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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. So wait... does that make Obama Link?
  2. The only thing I'm ambivalent about is the length of your survey. Oh well, I'll get to it eventually. Seemed pretty nice to me, overall, though the secondary weapon discharging graphics (graphics? there were just boxes) could use some work. I see you don't have any mockup for how it would look. Do you have an idea for how it would look or are you interested in suggestions?
  3. Being an adverb meaning "in a tacit/silent manner," you use the word "tacitly" as you would any other adverb. See, I spent like 2 minutes elaborating on a damn word but I doubt I'll look at purty builds. Well, at least not today.
  4. Well, survival comes first, hehe. But whenever you do get around to it, i'll be looking forward to hearing what you've got.
  5. I wanna say that embedded videos do not automatically start, so that shouldn't be a problem. But something is to be said for one domain using so much bandwidth from Youtube. While I'm certain Youtube is aware of whether or not you're accessing a video from their site or from an embed, is it aware of what domain in particular an embedded video is being played from? Would it even be an issue for Youtube, though? Would this just be a drop in the bucket? Well... I'll be optimistic: I don't think it'll be a big deal... though, with regards to the constant bandwidth usage/monthly data usage issue, I wonder if it'll be used as an excuse to remove the videos, or something.
  6. This would be (insert adjective/oddly-used superlative here) cool... if it were more serious.
  7. I haven't played batman in a reaaaaaaaaaaallly long time, but I did recognize the original song. You've slowed this baby down quite a bit. Cool - it's taking this track in a very different direction. Mixing-wise, this sounds ok on speakers. But without the source tune, I have to say the arrangement is conservative and repetitive. How are you deviating from/building upon the original? I was expecting something different after the first reiteration, and definitely something before the second one. So yeah, interesting, but conservative.
  8. April has always had special significance in my life: it's my birth month. OCRemix has "given" me a lot by way of music, inspiration, mystifying my friends, witty and entertaining write-ups, etc. over the past two years - more than I could ever ask for in a simple birthday present. So, in order to say thanks, I'll give instead of just receiving this year. I'm not sure how much I'll put down just yet, but I'm sure I'll be making use of the OCR Amazon store and buying a t-shirt (make sure you guys have these in stock!).
  9. Wow. Castlevania OST is getting some really (deservedly) dark lyrics.. way different than what I'm used to (juese belmont anyone? lol) Anyway, to the mix at hand. I listened to this one on speakers so I might have missed mixing issues - sounded fine to me. I really liked the arrangement - along with the new vocal melodies (and original lyrics), this mix had me listening to Wicked Child and Vampire Killer as though I'd never heard them before. Creative, AND featuring S/M. Good job.
  10. I'm down with whatever, though I believe "the more the merrier."
  11. Cool beans, dude. Cool beans.
  12. Well, since this isn't a remix of a source tune from a game, this is technically the wrong place to post it. There's another subforum devoted to non-remixes.
  13. I don't know how to answer this one, so i'll go by perspective. 1. b 2. c
  14. Your reply of 1 week puts my memory and laziness (to just check) to shame, lol. Well, good luck to you on that, sir.
  15. If there isn't one more submission, the submission stage will be extended by two weeks, no? Ok, for real, I have a whip, and I'm not afraid to use it (though I really don't know where any of you are so.. great threat.)
  16. I've given this piece a couple of listens so far... it's definitely not like most of what I listen to. Still, it's something I can get into. The source is very obvious before the lyrics arrive, but I've given it a couple listens now on the way to school and I'm still finding the lyrical sections quite original - maybe I'm not catching something. But I like that, it's like a puzzle I'm trying to solve, to make the connections and stuff. As a remix, it'll be much more satisfying to me then, however as an individual work this is already pretty satisfying now. Even if it's not your thing, you should still give this piece a complete listen. It's so ... dark, and grindy.
  17. Ram can be procured for even cheaper than that... but then you're going into the whole 32-bit vs 64-bit operating system issue. (only 64-bit operating systems can fully utilize 4GB or above of RAM) You might as well pick up 2 2GB sticks of RAM even if you're going with a 32-bit version of Vista if the laptop doesn't come with that much already, and you can probably do so for less than $50. If you buy direct from a manufacturer like Dell, you'll probably not get a good deal from them on the ram. I've been using a Toshiba laptop as my main computer for a while - 2.0 ghz dual-core Turion RL-70 w/3 GB ram. Runs Vista OK (i've never had vista anywhere else so I don't know how fast or slow it's running) and it runs Ubuntu snappily, like nobody's business. Still, I too recommend getting an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, or Pentium Dual-Core at the least. $1000 nowadays should be able to get you a very decent laptop. Check out websites like tigerdirect, newegg, fry's (or in store) and even some manufacturers' websites like Dell - just look for a sale. Heck, if it's not used for heavy graphics processing and stuff, you can probably get an ok to good one for $400-800. If you find some and you're not sure about which to choose, feel free to provide details / links to them and i'll try to give my honest assessment of them (and I guess anyone else here might too). edit: yes, there's this handy website here. http://www.notebookcheck.net/Mobile-Graphics-Cards-Benchmark-List.844.0.html - it lists and ranks mobile graphics cards.
  18. Now there's something you don't hear everyday.
  19. wtb hd camcorder, tripod with wheels, time, green screen room and treadmill. i'm a man with a plan and ideas but not money or time Else I'd be making a few interesting music videos.
  20. Those a cappella vocals in the end are badass. Though they sometimes remind me of some sort of strange laughter, they really pull everything together and end the piece emotively - the emotion in this piece is one of its finest qualities - so it works well. Maybe this is me overkillingly nitpicking, but there is some weirdness to the second chorus. Something is bugging me about "there's nothing" - it comes off a little unnatural, and i'm not sure what's the reason - the lead vocals, or the backing? It sounds rushed, maybe? ...but the rest sounds great.
  21. What whip? I have something started... I still need to write the whole thing. edit: FML. I just wasted 3 hours of my lab-work time... and wrote this. Worn-Out Stilettos by Yousef Reda http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfzbswsw_18csfm6tdz
  22. Though I didn't need one for Aria of Sorrow (or any game after it until Order), I used gamefaqs AS A LAST RESORT for Harmony of Dissonance (I could not understand the whole two castle system until after... a while), and.. well, as a second to last resort for SOTN I'm NOT convinced that there is no cow level. and I have gone on operation cwal a few times. So yes I suck at starcraft, even on single player. I've played Diablo 2 off and on since 2002 and I've just started up again last month. It's not even that great of a game, but it's just horribly addictive. And I've never found a Stone of Jordan nor taken on the ubers in Uber Tristram (haven't played so much after 1.1). I owned a (many) King's Staff of Apocalypse on Diablo. And I duped on Diablo many times. I've never finished Ultima: Exodus. I first started playing that game with my brother many years ago (13?) and we could only manage to get by using Game Genie and infinite MP. We had no resources to guide us whatsoever (though, when I think about it, the townsfolk and those casino guys have a lot to say) and figuring out where those 4 marks were and how to get to them in those caves was.. hard. Ambrosia made no sense to us until we accidentally stumbled upon a temple... finally found the final castle and how to enter it, but we had no idea what we needed to do to finish the game. We eventually figured out how to do it from gamefaqs, but we never finished up the game.. I actually started the game again without cheat codes and it was much easier this time around. Sure, it's faster to cheat, but there's a more rewarding feeling behind playing it legitimately. Anyway, I had just finished with the first cave I think before I saved state and never reloaded the game.
  23. So.. alive, from beginning to end. Torvus Clockwork and Energy Tank both come to mind when I listen to this mix. I like that (synth?) chorus - reminded me of the game and added somethin... foreboding, but.. entrancing... to the mix.
  24. Not to sound drastic, but by not hitting that perfect fifth (G) of the super-epic ending of the original song, you've choked out my interest If you were trying to make a sort of massive climax by sticking to the perfect fourth (F) until the very end of the piece, you would have won me over big time - the release would have been somethin orgasmic. Your take on that motif is more original but I feel it makes it sound duller and less emotional - it doesn't go "all the way." But the beat is solid, I'll give you that, and it has its own charm, but it doesn't satisfy me melodically. I wonder if, 8 years later, you're still doing this, and if you have newer works - if this was something you weren't so thrilled about THEN, I really want to hear what you've made that you really like NOW.
  25. I've never played the game either but now JtS Stage 1 music is firmly lodged in my head... working on some hybrid JtS/Bloody Tears mix (it's more bloody tears, as in, listening to it will make you cry tears of blood - for now). Any progress on this mix? Since my last listens, a few notes: Some elements in the intro can stand a bit more reverb and realism. Are you going for a big orchestral sound? Because it's somewhat too dry for that right now imo. I agree that the transition to the next section works, but, in comparison to the Stage 1 theme section, which thoroughly kicks ass, the intro is pretty lame at this point. I'm not so much bothered by the staccato now... Those solos are so damn slick 'n really keep the mix alive. I don't think there are issues with "SPAWN MORE SOURCERLORDS" (what a crappy starcraft reference) like there was with Ice Cap. Nitpicking: when switching from a solo to the meat of the song, your synth doing the solo'ing sorta just goes quiet all of a sudden. This happens twice: at 1:45, and at 2:56. Maybe fade it out a little slower to make the transition from crazy leet solo to that slower lyrical section less quick and energy-draining? I feel like I wanna ride that synth out a little bit longer and then you just cut it out from underneath me.
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