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Kenogu Labz

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Everything posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. I can't hear this without imagining it belonging to some random WarioWare episode. Seriously, just think about it. Or don't. It's fairly horrifying.
  2. Toomz is around a lot, he's not just some random guy.
  3. This kind of game likely appeals to people who enjoy managing things. My dad is a big-time businessman, and he used to play oldies such as Railroad Tycoon. While not necessarily quite so technical, it deals a lot with managing resources carefully in order to grow your 'empire'. I think that might be part of it, anyway. Maybe I could ask him.
  4. Pretty much thoroughly epic. Strongly gothic, reminds me of middle-aged Castlevania, especially in the first half. Will the entire soundtrack be released alongside the game, then?
  5. Dupe topic. See here for old topic But related to this: yeah, it's not trying to look different. It's counting on the success of the genre, and a good dose of nostalgia to pump it along. But hey, good gamble on their part. Guess voxels are back in style (though they're technically not taking volumetrically discrete space, but that's a different matter altogether).
  6. Bappy dirthhay, idneed, Sir The Coop! And nice one halc.
  7. From 'Submission Standards and Instructions': 1. Submissions must be MP3 format audio files. Bitrate must not exceed 192kbps. Bitrate must be high enough to convey detail; a 128kbps average is suggested as a minimum. Audio must be 44.1kHz Stereo. 2. Submissions must be 8MiB (8,388,608 bytes) or less. A really big part of this is bandwidth. OCRemix hosts these at no charge to the people who listen, and they get an enormous amount of bandwidth, which they have to pay for. This also helps ensure that the audio is of consistent quality site-wide. I'll defer to anyone else who has better reasons, though, cuz I'm not a judge, so there are likely other reasons I don't know about. Oh, and like Atmuh said, artists will sometimes render high-quality versions as well, but it's a case-by-case basis.
  8. Why it's on random colours of course. The banner does it by itself, check the banner page. It'll tell you the same thing.
  9. We could always outsource an admin in India.
  10. A solid and enjoyable modified chiptune, definitely workable for a flash game. Nice!
  11. Made me laugh. But aren't these technically voxels?
  12. I found "Meet the *" to be the best basic tutorials there are, actually. Easy summary of the classes, if nothing else. (Now if only they'd get to Medic and Pyro!) I mean, look at Paranoid. Spittin' image of Red Spy.
  13. You should throw that on the front page, Powerlord. Or have FireSlash do it. Then again, most of the people who come to this topic probably already know what they're doing...
  14. Heya, Kinslayer (Lews Therin?) TF2 is a game that takes a bit to get good at, and you'll still be discovering new things several months in, so don't feel too bad if you're having a hard time at first!
  15. So you try to time it so the the bars are done filling by the time the shift animation is complete?
  16. Anyone else find it odd that, at least from the outside, the system sounds like it pushes a lot of metagame strategy? I mean, sure, we've been working with numeric stats since D&D, but having to focus on perfect timing for ATB bars... it seems a little, well, stretched. Not that it's necessarily a bad mechanic, but it really removes from the concept of how the system could tie to the world itself. Or am I totally mistaken, here?
  17. Hmm, maybe we should do this for other projects, too. COUGHSeiken Densetsu 3COUGH
  18. Well, making it a bit longer would be nice, of course. I didn't realize it was you until rhythm started kicking in, and then I recognized the style and instruments. It's good to hear another VIII track being worked on, that's for sure. Good buildup with Compression of Time. I knew I recognized the theme, but had to look it up. Around the one minute mark, it starts leading into the main song; kind of reminds me of 'Battle for West Ascension', then I remembered this is a remix, and derailed that mental train of thought. Brass section at ~1:35 is a little heavy, sounds a bit overpowering. After that, everything seems to be smooth sailing, now all you need is perhaps a bit more length, which I'm assuming you're intending to add, thanks to the abrupt ending. Glad to hear more of this style from you.
  19. Oh, it's real. You can hear some of the individual tracks yourself if you're not all that sure.
  20. Wow, this program is amazing! I mean, I'd always wanted a Latin rendition of Schala, but didn't know how to make it. But the ReMixanator did it all just right! This could revolutionize the scene as we know it. And I don't have to wait for a whole week just for one mix! Getting rid of those annoyingly slow composers and schedule-ridden judges was just the right thing for the site. What do you all think? What's your fave mix you've generated? EDIT: Big thread for a little April Fool's joke. Thanks for making the day hilarious, OCR Judges and Staff, as well as anyone who provided the laughably good music to the table. Bravo!
  21. I didn't have the reflexes back then. I don't have all that great reflexes now, really.
  22. Yeaaah, I'm satisfied with saying I beat Hell once. After two years of trying on and off to beat it. That was a good day.
  23. Weapons don't factor into the best ending at all. It's all a matter of what helps YOU take out the last three (and I'm not talking the Doctor. ;D )
  24. Tautological statement is tautological And there's no such thing as a too-long tag; you spend what, 60 seconds before most rounds just standing around anyway. I got the award yesterday... for most times dominated. I believe it was 15. Just sad, given I only played for a couple of hours.
  25. Alright, I'm buckling, heh. Anyone have a beta code free for the giving? I tried the sister game trying to start up (League of Legends), and I wanna see how this compares. It looks much better, with a much stronger strategic element to how it's worked. Not to mention prettier.
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