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Everything posted by Halt

  1. I swear, every time i visit the forums, i see yet another project recruiting for remixers, I visit the forums like every other day.
  2. Like prophet himself, congrats on getting a remix past the judges by the way :3. 14 tries later to finally get another through .
  3. Happy b-day Luke.
  4. I'm sorry but this made me lol. Welcome to OC ReMix, We have ReMixes (Of course) Helpful musicians that will help you learn to start making your own tracks and help fine tune them too, oh, and OCR just came out with its 14TH ALBUM. Just check it on the home page brah.
  5. Great stuff. When I heard of this album. I knew I would not be disappointed. Here I am posting this. Awesome stuff. Keep it coming.
  6. Thats amazing. Shed some more light on the OC ReMixers. ;]
  7. Aw Shit. I don't think I'll be able to make it. D: I had to be a dumbass and such. So yeah. Maybe next time.
  8. I will be joining OCR in TF2, since I can now run it! wooo!
  9. my regimen starts tomorrow. TehDonut set me up with a schedule. I thank him. it has been put off because of ceartin things happening in my life. I'm psyched . gonna burn fat and gain weight of muscle cause I'm underweight.
  10. Go for it Link. I need to finish up my PC due to the fact I effed up and broke my laptop charger. AS MUCH as i want one, it will have to wait.. Sorry prophet, shit happened.
  11. I agree <.< Someone should buy some of my NES carts ;P
  12. Will... Great stuff man, simply amazing. I love it. Keep pushing out the mad beats. Looking forward to more of this man. Really. I am
  13. I have a pair of Sennhieser HD280Pros. Nice bang for your buck. $100 at zZounds.
  14. I will buy it, I need some hand held gaming. for emulated shit. since i have no job, I will have to force the money from my parents hand. I mean. I might not be good with spending money most of the time, but its my graduation money. I was all excited in getting it. "we will open the cards tommorw, Cody." Thats like open christmas presnts on the 26th. THEN after i open them I'm all happy and running numbers in my head. Dad goes. "I'll be holding on to this for a while. I know how you are with spending money" I was so pissed. Dissapointment punched me in the face. about $700 I can't touch . Until I'm told so.
  15. Alright. I just need to wait until my parents give me my god damn grad money, for some reason they are holding on to it, just for a little bit. but when I get the cash in my hands. I'll let you know.
  16. Erm... $90-$100?
  17. I'll remind him. I think he's been a bit busy lately
  18. I won't be able to play StarCraft, have to save money.
  19. Happy birthday Neko. GEE GEE GEE GEE! Have a good one
  20. You know, this should have been brought up since your new. Guides & Tutorials Lots of helpful stuff in there. Check it out if you haven't already.
  21. That highlighted bit is completely useless. Sonar works good for his workflow there is not another reason for him to switch to FL for his main DAW. It might work great for you and me, but Sonar works for him. Understand that the reason people choose a specific DAW is because one, they need one, and 2 it fits there workflow and allows them to work more efficiently. a vst piano is essentially a virtual piano. ProteusVX is a decent one, like i said earlier, one day.. just maybe I might.
  22. He uses Sonar 6, so best for him would be to upgrade his sonar since it work best for his workflow. Second. George get that MO8. You playing on stage with that beast, with Randomonium.. I should one day come up there for like a week and go to one of your performances. I've heard you play piano... But with the band your in. It'd be killer. Also. DO NOT. Let your piano be your crutch. So your computer doesn't have the best sounds. Want a vst piano? ProteusVX is good. SOUNDFONTS. Go get some soundfonts. check this thread http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=142749&postcount=1 Does sonar 6 have a soundfont player? free sounds are all over, just have to find the good ones.
  23. This weeks compo I fucked my entry up muted some channels in the FL sequencer to listen to one of the drum tracks, What I forgot to do is turn them back ON before I exported... I forgot to. so there was a bunch of silence in it..
  24. I mean wrong by, the person thats critiqueing it is wrong. I always take things never to be harsh. Just look at it as something to work on. Maybe its not that great? still something he needs to work on.
  25. Not really. Nothings too harsh unless its wrong. Gives george another thing to work on
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