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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. I think this section is mostly directed at Native Jovian: I have used SoulinEther forever, including in my personal email, but I don't think I want to give my employer my personal email, necessarily. It all depends on what kind of job I'm applying for, and if I think my employer would be alright with knowing what are my interests. In fact, I would prolly only give my personal email address if I think having an online presence would somehow make me a more viable candidate for the job. I don't really have anything to hide from a potential employer, but still, under most circumstances I would provide him/her/them with a more serious, business-y email address (one that contains my name). I would just consider it as part of my implicit separation of work life and personal life... And, concerning personal freedoms separate from work... it's already been said. You can have them. But if they're things that people might consider "bad," don't make them public! Unless you're willing to go on a crusade to gain widespread acceptance for your habits. Even then... lol.
  2. I am tempted to create an account on that website just to make a response along the lines of, "There there. There there." I wouldn't bother though. In 1-5 years, I'm sure if he ever looks back on what he said, he'd be thoroughly embarrassed.
  3. Off-topic: Everything we type online does not enter the public domain (though in some ways, I think I wouldn't mind - BACK ON THIS MAIN OFF-TOPIC!).. I'm pretty sure copyright law keeps you the owner of your own writings, and Facebook/Myspace also have specific rules governing the ownership of what you write/upload/post onto their websites. However, anybody can log on Myspace/Facebook/etc and access your information per your privacy rules - if you let non-friends/friends-of-friends/people in your network see your info, then they have the right (I imagine) to see that info. On topic: I wasted 20 minutes reading this thread. By choice. I could have done my workout instead. Or studied for some lab quiz tomorrow... or press on some piano keys or something else. I chose to do this, whether by addiction or not... oh well. But yeah. You can't govern non-face-to-face communication with the same rules as you do for face-to-face (or, to an extent, over-the-phone and over-webcam) conversations. It's enticing to think so. And it's enticing to think that Myspace and Facebook are highly personal media for communication. They are... to an extent. It helps if you frequently (physically) see the people you are communicating with over social networking sites. Really though, I think the marvel of texting, Facebooking etc is the inherent lack of personal communication. It saves me so much smalltalk! If I wanted that, I would see people in person. Random rants i think. sorry.
  4. hilarious but fixed to make naïveté more obvious.
  5. right... about this, i was at some God-forsaken beach looking at primitive lifeforms during this competition. Next week I'm having a party. SO if this is still going on the week after that, and assuming I am not already booked, I'm interested sometime ... in August.
  6. your username is an anagram of my real name. Sorry I had to post this, it was bugging me for a while and it just hit me.
  7. I was looking into buying the SoTN and Order of Ecclesia soundtracks - i'll look for the OoE one on some of them sites up there.
  8. WIP? For what game, what song? You'll have a better chance receiving (useful) criticism if you include that sort of info :/ Seems somewhat repetitive..?
  9. I'm trying to get over my addiction, but I answered your questions for how I used to be about a month ago lol. edit: are you also reaching people outside of OCR for this survey? ...because, being a fairly gamer-centric website, your results may end up being a little skewed if you only ask here (unless you're trying to ask gamers only (but your questions do allow for non-gamers to answer)).
  10. I've seen Wii Music's "conducting" - not a big fan. This type of thing needs a complete game dedicated to this concept only... with proper analysis of hand gestures beyond some u-shaped rocking back and forth. That youtube video of that one guy was pretty cool... but not far enough...!
  11. So I was driving home from school today when Jenova Returns started playing... and I consequently started conducting it with my right hand while doing 70 on the freeway. I am a poor young man. I have no hope of ever becoming the conductor of a grand (or not-so-grand) symphony orchestra.... but I want to interactively conduct music with a faux orchestra - something that gives me feedback on how well I'm keeping time, for my motions/emphasis, for my attention to specific parts of the orchestra, etc. Simultaneously driving 70 miles per hour in traffic is not necessary, but I imagine this kind of game would be more realistic than, say, Guitar Hero. But it can be completely in the name of fun. Is there a sort of game for the Wii (or any console/pc) that allows you to conduct an on-screen orchestra, paying attention to some of the details, if not others, I've mentioned above, perhaps using the Wiimote or some similar baton/wand? And if not... I'll pay you $5 bucks if you make one (I'm looking at you, shameless Mr.Wingless!) edit: ok maybe a little more than $5. Can't be throwing stones in a glass house.
  12. I thought you've been doing this all along? Lol. This makes sense. I think you'd be opening up a can of worms with that. This idea is very nice.
  13. Was the music on the ipod(s) obtained via the Apple music store? If it wasn't I could suggest that you use a different ipod manager.
  14. B and E. Hand articulations have yet to be fully taken advantage of. We can move our fingers in more productive ways than to press buttons or Dpads or analog sticks. And it'll be lame but somehow interpreting thoughts or concentration levels will be next. I do NOT choose C because I don't think it'll catch on and I don't think interesting games can be made by detecting the motions of your entire body; a gimmick for a few cheesy titles maybe, but nothing that will grab you through a 2 week long RPG.
  15. I still misunderstand them.I think the invention of low resolution graphics was to create some sort of widespread Rorschach Inkblot Test..... I even had issues with the Triforce pieces in Zelda 1 as a kid. Get the pieces out of order and I'd see somethin wicked in the triforce in the menu screen. I'll call this post a wtf moment for me.
  16. That's fine. I don't really care about today, lol. Though in terms of precedent, I probably should.
  17. I'm interested. We'll see if I participate.
  18. http://soulinether.net/chillin03.mp3 (edit: disregard the title. it's there for historical purposes, and it doesn't really reflect the song anymore) so I thought to myself, "This synth sounds cool", and then I wrote a somewhat-old-school-sounding techno track to it (80s? I'm not sure.) I think I was inspired by the chord progression of IceCap, and melodically by whatever i was feeling. Everything done in Reaper (I might have to pay for this program lol) My own crits are: especially at the end, I think the piano could stand more reverb. Perhaps lo-fi the piano at some point. I'm still working out the instrumentation and mastering, this was just largely a massive exercise in composition, production and theory. I don't even know if I was original with this (I think so?).. ..but tell me what you think, what you think could use some work, what is weak. I will probably be doing some tweaking to it but largely it's just my first endeavor and eventually I will just leave it behind.
  19. Did you host it somewhere? Because you've linked to the file on your computer. Some suggestions: Tindeck, www.box.net
  20. ...new to do list: -Be able to do that (see above) -Be able to follow through on my equivalent of that (see above) -Study for biology midterm.
  21. Beautiful, the only part i'm hesitant on is "watch them help or hurt each other/foes or friends, or even lovers." Alright, and i'm not sure if it was just how you sung it, but maybe "sunflower" (which i think is critical) was slightly odd. But these lyrics are amazing. Bringing tears to my eyes at 2:17 in the morning.
  22. I know. I hope people who have competed in prior contests vote this round.
  23. Are you kidding? This type of thing is doable, but it works best with monophonic music..... polyphonic music comes out pretty bad. But from my experience, you're going to almost always get poor quality results. Hm.. programs that do this... well, there's http://www.intelliscore.net/ , which claims to provide multi-instrument support.
  24. Just as a side...question, how did Paypal catch this? I've known many (illegal/legally questionable) private game servers that offered services/incentives to people for donating. I'm not encouraging that you do something against Paypal's policies, but I just wonder how so many shady operations can get by under the radar. What if you gave everyone who donated something, thus not making this a raffle/lottery? Would that be ok with Paypal? Considering the amount of money that might have gone into the prizes, a small gift to everyone who donated would be cool and maybe less costly; something light, preferably thin to fit in one of those bubble wrap document mailers. Maybe you could give out each donor's choice of OCR album CD(s) with their labels pressed on them, magnets... Just a thought. If it's not possible, I'm sure people will still give. This setback might even serve to encourage more to support OCR - I don't know.
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