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Kenogu Labz

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Everything posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. Sounds like a great soundtrack indeed. Sure enough, it's tracked (the composer used MadTracker), so it's reminiscent of the Amiga era. Fun stuff!
  2. It really depends. Sometimes, hearing a soundtrack will finalize whether I think a game will be good or not. However, I usually find that I like the music better if I'm able to attach it emotionally to events or things in-game.
  3. Well, a combination of genres like that usually gets classified as game music, heh. What you have sounds well-orchestrated/chipped/jammed, but I can tell there was a direction block there. Perhaps fleshing out past that same repeated line will give us a better idea of what you're going for.
  4. I don't use any VSTs, as Modplug doesn't support them. I simply use raw chip samples, which is what Modplug Tracker works with. Wikis: Trackers Modplug Tracker The Mod Archive (Look here for great demoscene/chiptunes; you can open these in Modplug and rip the samples, then use them; alternatively, you can make your own: just save them in .wav format and import them.)
  5. Hellooo, OCR! I've only submitted my first remix a few months ago, so I'm technically relatively new to the scene here. However, back in my teen years, I was trying to actively compose music for indie projects that never came to fruition. (Note: make sure your team members are actually disciplined enough to finish what they start!) Anyway, I haven't done much composing for a couple years; but now that I'm on my own, and have lots of spare time with little else to do, I'm really starting to consider composing as a source of income. As such, I really need to sit down and evaluate where I'm at musically. And that's where you come in. If you have the time, it would be a big help if you could give some constructive criticism (or destructive, if necessary) for my previous and current works. It would mean a lot to me, and at least help me know where to start. One thing to note: most of my compositions have been made using Modplug Tracker; I am currently looking into other tools for composition. I already own Fruity Loops (FL version), but I'm still not very familiar with how to use it properly. Chiptunes Battle with the Void (2005, made for a small chiptune competition) Mansion of Forgotten Eulogies (2006, another competition) Reign of the Fax Toner (2006, competition, a bit cliche and bubbly, but the theme was brighter, not quite my strong point) Mercurial Commodore (2006, messing around with some pseudo-Commodore 64 samples; recently rewritten) Corroded Carnival, [NES rendition] (2006, competition again, but restricted to using two samples, so had to use a little creativity to work in drums and bass. Converted to a standard chiptune in 2007 to flesh out the composition) Flamboyant (2007, another shot at a light-mood chiptune for a competition. The section at 0:50 has been compared to a 'German über-polka') Integral Energy, [NES rendering, NSF] (2007-08, a more action-based NES chiptune for another competition; we were restricted to NES channels. Someone argued mine didn't fit the standards, so I remade it in an NSF to prove it did.) Coconuts and Skulls (????, I was obviously in a piratey mood for this one. This one's a short little guy, made for the fun of it; it turned out to be a little too catchy.) Game Soundtracks Heimdall Project (Clan Varpi, Action Platformer, 2005, unfinished; marked by poor mastering and volume control) Final Boss (One of the first songs I made for a specific purpose) Outer Lane 3014 (Clan Varpi, Racing, 2007, unfinished, heavy use of loops) Title Theme (All Sony Acid package loops) Main Menu Astroport Track Nexus Track (derived from an earlier competition submission, also titled 'That Intangible Fact') Apocalypse Track The Tower (Prolific Demiurges, Metroidvania, 2007, unfinished) The Tower is Quiet... Circular Avalanche (Flash game, 2009, most recent work) Sniper Skies Concept Soundtracks Aurora Island - Crystal Canyon and Emerald Eagles (2006, Platformer idea; song contains both zone and boss music) .Elementa - Project Reality - Kroger Fight (2007-2009, Hacking game concept I've been working on. This depicts the dialogue, fight, and fanfare of one of the final bosses. Note that the dialogue and part of the battle are derived from 'Integral Energy', another song I plan on adapting as Kroger's theme.) Arrangements Clash of Eras 2A03 (2009, Chrono Trigger 'Battle'/'Boss Battle 1' in NSF. Chrippy.) Weeping Shards [WIP] (2009, Final Fantasy IX 'Crystal World'/'Prelude', Wild Arms 'To the End of the Wilderness') Other No Time Remaining (????, This song was an attempt at a more new-agey kind of song. Plagued by bad samples with lots of white noise, and not-so-creative composing. Happens to be my dad's favorite, for probably obvious reasons.)
  6. You just made my day. And my week. And probably my month, too. But seriously, this is amazing. It's nice to see the focus on Kefka, after hints of the motif in the earlier movements. He couldn't lurk behind the scenes forever, it seems!
  7. A lot of your confusion probably comes from the fact that the early Castlevania games were not composed by any one person, but by an in-house team called the Konami KuKeiHa Club (not the arrangement band, but the composing team). Wiki it!
  8. Actually, I'm almost positive the second one is from Myst IV. The similar file names are a good clue, and the fact that Serenia's was named SA corresponds with Haven's HN: just using the first and last letter of the original song's name. Hope that helps!
  9. The first one is 'Enter Serenia' from Myst IV: Revelation, composed by Jack Wall. I'll listen to the second... EDIT: Nope, don't recognize the second one. It may be a minor track from the Jungle Prison Age of Revelation, or something from Uru. But no guarantees.
  10. In this case, it's not a matter of censorship; it's a matter of standards. OCRemix only posts mixes of high quality, and sometimes, a mix makes it through that they later decide doesn't deserve to be on, for whatever reason. The artists are still free to submit their mixes to other sites: Remix ThaSauce, OLR, and many other resources are there for that. Think of it as a designer clothes shop. If a high-end, famous clothes designer suddenly came out with a brand of perfectly ordinary jeans, what would everyone think? Obviously, they're not as high-quality as everyone assumed. VG music fans can trust that any mix posted by OCR is guaranteed to be of the best quality there is.
  11. There's always the more rhythmic 'Protecting my Devotion', Rose of May's counterpart, PriZm. Also, how do you plan on managing all the 'Melodies of Life' variations in the soundtrack? Most are pretty similar, except for musical style and context.
  12. You'll have to be patient, Angela. You can't expect everyone to see and answer to your post immediately. It takes time to give a constructive review, so the best you can do is keep checking around for updates. I'm afraid I can't listen to it right now, but I'll see if I can try later.
  13. Hey, at least you get more time with your wife! Thanks for your work in helping OCR grow! And looking forward to see what you'll do next.
  14. It's certainly catchy. They use some good graphical tricks to make it look incredible, while using low under-the-hood costs. Try pausing with Enter sometime, you'll see how simple everything actually is. I'm personally finding the scenery to be the thing that keeps me going. There's a nice amount of variety between different dungeons, and the fact that you can open up and explore side-dungeons (from quests or maps) also gives enough added challenges to keep it fresh longer.
  15. That's likely due to your WAV format. Try using an MP3 format instead, and see if it works. If not, it could be browser issues.
  16. Hah. I saw this one floating around in the 'to be posted' section, and couldn't wait to hear it. It came up today, and I tackled it full-force. All I really have to say is YES! It's about time some of these songs start getting attention like this. FF VIII's tough to get into, thanks to its poor sampling. But the Dual Dragons pulled one of the songs with the strongest potential and ran with it. Quite the fantastic job, dudes! *thumbs-up*
  17. I've actually already finished and subbed; you can find the final piece from the first post. Known issue after the fact: Bass drum cuts off prematurely every time. Couldn't hear it with stupid laptop speakers/headphones.
  18. Maybe another album release. If the Seiken Densetsu 3 team would step it up...
  19. That's horrible. And it's Catholic, not Christian. The GuitarPraise actually doesn't sound bad, though. At least it sounds like they took songs from some of the better artists.
  20. That soundtrack was made by Josh Whelchel, otherwise known as TwiTerror here. He also made the soundtrack to The Spirit Engine and its sequel, both excellent soundtracks. It would be quite a fun task to remix these!
  21. Yes!! Except I do that with or without music.
  22. If I'm strongly familiar with a song, I tend to create what I call a 'muse' off of it in my mind: a scene from a non-existent movie that fits right in with the music as a backdrop. Usually no colors, though synesthesia would be kind of nifty.
  23. If you take out the strings, Frog's Theme at the end of of the Chrono Series is very much in the style for a marching band. Something like that may work. Hope you can pull this off!
  24. Well, you can look at the module here, if you're interested in seeing the samples. They're most certainly not sample-pack quality. Made some final tweaks to the track, probably unnoticeable. Com 'n' Crit?
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