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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. i'm excited. i'm not sure why but this thread is such a hype-builder.
  2. 10 days, people! halcyonspirit needs to bust out his whip again, lol. And classes are almost done for me. I'll desperately try to provide feedback for the last competition.
  3. This is a moderate viewpoint with which I can agree.
  4. Can't find it anywhere else, and... well, this is a good way of getting it along with the rest of the music of the game http://www.zophar.net/music/nsf/addams-family-fester-s-quest.html The ending spaceship music is also pretty intense. Just saying. lol
  5. And if you're listenin to a song with the quicktime plugin, and you want to save it without going back and stopping playback, you can download it in firefox by going to File > Save Page As, or in Chrome by clicking on the Page icon and choosing "Save page as". If you're using IE, Safari, Opera, konqueror... or whatever, there should be an analogous method of saving files you're listening to with the quicktime plugin.
  6. Why do I feel like this setup is overkill for the intended uses of the computer? Will this computer be running Vista? If so... then I understand why.
  7. I still think we should give peace a chance. Mr. Xavier, your entire argument is DEAD WRONG because.. you messed this one up big time.
  8. This song misses the point so badly There wouldn't really be any irony to zircon remixing this song. In fact if he so desired he could splice the lyrics to fit his own opinions.. lol. Ugh. Controversy may ensue.
  9. My best advice to you is to neither ask nor tell.
  10. whoooooooooooooaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaa*deep note*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... plus the video editing on that groove bias video made it all the more funner. Still, I bet if shna decided to do something like this it would reek of 100% more Winglessesque flamboyant virtuosity. He'd be playing 128th notes up and down the whole keyboard while using his left arm to train a monkey how to jump through a flaming hoola-hoop and his right arm to stop an armed robber at a nearby convenience mart..
  11. bananarama bobana rama rama fee fi bo .. er happy birthday i mean!
  12. Uh yeah right now we're doing poetry but you should consider submitting something in July....
  13. I'm expecting some sort of wall of sound soon, lol. I don't know the source tune, but you've definitely got something nice there.
  14. Hm. While your guys' version might better suit a specific purpose, I think production-wise the two are about the same. I'm completely unfamiliar with the source, and seeing as they're both quite long pieces, I'm having a hard time keeping track of everything. What was done differently? In your opinion, how is this a remix/arrangement of the original? (I imagine this is a question the judges have to ask themselves when they do their work, and since I'm too lazy to ask myself, if you could answer that question yourself, I and other people might have an easier time giving their opinion on how well you've done lol )
  15. My question to you is: what prior experience did you have when you made these? I mean obviously they're not great but there are worse things that come up in the WIP forum... I'm not sure you've quite achieved your goal, lol.
  16. I too got the african vibes. This stuff is nice! But this makes me wonder.. could a remix of a percussion-only source be remixed by expanding on the percussions and having a melody inserted on top of those percussion instruments as well? I know there are many remixes written in genres that require some drums (and some which have to do away with them due to the choice of instrumentation)... just a(nother) thought. Essentially, I think was great and obviously achieved its goal, but... I was itching for some small melody. Something to make this sound really epic? Like chanting or something...
  17. I guess you meant "what" and my answer is "For my demented brain." Instrumentally, guitar accompaniment with some more of those "wacky" instruments, and maybe a timpani.
  18. Much more eloquently put than my stab at the issue.
  19. Oh, I don't know. I think the most appropriate response is "when it's 2:30 in the morning, and you've got a choice between going to bed or staying up an extra hour to write a poem about sperm, please take a shovel and stab your eyes out à la Oedipus for the good of mankind"
  20. maybe you need some rest man.
  21. Might as well toss in what I was contemplating submitting. I wanted to go for something more profound and serious but..... this was all I could come up with. It's actually supposed to be a song, but it's still poetry.
  22. The bass solo was cool, I think. Frankly I love what you have going on after the first solo. Considering the amount of coverage the Metalman theme has gotten here and elsewhere, your interpretation is very refreshing, and I wish you could introduce some of your modifications to the melody and stuff earlier. Oh... one note about instrumentation or velocity. That bass (if that's what you're calling it?).. when it starts like doubling the melody starting at 1:00, and again at 1:03, and ESPECIALLY at 1:13 - I feel like its attack is too short. Along with its ... sustain? It comes in too fast, and it leaves very rapidly. It's just very loud, and it suddenly overpowers the rest and suddenly its gone again... maybe you could tweak that, or lower those notes' velocities? Just my thoughts. Like you said, you have an idea of where this is going and I really want to hear that carried out. Take breaks, if you can, lol. Don't need to stress out over this stuff (unless you're the type who must get everything out in one sitting or else it'll be gone)!
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