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Everything posted by Sir_Downunder

  1. Listen to both of them in sync, you will most likely shit bricks
  2. Welp, it looks like I won't be coming this year... ...Oh well... ...Takes lots of comprising photos everyone!!
  3. Finally managed to purchase some CE today after getting enough crowns. Now I just need to work on getting 2* equipment... If you managed to catch me, feel free to say hello. I highly doubt I'll be doing any runs with you guys soon, but I'll catch up eventually...
  4. Decided to give it a try. Just got and playing it now. My name in SK is Sirid if any of you feel like adding me.
  5. No song, however, it seems Rucks from Bastion has a bone to pick with from Portal 2PS: Logan Cunnigham is fucking awesome
  6. Congratulations on finally releasing Lucid Dreaming, Stevo! And once again, happy birthday! ^_^

  7. Awesome to see that OCAD is becoming a live show. However, considering my time zone is 14 hours ahead, it'd start 10 am the following morning... ... Oh well, guess I'll just set my alarm!
  8. Got my copy yesterday, played up the 7th night in Stray Sheep on Easy. And I have to say I am loving this game so far.
  9. Still haven't gotten it just yet... I'm going to keep my eyes on a few sites for a few days/weeks and see what comes up. Rest assured, I will pick this up soon. ... Don't look at me like that, i will!
  10. Not happy about it not coming to Australia Seen some videos of it online and I must say it looks really bitchin'. Needless to say, I'll be getting this as soon as I can,
  11. Damn, it's that time of year already!? If I manage to actually to scrape some cash together for a flight in time, I just might be there this year! ...Though the chances may be slim...
  12. A fiery birthday and cake to all! (and a copy of Magna Carta 2, just for Brush.)
  13. Never have I laughed harder than I just have now MLP Dave Rageface = Win
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