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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I found this to be enjoyable. Pretty sweet arrangement, can't comment on source usage tho, seeing as I don't know the source. I found the guitar tone to be a little too gritty for my tastes but whatever. Nice bass playing, got boring in the middle where a guitar solo could have and perhaps should have gone, and and mixing was off in places, mainly the intro with the lead being buried by the rhythm slightly at 0:28 onwards along with the the two rhythm parts (the chords on one side, and the clean guitar melody on the other) sharing similar frequency ranges. Good quality sounds tho, and overall well mixed, the mixing got better after the first minute imo. Good stuff overall, seems to hit shaky ground at points with production and arrangement , but overall this is solid work, and i'm sure AMT is only going to improve with time
  2. Better question - Who are YOU, and WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH KIRBY AVATAR halc?
  3. Sorry I offended you, that wasn't my intention, but there is no need to be offended if I say I can't hear the source in one of your remixes. I just stated what it sounds like to me, I never said thats what you actually did You shouldn't be so defensive, i'm not trying to discredit you in any way That said, even with your explanation I can't hear the source, even when I'm looking for it, and I assure you I've listened to this quite extensively. I know you used additive minimalism, I don't need to be told what that is, but I don't hear the source in any of your recorded sax parts, together or not. Might be the 3/4 (6/8? hard to tell where the accent on the beat is) time sig throwing me off as well. It doesn't bother me too much because its a cool track, I just wish I could hear the source that you insist is in the mix, because its a sweet track that imo could have been sweeter with clearer source usage
  4. I gotta say, when I first saw the genre restrictions in place for this album, I was very skeptical. However, you guys have come up with a pretty solid and enjoyable album, altho its not without its down points. I've gotta say that I particularly enjoyed the first 4 tracks, fish and prophets collab, and bens tal tal heights mix. Other were good, some were meh, and overall an inconsistency of remixer experience levels and some tracks being considerably older than others did hurt the overall package slightly. Overall a solid album tho, and very well done to the people involved, and to prophetik for directing it One thing I've been wanting to ask about this however (separate to my thoughts on the album as a whole) - there was some tracks where I didn't here the sources of the tracks at all, and I know the OST better than any other. One that I found particularly to be far from the source was prophetik's animal counterpoint - which while it was a cool minimalist/additive experimental track, I didn't hear anything relating to that theme at all... I wondered where the source in that track was prophetik, because it sounds like you just recorded some random sax ostinatos, layered them together and stuck the animal village name on it, which doesn't really constitute as a remix in my book
  5. There are some very nice mellow ballads on this album with simple instrumentation (piano solos, sax solos etc) and this is probably the best example of this to be found on the album. Another highlight and a very good way to end off the album
  6. Dark, moody... yeah this one sums up the album well. Pretty damn awesome, and quite a chilled out take at that. I know the source inside out and can safely say this is a sweet arrangement with the production to match it. One of the album standout tracks
  7. That can't be right, your first posted mix wasn't kirby, you can't have a game you die for and find ocr over, and not have it as your first mix post. IN FACT, you have NO kirby mixes on the site. I call LIES, even with your avatar As for me... links awakening
  8. I wasn't sure with this one at first... there seems to be some dissonance that rubbed me the wrong way initially - but this song finished with a smile on my face Looking forward to the rest of the album
  9. Whats OCR? nosrsly I hav noidea
  10. I did! for I like Ghosts... and Condoms.
  11. Good question, but I can only see someone remixing that theme as a challenge or something... its gotta be imo the most irritatingly repetitive game tune ever made. Its actually better slowed down like it is.
  12. What you cryin about. Thats not even what I said. YES I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR BOY.
  13. Since you were replying to him about him being sad i'm not on the project, I can do more than electro-rock. that said, style restriction r 4 nub.
  14. Yes you can. Take it from me when I tell you that it sucks terribly. EDIT: Scratch that actually its the best track on the entire fucking project. I'm now regretting that I ever replied
  15. Looks like there is alot of hype for this one. Not as hyped myself as I should be but I'm still looking forward to this all the same
  16. My personal Favorite track from them is Do You Believe In Love, but I do admit that Hip To Be Square comes real close. They are underrated, thats for sure.
  17. Ah, this has been a favorite of mine for a while. Gotta love what Mazedude did with this source. People say this sounds like owner of a lowly heart. I say this is above that any day of the week, not that I dislike that song. Nice Job mazedude, thumbs up!
  18. Wow, the feel here is great - really dark and devious, while it seems to retain some sort of fun edge to it. Production is solid to me, altho things seem to get overcrowded at points. The arrangement is pretty good tho, there is all sorts of weird synthy effects and automation going on. Again, I'd say that the best thing this mix has going for it is its vibe. Pretty good stuff man.
  19. Have to say I agree with DA here - There is a lot of rather cool and weird stuff going on that seems to both be a pro and a con of this remix. Mazedude for me has always been "that experimental guy". You know, the guy that goes and does something a little out of the norm, whether its unusal sound choices, unusual compositional choices, or effects... he seems to utilize all these things here, and while some of it works and sounds really cool, some of it doesn't quite work for me. However great production and a great funky groove are pluses Regardless of if I agree with his stylistic choices or not, I can't deny that its an excellent piece work in terms of experimentation, much like his other 10 million remixes posted on ocr
  20. Well this is probably one of the most fun remixes on the site. Reminds me of DJPs infamous Hillbilly Rodeo. Infectious, well produced, and a pretty sweet arrangement to boot. To put things into Perspective... Banjos, Violins and a Cowbell. How can anyone NOT like this remix.
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