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Kenogu Labz

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Everything posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. 'grats on the FL mention! :D

  2. When I get killed by Level 1 Sentries, it terrifies me more than being blatantly squashed by a Level 3 Sentry. Probably because they're so stinking hard to uproot from corners. Stupid knockback... *mutter, grumble*
  3. The newer one seems to muddy, and clips a lot; if you could mix the lead-clarity of the old one with the crispness of the new mix, that would be awesome.
  4. Your idea reminded me somewhat of Death Vegas (warning, some of the graphics have partial nudity and the like for you young'uns). The idea of giving time to react was vital here, though probably not to the complexity you're working on. Interesting sounding idea, hope you can pull it off. Good to see people trying to develop new mechanics.
  5. It's always fun to just stand there and listen to the heavies screaming like little girls with their heads cut off. Oops, there I go mixing expressions.
  6. The Spirit Engine 2 It's freeware now, it seems. Well worth playing: beautiful art, , and a crazy good soundtrack by Josh Whelchel. Go play it! Now!
  7. Just stick out your hand, of course! *slap, slap, slap, slap...* And while this idea sounded totally cheesy at first, seeing all the covers somehow makes it ten times more awesome.
  8. Well... not sure, as I haven't finished it yet. The story seems to be fairly expansive in scope, and their job at world-building is fantastic. But it's an event-based storyline: the people aren't as important as the events that are occurring. The voice-acting's fairly good, if a little amusing/annoying (no, for the thousandth time, I don't want to "kick some A"). The pacing's also really a matter of how many side-quests you take. There's many of 'em, and they can take quite awhile. But I the game still seems to be easily completable without the side-quests, and it would move along just fine if you just followed the story. If you played FF XII, the exploration factor is very similar here. You could spend quite a while exploring the more open areas for treasure and digging points (Mr. Diggs is awesome, don't deny it!)
  9. Go see my post on the last page. If you're looking for lots of time to spend... yeah, you'll like it.
  10. Last Remnant's not so much slow as non-active. You give general commands and strategies to squads, which then perform based on your command as best they can. It's certainly turn-based, in that all squads make their move before you can give commands again. It's... different, and a lot of people don't care for the pacing. I don't mind it so much, it still provides some fairly basic strategy, though not as deep as I'd like. I must say, though, incredibly good graphics, given it runs perfectly smoothly on my middle-quality gaming laptop.
  11. I can hear it, but not sure if I can explain it. Either way, it still sounds great, and those of us who notice can just chalk it up to artistic liberty, eh?
  12. Oh YEAH! I remember absolutely loving the WIP you posted awhile ago. Just plain too funkeh!
  13. Haha, yeah, that arpeggio is kind of reminiscent of Light's Theme.
  14. You only like it?!? This is what I've been waiting for! I LOVE the direction this is going. Just a couple comments on the production: The arpeggiating tone is pushed all the way to stereo-left, which seems a little, well, extreme. You tried counter-balancing with the guitar panned right, but it still seems too split. Maybe you could bring both those in towards the middle. Keep the melody a bit clearer. That opening has a fascinating lilt to it, don't let the other parts drown it!
  15. Really, I think that's one of the things that made the original great in its own regard. The fact that everything stemmed back to a disregard or twisting of human life made the villains' actions seem more atrocious. In the end, you're angry at the villain, not just because she ignored the value of human life, but did so intentionally for the sole reason of self-benefit. That's why it was nice to have everything connected in that way. Not saying FMA-B is worse, or anything. Just pointing out that the original just had a different focus.
  16. @Gario: True, but the with two major catches: Homework and frequency. Oftentimes, for an easier time on their part, professors use the book's problems for homework assignments, with a couple of their own mixed in. Also, quite a few professors reference the book enough in lectures that you would likely be lost without it. And you don't really know which professors will or will not need books beforehand... Yeah. Sticky mess, but one we're stuck in.
  17. Indeed, they rock. They are incredibly flexible with their shipping, too. In terms of advertising, they actually have a couple adspots in places around campus. Other than that, I think it's just word-of-mouth and necessity on parts of students. Given how many people look for alternates to the bookstore or Amazon, they eventually find a place like Chegg.
  18. Hmm, in a way, I'd say somewhat the opposite could be said, too. When a series has been in play for this long, fans have long since become familiar with all the tricks and inner workings of the systems (even though each has its own little variances). Thus, for the last few years, everyone thinks the games have been easy (though FF X really was), when it's really been our own momentum pushing us through. Making games harder really makes sense, because then fans get a new set of challenges each time, with the same kind of gameplay. If they don't get harder, the gameplay can get stale. So far, they've offset it by changing up the system each game, but that'll only go so far, I think.
  19. That's why the best memories I have of playing FF come from VIII. I think it's because, if you weren't prepared, you could still win a boss, but you had to hang on white-knuckled to pull it off. Similarly with some of IX's, though they're only really tough if you want to steal stuff. But if they make every battle a gut-clenching battle to survive... yeah. That'll be pretty sweet, too.
  20. Stabbing me in the back a couple hundred times. That aside, I still say the squabble between what's-his-name and "Overtime!" was the best.
  21. Aaaah, that was some serious epicness on Harvest tonight. Seriously, that one should rotate in more often.
  22. If y'all can grasp the leitmotif concept and add it in... this will be incredible. Period. Soundtracks and remixes are forged from strong leitmotifs.
  23. Hrm, an idea for a song you could fit in one of the tracks: Leading up to the Final Boss - Legend of Mana: Holy Power of Mana Not a single remix of this game on the site, and it's an amazing track/set of tracks. May be worth looking into! EDIT: Urp, and then I see Bahamut's comment at the top of the page. Heh, heh.
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