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Everything posted by K.B.
Now you're just toying with me... Actually, I know you mean P1. That's one I'll never get around to, but the P1 cast has cameos in P2:IS and a decent hand in P2:EP, so if/when you play those you'll probably get a kick out of seeing them again (and catching inside jokes and such that rely on knowledge of their backstories). For instance, Mary's job in P2 is hilarious when you know what role she played in P1 (yes, I cheated and read a plot summary). Oh, hi thread. CV: Circle of the Moon. I seem to be taking a shine to these castletroids after all. Now, if I could just find a copy of AoS...
You! Don't be so tetchy! Ok, I should have said "...even more enjoyable...". But you should know I don't have anything against the Persona series, and the PSP is hardly worse in screen size than other handhelds (they're all tiny!). And no, I don't have anything aside from that against handhelds. I was poking you for getting right back into the game you sank 100+ hours to beat! Enhanced remake or not, I can't imagine diving right back into weeks more of the same. Or, if you insist on Persona-ing, play P2:IS like I keep pushing!
Is the game more enjoyable when you squint?
Always excellent to hear when good things happen to a good guy. Hope you're able to keep doing the show in the way of your choosing and that you keep enjoying what you're doing, sephfire. I'm not trying to be cynical; making the jump from hobby to work has killed the enjoyment for a lot of people, so I truly hope you're able to avoid that and are able to continue doing exactly what you want to do. In other words, I hope this works out for you as awesomely as possible. From a selfish standpoint, I can hardly wait for the weekly episodes. Your videos are always well-researched, insightful, and fun, and now I'll be able to anticipate them every week! You've got a fan in me. And I hadn't heard about the Pixar gig until now, so congrats on that as well!
I see what you did there. Since we've made it to the remixing community's equivalent of Godwin's Law, now we can move on. I haven't seen a favorites thread here in... well... ever, really. Unless you're counting the ones that get locked/deleted within the hour. I suppose you can interpret asking for songs that fit a mood or a situation as a veiled attempt at a favorites thread, since people are likely to provide their favorite songs that meet the given criteria; but the favorite aspect of it is an inevitable consequence, not the goal. The goal is to help someone find music for the occasion. The fact that people have preferences and some tracks will get recommended over others shouldn't overshadow the fact that you've helped someone/some people and, if you've actually looked through your collection in providing recommendations (or simply looked through others' recommendations), gotten something out of it yourself. That said, I don't see any problem with the remix threads that sprout up every now and again. I suppose they do usually turn into list-fests, but I don't see lists as bad in and of themselves. A discussion would be nicer, but a list isn't that unsavory a means to reach an end (a good end). I don't know if anyone was still interested in discussing the original topic, but if so, there you go.
I was correcting you so you wouldn't again unintentionally insult someone in the armed forces by calling that person a brat. tidus is earning his. I was simply born. I honestly don't know how you read that how you did.
Hear that. I went through several songs in that same manner. But I figured 'what the hell, the guy wants ocr recommendations, and I'd get a kick out of perusing my collection and seeing which ones might work, so let's do this'. Listener beware though, for sure. I quit the mp3-alarm deal once my computer got placed in a different room (read: once I got out of college and finally had more than one room), but prior to that I eventually settled on a song that I could wake up to everyday: . Getting rousted by such absurdity made it impossible to do anything but grin. I am/was an Army brat. tidus is in the Army. Big difference.
14 new maps... as of three days ago. Sorry about the delay and the lack of trying to get another OCR room going: the Ace Combat addiction won over the Transformice addiction there for a bit. Also: bahahahahaahaha
True. Or find a song that already does that (like Sacratus Bellator does, yes). Here are a few with building lead-ins that still pack a punch... OverClocked Spot: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01648/ Devastation's Doorway: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01611/ Agony Of Obscuration: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01179/ Full Of Courage: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02012/ Yellow Valkyrie: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01661/ Mark Of The Beatsmith: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01626/ Blue Lightning (kindofnotreally has a lead-in): http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00464/ Electric Clouds (packs a groove, not a punch): http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01092/ Nothing But A Pile Of Dance Moves (packs 'e' glowsticks): http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01576/ Course, if you're like me and would rather jolt yourself awake, there's always... Wanderer On The Offensive: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01657/ Fight For Our Future: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01826/ Voices Broken: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01467/ El Lagarto: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01793/ Overflow: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01900/ Battle Rocks: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00970/ Bahahaha... Battle Rocks would be cruel. As an aside, since you like Under A New Moon, you might want to check out Fatty Acid's Double Tall Chrono Latte: http://chronofan.com/Black/VGM/Fatty_Acid_-_Double_Tall_Chrono_Latte(Chrono_Cross).mp3. Not a wake-up suggestion, just a good remix that was never submitted.
What? Spam n-runes (c/v-runes probably work just as well) on an anchored board then add a few carefully placed n-anvils. Slinky anvil god. I only shammied a couple times, so that was just my initial reaction. No idea what other absurdity can be concocted.
Today's additions: runes and balloons.
Oh, most of it is ost. I thought they were all redone (and that this was a boxing of all their remixes over the years). Nevermind then. Maybe still for disk 17, though. It looks like disk 17 is remixed material as well, considering there are only 9 tracks on disk 18 and they don't match the music Schwaltz linked. Per vgmdb, disk 17 seems to match the linked music. I think there's been some mislabeling in whatever link that quote came from. No comment on HoD. I lost interest in the series after they adopted Metroid gameplay. Excepting Shanoa, that is.
Fair enough. I gave it an install and will try it out once it finishes queuing up my playlist. I should be able to use it come August.
I feel like punching myself for saying this but, to my ears, most of the tracks were too slavish to the originals. Prelude and Walking On The Edge being examples. A straight-up rock cover is ok, but a few changeups in timing and pacing would have worked wonders for the tracks that were strictly orchestral. They sounded stifled. That said, the instrumentation here is effing awesome. Actual orchestra would have been better, but the samples were good; would have liked a larger dynamic range as well, but that's nitpicking. Moreover, the orchestral-rock combos, which seem to be the majority of the collection, kicked serious ass. Holy hell, Vampire Killer. Solid rendition of Bloody Tears, too. I still prefer some of the work that's been done here, DoD, and elsewhere, but this is still damned good. And you can never have too much Castlevania. 19 disks nah, but I'll certainly check out the first three. At the very least, I have to hear what they did with New Messiah. Thanks for the heads-up on this, Schwaltz.
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge
K.B. replied to Dunther's topic in General Discussion
Still waiting for the RadioFreeGamer podcast to be posted as mp3... though it would be more convenient to get the skinny in writing. To that end, it's a shame there isn't anything immediately googleable about the soundtrack. At least, there isn't anything I've been able to find. Were any ocr folk involved in the soundtrack of the first remake? There's, again, a dearth of information out there. Edit: from an old thread here I see bustanunez did some flute work for the first remake, so that answers that (though it would still be nice to know a little more about it). -
I was looking for a 'how'. How's it for system resource usage? How does it manage gigantic playlists (25k+)? I've tried several other players touted as 'better', and they all failed to do those two things better than winamp. That is, winamp with all the bells and whistles disabled (and a 2.0 skin just because).
I had the compo in mind; I went with 8pm so it didn't conflict. Y'all need an hour prep time? Or would that be dinner time... I hadn't thought of that. How 'bouts we go with 7:30pm on Thursday, then? Coyote: I like it, but I think that's getting ahead of ourselves. One good first turnout will get the ball rolling, which is why I suggested a kickoff date with a couple days warning (also avoiding the weekend). That said, room OCR should wait for no mouse, so if folks want to hit it up tonight at 8pm (or whenever), then awesome and by all means go for it. Don't know if I'll be around, but if I am then I'll drop in.
Penny Arcade linked on OC ReMix. That's better.
.Oh god, my abdomen hurts so much. Aeris, you have no idea.
What can this foobar thing do that (insert winamp input plugin here) and the LAME mp3 output plugin can't? That's what I use and it's simple and effective. Mentioning the LAME plugin because it's much better than the winamp defaults. Sidenote: I have my own input plugin collection, so I'm not vouching for chipamp. Oh, there's also Rockbox if you're willing to change your player's firmware, though it won't play all chiptune formats (at least not yet). Also doesn't work on every player.
The one day, the ONE DAY I don't sign on is the day they throw in the awesome. I wasn't going to play last night either but then I read the first post here and got all excited and scurried over there. Complete and utter dejection. OK so we have a few people now; let's have a go at room OCR. Thursday 8pm eastern? Yes? Excellent. This is to say, of course, that you must plan your Thursday around this. Or just make a mental note and drop by if you have time. Or rain cannonballs on me for this being the worst time possible.
Harpy Brothday to The Auter, Blushfire, and some other fire
K.B. replied to Level 99's topic in General Discussion
Happy BD RD. Hope your day gets better. Just as happy b-day to Brush and wild. For all three: -
I appreciate how the above punalogy eschewed logical order to highlight outlandishness.