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Kenogu Labz

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Everything posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. Very manageable, and tricky sometimes, but not enough to tear your hair out. Finished normal mode in only an hour-and-a-half. Now for the harder modes...
  2. I think Blu is down completely, I don't even see it on the server list. And this just in: Watermelon-kun has been challenged! Who is this gourdian adversary, you may ask, who dares to confront the ever-victorious leader? Behold, he comes! The mighty Coconut-senpai has come to lead us to victory. And if not that, then a fantastic pina colada is a definite second option.
  3. Yeah, they're never gonna get better without practice. And at least they seem to be off to a good start. Umm, you didn't see Hero of Time, then. Latino goron man? Blonde-wigged Link? Horrid excuse for plot? Yeah. That was a debacle.
  4. One negates the potency of the other, of course. Well, my parents can't get into any sort of game music (they can't stand the fake sound); my mom will try to get into the arrangement side of things if I show it to her, but she's usually not that interested. My dad latches onto random songs he hears, but on the whole is not too interested either. He prefers more 'standard' genres, I suppose. One brother (the one who hangs out on TF2, icuragoose) likes a lot of game music and mixes, but on a pick and choose basis. My other brother pretty much resists liking any but very specific songs; he's a Disneyite, unfortunately. Friends hear OCRemix playing and call it 'Nathan Music' and attempt to shut it off immediately. Funny thing? My bro plays the same music, and they'll listen to it. It's all a matter of what you think it is, I suppose.
  5. I must say, theming things actually made it really fun, for whatever random reason. Everyone kept things within reason, so I don't see why we can't try this more often. It's not official, or anything, after all!
  6. When the police have to seize property, it's no longer a clever maneuver. Either that, or it's a terribly subversive one. And, quite honestly, the guy who lost it in the first place should be the one held most accountable. Not that no-one else was at fault.
  7. Looks better than that terribful awfible Zelda fan film. Like they actually spent more than an hour on post-production, etc.
  8. I dunno about you, but the first time I read that, I saw the 'jiggle' from that line, and the 'physics' from the line above it. Scared me to death, I didn't want to know what they would add it to.
  9. Oh goodness. I can see the massacre on coldfront now.
  10. Added a couple more songs, and updated the link to Weeping Shards (which has been redone for submission to OCR).
  11. Tsk, tsk, Rozo. You're missing out on some crazy good music! It is tracked, silly. This is me, after all. In terms of what I'm trying to do, I'm considering reworking it in a synthesizer instead of a tracker, simply because it's tougher to work with the effects dynamically in a tracker (if not impossible), not to mention balancing channels and thickening the sound gets to be a real headache. Does the concept seem to work, though?
  12. Don't be dazed by the rows of text, it looks far more complicated than it is. It takes some time, but eventually it becomes really easy to read which notes, volumes, and effects are being played. Daunting, but very worthwhile, and it's not all that difficult to learn. Haha, and I'm loving the pirate names on your instruments.
  13. It may also be simpler to start working with a more user-friendly tracker, such as Modplug Tracker, learn how that works, then move on to FamiTracker, which has more restrictions on it, and is trickier to use. Also keep in mind that you can easily approximate NES sound channels in a more complex program like Modplug Tracker. Virt recently released one of his songs in tracker format, so you could use the samples it contains. They're fairly good estimations of the original sounds.
  14. 7 Days a Skeptic? But the time-frame's wrong, and, if I remember correctly, it doesn't have aliens...
  15. Well, that really stinks! It's just not as fun when you're playing BLU v. GRN. We'll have to start a donation fund for ya.
  16. 19 years old, can hear up to 20k for sure; I can make out something at 21k and 22k, but it's mostly the presence of the tone, not an actual pitch. EDIT: Listening to laptop speakers, I can only hear up to 19k, but boy does that pitch hurt. Now my ears are ringing.
  17. I beat Jumper 2, but that was a loooong time ago. Jumper 2 has all ripped music. I've identified songs from Grandia II (the 'heroic' theme), Megaman Battle Network II (the train theme)... can't remember the whole list, but they're definitely there.
  18. I loved the Jumper series. Maddening twitch-platforming at its best. I played Money Seize thinking it was a ton like Jumper... then realized it was the same guy. Awesome. Now we just need to get him a good music-man. All the soundtracks I've heard from him have been midi rips.
  19. One thing that will definitely need work is your dynamic range. Just playing the notes on a piano won't do anything for the listener. A solo piano piece absolutely NEEDS to have differences in volume, it's what provides the instrument its power. Your arrangement is fairly conservative for the bulk, then you get into actual arrangement near the end. Compositionally, it sounds fairly good. You may want to thicken up the chords a bit, instead of playing a melody over a back-and-forth bass, but still, not bad, given you're changing keys. Try fleshing it out some more, and boosting its length. Right now, most of this is straight from the source. But it sounds like you've got some really creative stuff, like you're mixing in a classical sonata.
  20. Alright, let me correct that: No-one I know personally cares for it, sadly. Makes it tough to share music from around here. :'(
  21. And that's the problem, as I see it. No-one cares for the beauty that comes with complexity. They don't want to try and explore, they want it handed to them on a platter, like a pre-made TV dinner: no effort in enjoying it. But we're getting solidly off-topic here.
  22. Proves what I've always known: modern 'popular' music is drab, drab, drab. People need to get out of the first quarter of basic theory and explore. Pretty good clip, though.
  23. Sources: Demonic Timbre Final Cry (bassline only, so far) WIP: Click here This is fairly unpolished at the moment, but I wanted to see how others felt about the arrangement and basic concept. Too similar? Not enough variation? Needs more instrumental depth? Throw whatever you can think at it, I could use all the feedback I can get.
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