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Everything posted by K.B.
Sharp. That "compare to the original" feature is going to be getting some use. Small thing I noticed: there isn't a page title. The tab/bookmark title just shows the url. Speaking of bookmarks, you could also add details into the bookmark description. Just pointing them out in case you hadn't noticed and would want to edit them. Pseudo-edit... I noticed that the following remixes didn't have an original: Coffee With The Crows, The Wily Malfunction, Lounge Lemmings, Homestar's Mystic Quest, and Mazedude's Kitchen. Also, the following remixes had "OCR Comments" instead of "OCR": The Wily Malfunction and Lounge Lemmings. Noticed these partway through so I did a quick check on the rest; those are all I found.
Today's your birthday! A victory sure would be nice. Cake is too close for missiles; switching to gums. ...ok, I'm done. Happy (victorious) birthday, Douli!
Ohsnap. Thanks for the scoop. Having the info in the tags is probably just as convenient, if not more so, than having it online. I'll have to get used to it (and get a better tag reader), but this is obviously a fine solution. And dang man, thanks for being so thorough to include something like this. A constructive resolution and another reason to look forward to the repackaged torrent. Excellent.
Hell yeah pumpkin-decorating is kosher. BTW: if the whole PM/anon thing is a turnoff, please speak up. I thought that running this like the art compo would be a good way about it, but ultimately the goal is to roust this place a bit and do some pumpkining/seasony stuff. So if folks are 'I would but mehhhhh hoopla and voting and crap, no thanks', then we'll adjust the plan. Sticking with what we have for now, of course, so this isn't some wishy-washy bs, but if you all want to be more casual about it then shoot. We can do whatev. I'm made out of laffy taffy.
That's true. It slipped my mind that djp usually includes something from the artist. Still, from reviewing other paneled mixes, djp usually doesn't post everything. He posts whatever he thinks is relevant for the writeup, which makes perfect sense. I'm aware that we get what we're given. I am not complaining; I am simply requesting that consideration be given to allowing space for the entirety of artist comments. And while threads do not currently exist, they could easily be c+p created.
...would be nice to see. Could link "evaluated" (as is done with paneled mixes) to a thread with two posts: one with the submission info and another with a YES. I enjoy reading artist comments regarding remix construction. With dps, we frequently get very little, if any, info from the artist. For your consideration.
Let's have one. Simple rules should do. a) Carve (or co-carve) a pumpkin. 2) Do it this month. zed) PM me one-two photos (of the pumpkin) by Weds, 27 Oct. I'll post the photos anonymously in the am of the 28th, and we'll vote 28-30 Oct and declare a winner in time for Halloween. Of course, if you'd rather say 'eff that' to the competition and simply post pics in the thread, that's cool too. Posting now to give procrastinators plenty of time to procrastinate. And to build the hype.
Changed the info on Valkyrie Profile in my previous post; what I had yesterday was wrong. Right, but... Depends where you start. If you start counting at the very start of the track (using the tempo that's apparent later in the track), 7/4 fits much better than 4/4 since held notes come in every 14 beats. There's also seven beats between the changes at 0:28 and 0:31. However, if you start counting at 0:41, 4/4 works better for the held notes. Most interesting of all, though, is how the strings break down. For the first 28 beats, 7/4 fits better than 4/4; for the second 28 beats, 4/4 fits better than 7/4.I suppose you could read all of it in 4/4 if you wanted, but that would make for far less elegant timing. Since the entire piece is divided into 28-beat groupings (except for the seven beats at 0:28*), I think I'm not just imagining the use of both 7/4 and 4/4 and that the switches between the two were done intentionally. I hadn't noticed this until your comment forced me to relisten and try to make it conform to 4/4 throughout. Very slyly done; I like it even more now. Of course, I could just be stinking up the place. And that organ doing whatever the fuck it wants still confounds me. *stupid auto-smiley feature
The best.
I, too, have a soft spot for time-sig wankery. Non-4/4 starts at 1:15. Love the cut-offs mid-bar. Entire thing. Seamless. Rhythmically ingenious, indeed. Super Castlevania IV - Dracula's Theme Snapple was trying to pin this down a few weeks ago. I count it as 7/4 (and 4/4), but he thinks, or at least thought, it was far wilder than that. Fluctuates between 6/8, 4/4, and 5/8 (3+2) with the skipping of the second beat in the last bar of some of the 6/8 sections. This one is especially cool since the listener has the urge to count it as 3/4 and 5/4 (and 4/4), but the note groupings make more sense the other way. Sakuraba does, or at least did, a lot of melding of meters, so be sure to check out more of his stuff if you're into this sort of thing. Ella posted another example below. Edit: how did I miss this when I've had it on repeat for days? 3+3+3+2 (/4). Maybe that's too close to 3/4 (as it is, minus a beat), but I figured I'd mention it anyway since I really like the flow.
I picture each of you according to your avatar. Unless you have a particularly attractive lady in your signature. Tensei is my favorite poster.
I was disillusioned by the many upfront changes made after the first Sly. The second still had great gameplay, but I pulled out the disk less than an hour in and it's still collecting dust. The charm from the first game was gone. Your mileage may vary, of course. The first game, though: it's one of the best platformers ever made. The mechanics are smooth and the level design is brilliant. It's also hilarious; the voice-acting is top-notch and you can tell that the actors really got into it. Sure, it's a short game, but for the going rate of five bucks you get more than your money's worth. If you like 3D platformers at all, buy it now. Fixed and amen.
Still partial to the .Favorite vgm. No contest. You have just made my night.
Hiroki Kikuta doing a Touhou arrangement album..?
K.B. replied to Schwaltzvald's topic in General Discussion
Graze her hitbox Y/N? -
Yes! Now I'll finally be able to see the refracted glisten of the sun's rays off the watermelon seeds. Looks awesome, but just like ella was talking about in her blog, visual crispness doesn't make the atmosphere. I'll withhold judgment until I can actually trial-play these, but I'm concerned that losing the burred imperfections will detract from the mystery. Regardless, this is great for people who haven't played the originals, as they are both phenomenal games. It also gives the current marketing department the opportunity to correct the past mistake in choice of Ico's North American cover art.
Hiroki Kikuta doing a Touhou arrangement album..?
K.B. replied to Schwaltzvald's topic in General Discussion
This is the first google result for "hiroki kikuta touhou". Zero Symphonic Battalion Zero Symphonic Battalion Zero Symphonic Battalion I dunno. Just because. Squeeze your sources for a tracklisting and estimated release date. Not that I don't have every touhou doujin album still to listen to, but I'm mildly excited for this in particular. -
You had me at portamento.
Where are they now? OC ReMixer edition.
K.B. replied to Less Ashamed Of Self's topic in General Discussion
Latest Fail is posted in the ocr of my heart. I mean that as cheesily as possible. -
Happy birthday dude!
You'd be angry too if you just pissed out a star-shaped kidney stone.
Could we get some more C&C and Cave Story music?
K.B. replied to IrateResearchers's topic in ReMix Requests
Music Factory does Cave Story? Give me the remix. -
Good to hear from you Jade. Hope things are going as well as they can be. Still keeping tabs on the project, here. From the winds, your team has kept things running, so no stress... just a little played-up drama courtesy of your friendly neighborhood ocr thread. I'm sure folks have missed your direction though; and, like always, it's good to have you around. Welp, this thread isn't going to stalk itself.
The notes themselves have changed, most notably in the final dissonant section. Even if that is a problem with the encoding, which I'm not sure how it could be, it makes this a different remix. Based on how this has been handled in the past, Members would have to resubmit this as a new remix; the current version wouldn't be replaced. A site admin can give you the official word, though. You can still post this info in the review thread. Some folks might appreciate hearing a different version. It's certainly nice that the static has been removed and an ending added.
Game's only $5 now. Well worth it. Been that price since April, but the last post here was in Feb, so there's the skinny for anyone else who missed it.