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Everything posted by Halt

  1. I saw Watchmen, Bought the paperback graphic novel. I loved this SO fucking much, I'm going to subscribe to DC Universe Comics. God damn Watchmen was fucking amazing.
  2. Happy Birthday man. (All your crazy theory's still amuse me, Santa and jesus... haha, have a good one.)
  3. Happy Birthday Harmony and Pixietricks!!!! ;D
  4. Amazing music man. Only 14? Congrats, and good luck in the music industry man.
  5. In my opinion, I would go with FL Studio, or another DAW. I tryed Reaper, and couldn't get adjusted. even after getting a theme for it, It just seemed confusing, unlike FL where it was more well rounded and I felt it was a better interface to me. Don't get me wrong. It is deffinately a powerfull DAW. Try it out. I have heard lots of good things about it as well. zircon actually suggested it to me as well, I just prefered FL's interface alot more. If you like it, and can work well it in, use it. Alot of people use it and love it. plus its cheap
  6. Halt

    Hai tencharlimit ;[

  7. Zeph is right. Why are you here? OC ReMix doesn't support warez. Most of the people around here buy the software to own the music they make with it, otherwise, its property of Image-Line, or whoever you pirated from.
  8. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=485911&postcount=268 Check that out. Just make me an offer. But, reasonable . That link is my full collection.
  9. Um, if you mean the second gen NES, I have one, and I'll sell it to you. if not, then I'm clueless.
  10. Welcome McAwesum. Theres people around here that will help you out with the music programs if you have questions. (I'm still learning myself) ;P
  11. omg its luke its luke xD.

  12. I'm working on "The Golden Sun Rises" From Golden Sun 2. It wont be in WIP for sometime. With scholarships and the fact I wont be home this weekend, and busy the next with financial aid thing out of town. I just don't have the time at the moment. I'm still learning too. so, this will be my first ReMix. I will finish it though.
  13. Check this out, it might answer some questions. http://forums.cnet.com/5208-4_102-0.html?threadID=281403
  14. I too need an answer for this. haha.
  15. Same difference really.
  16. Try, closing firefox.exe in the task manger and give it another go.
  17. Still selling NES Games, And since defender!!! never got back to me, the ones he planned to buy after holidays are now for sale again. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=485911&postcount=268
  18. You know, people ReMix game music for a few reasons, 1. Its awesome music, and the game has a great OST 2. It could be there favorite game, and like fans tend to do, is change it around to there personal style. 3. To get the feel of new music, VG or not. Play a song from Seether or something, and you liked it so much, you wanted to add and maybe change something in it to experiment. My third point is definitely appreciation of music. You love there music so much, and enjoy it so much, you play with it and maybe make a personal style of yours. But at the same time, you appreciate what the artist(s) have composed to make that song. Its not like. "Wow. This song sucks, I'm going to make it sound better" you make it sound thats where you come from. That is NOT why songs are Remixed.
  19. I have been reading mixed reviews about it not working correctly with windows and Tech support being non-cooperative, and such. Does anybody own this? I run on Vista too. Hopefully someone that owns this can give me some feedback. If you own it on vista, how does it work, any bugs/problems?
  20. I will be buying Star Ocean when it comes to the 360. An amazing game, Till the End of Time, had a decent story line, but the game play was awesome ;D
  21. Check out these tutorials. Helped me some. http://www.ocremix.org/info/McVaffe%27s_Video_Game_Music_Remix_Tutorial http://www.ocremix.org/info/McVaffe%27s_Video_Game_Music_Remix_Tutorial Jivemaster's is really extensive. You might not want to remix. But, maybe they can give you some tips on what to experiment with.
  22. I will surely download this whenever I can find the time. I've been busy lately, but will download it tonight probably when I get home. :]. I'm looking forward to it.
  23. Freezer? O_O. That sounds like a terrible Idea, If it freezes over, it will melt on the inside, getting the HDD components wet, thus completely ruining the HDD. That just sounds like a whole lot of bullshit to me. But its your call. IMO, I'd buy a new External HDD.
  24. Well said DarkeSword. We used to have one at the movie theater around here, now its at the Taco Palace Game room, which I don't have any interest to go to, they may have free internet and a game room, but there food sucks.
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