18. MOD REVIEW Ok so this arrangement is pretty creative, alot of ideas, and good ones, very hectic stuff. Atm this feels unfinished. Its only 2 minutes long and the last half a minute or so doesn't feel like its done to me, it sounds sparse compared to the rest of the track and makes me feel its just not done yet. Production sounds worse when it starts off than it actually is. It takes some getting used to because 1: those bells are very piercing in the highs, and 2: everything is at the same volume. There is no concept of loud and soft here, and ultimately, this mix sounds cluttered because its not mixed basically. You need to balance it out so people have something to focus on in each section, usually this is the melody. that means make the melodies nice and clear, and make it so that while you can hear everything else, don't have them fighting for the center of the mix. Last but not least, bring down the volume on this baby a tad. its too loud! So to recap: Too short, expand on your ideas! Polish your ending Fix the highs in bells (EQ in the 4-8kH rage) Sort out the mixing Bring down master volume Do these things and you should have a good shot at a posted mix imo. Good potential here!
  19. Mod Review isn't for multiple track threads. I have changed your thread prefix to "album/other"
  20. Interesting you'd say that, I've always found it one of mega mans iconic tunes. Not to say I disagree tho, I was considering going this week if the source worked with my idea... it doesn't, nutritious and I are currently talking about who's going this week so yeah.
  21. MOD REVIEW Ok I remember this from the GRMRB Kinda weird I can't hear any spring man, can you give me a source breakdown? I'm not hearing much source but a fair bit of seemingly original content compared to my main man gario over here. I'm hearing plenty of solar man. Production is pretty cool, but there are a few nitpicks. One, seems there is a lot of bass here, which is ironic as the kick is pretty low in the mix, seems to have more of a thump, which is fine but it needs more presence right now. I also have an issue with your lead, the sound is slightly generic (that can be fixed with filter automation) and the fact its a whole octave lower than it should be imo. If I was you, if not for the first half, the second half, I'd put in a fairly prominent polysynth to fill out the sound some more, and add a new lead, but make it fairly higher pitched than the one you've got now. That would solve the dynamic and timbre issues, which is why gario says it starts to plod once it reaches the middle, there is little to no variation in sound design and dynamics throughout. I'd consider throwing in a nice little breakdown as well to help keep things interesting. Seems like a pretty cool base right now, but I don't think this is quite there. Its close, but I'd end up going borderline no if I was a judge. Source usuage probably wouldn't tip me over either, but you've got plenty of source to work with here as well which you can use (i'm fairly sure you haven't used every part of the sources here ) Good luck man, keep working at it, its a cool mix, just needs some TLC to push it over the edge
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