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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. I think so too... there were many allusions and mature concepts/themes presented that are beyond the minds (and interests) of the youngest audience. Growing old and death are two obvious ones. It had 3D. I had to pay 3 dollars extra because my theater was only showing it in 3D... grumble...
  2. Why is it that there's always been controversy/misconceptions about the goals of this place, and how this site hopes to attain those goals through the artists, their music and the community? I mostly get this impression from all the write-ups I've read... and the fact that since i've been frequenting the forums there has been (quiet and usually small) debate on the subject. You know, the mission reads very vague, kinda like the US Constitution, and was written by the founding fathers (Using quills made of pretzel/In melted milky chocolate dripping). The submission standards, though quite concise, are elusive, particularly concerning arrangement ("remix? huh?"), and all one can do in the process of submitting a remix is to compare their completed work to other fine workes and recent precedent in terms of arrangement and production, pray, and really i'm not too sure because I've never done this before. The judges really are like Supreme Court. Obviously. So why am I still talking? It's (relatively) hard to bring a remix before the judges panel. It takes like... five months for the courts to even address your request for their attention. If you're really lucky and they grant you certiorari (though there aren't really any lower appellate courts here..?), THEN they have to evaluate your remix to make sure it matches up to the broad goals found in the site mission and to consider whether or not the remix in question meets the standards, or that somehow the remix in question ought to change the standards. And they don't even allow attorneys to argue the case for the remixers! However, there have been amicus curiae from time to time called to lend their expert opinions to the judges -- mind you, these are judges who essentially have a lifetime appointment until they decide to retire or commit a high crime or misdemeanor. Then, after "hearing" your case (which may in fact require multiple listens), you gotta wait like five years for the results to be made really public. Curious that even though the judges tend to vote unanimously, everyone must write a concurrent opinion. You'd think they'd discuss these things through in their bat-cave and appoint one person to write the opinion of the high court but nooo. So, what I'm saying is.. I know, I shouldn't say this, the cameras are rolling and everything .. the judges essentially make federal policy and, in the absence of lower appellate courts, state policy as well. DO YOU SEE WHAT I'M SAYING PEOPLE? OC REMIX HAS TURNED INTO A MINIATURE VERSION OF THE UNITED STATES... EXCEPT THERE IS NO LEGISLATIVE BRANCH! That was the point of it ALL ALONG, PEOPLE. We should totally throw a tea party up in here! I know some nanas who can throw a real GREAT TEA PARTY! Or, even better, secede from the union! Uh, so my overall point was... this place is fairly complex, and from the outside you might not appreciate what kind of a system is put in place to interpret a vague mission by regulating what submitted remixes are acceptable. The judges are fairly loose-constructionists, though they've got a good feel for what's good what's no bueno for the present... like the U.S., OCR has managed to last fairly long, though not 100% the same throughout the years. ... I'm not drunk, high, nor stoned, but I hope I have entertained you with an analogy with a goal to describe OCR that might hold some water (but not in the court of law :/) that probably applied only 5 pages ago and will be lost to the world upon the shedding of next nightfall's tender terminal tear. [/derrierespeak]
  3. KDE (a linux desktop envrionment) has an automatic wallet system that will remember your passwords for all of your programs (any IM client, some programs, etc), and for websites. All you need is a master password and it'll pull up any password you need. Frankly I'm going to go with meteo on this one. The only way using a piece of paper is going to be insecure is if you live with other people and they know where it is, or if someone breaks into your house / spies on you / etc.
  4. Dear Gario, Please plug your music/remixes in random threads I happen to peruse more often. Thank you, SoulinEther ,,, Dear chessmaster010, Thank you for creating such a lively thread. I can already tell that you're going to go far in the OCR community! We should have a chess match at some point, because I suck! Respectably, Soulinether P.S. Forgive me for not giving your work a listen, however, upon reading the critiques of others, I deemed it unnecessary as they've already hammered in the points I might have made... better than I would have.
  5. This is so 2007. But it hasn't really caught on that much it seems.
  6. (You'll reach the point of my post eventually. I promise.) This is awful, I know, but I don't listen to a lot of the newer mixes because they just don't interest me... because remixes of games I've played and loved are intrinsically interesting to me, and most of the games I'm nostalgic about haven't been remixed much lately. That's not to say I don't listen to newer remixes, or that I've never given any a chance, or that I don't like any remixes of non-familiar sources. I usually give every new remix a listen to evaluate it, and see if it interests me - most of the time, it doesn't. Sometimes it does. Sometimes I hear a remix of a source tune I've never heard before and I have to have every remix of it (Jenova, IceCap, etc). Point: Yeah, the music of OCR has changed over time - most notably concerning production as of late, but it hasn't really affected me since I am partial remixes that happen to be older. I don't care about quality so much as how interesting the music is to me, and to me, the newer stuff isn't interesting. To that end, I think there need to be other avenues for sharing remixes that conform to standards slightly below that of OCR that is nearly as popular. R:TS comes to mind. Or.. I guess this should wait for the suggestions thread, but maybe there should be a way of posting and sorting work-in-progresses in a similar database of games / OSTs as actual posted remixes.. That would be some useful "evolution" on the site design front. And damn, someone beat me to mentioning El Legarto...
  7. I suggest you just write your own song using that motif. better start now, could take a while because it sounds like it could be epic. edit: was it from star trek?
  8. If we include Jovian's haiku, there are 4 submissions this round, but if we don't, then.. this will be another month of overtime and hey i still need to critique those last works... i suddenly feel like a dip. oh and 2 days left people.
  9. I hate this world we live in. I mean America. SOMEONE GET THE THREAD STARTER A JOB ALREADY. Considering how often I see "NEED COMPOSER!!" or "NEED MUSIC FOR XXXXX" posts, i'm surprised that this thread hasn't been spammed with "OMG PICK MY GAME <3 <3 <3" love. Unless they went straight for his inbox. /caps
  10. First: tangents. Tangents can be fine (like the one we're on) but when the entire lecture is a tangent, or even worse, the professor isn't there to lecture at all, or the professor decides that instead of lecturing he'll show us a video that's tangentially related to the subject (and there's still that test coming up next week so keep studying)... it's a waste of time! And so far I've not found anything remotely intriguing at my college. So all there is for me is a good-sized course load and friends. Depends on the university i suppose.
  11. Yes. Fix the ending. That's it lol. Plus I don't see how you can fuck anything up, what you're going for is sort of unfuckupable in my view. Perhaps your own vision of the track is not exactly matching up but I have no idea what your vision is, so it seems fine to me. Have you considered a frame? When you dream, you start out by being awake and drifting asleep, and you end it by waking up and regaining consciousness/control. You might wake up feeling the same, different (refreshed or with a new outlook) ... etc. Just throwing ideas at you.
  12. Confusing.. you want it to be "on track," when it's sorta just aimlessly meandering? It's pleasant to the ear and to the psyche. But that motif at the very end gets pretty annoying, repeating as much as it does with very minimal changes w/instruments unless.. that was your goal. What is that repetitive sound you're using in the left channel during the second movement/segment of the piece? It sounds like water being shaken in a container while splashing on something else... or maybe some sort of shaker or something... whatever it is, it's pretty enthralling, and unlike anything I've heard before. in all honesty i just checked this post because i'm an occasional troll and i remembered this post bein in the wrong board. checking your song out was rewarding. it took me nowhere, but sometimes you just gotta stay where it's most enjoyable.
  13. Oh, and be ready to deal with professors and TAs who are irresponsible, who go on tangents while lecturing, etc. And waiting desperately for grades to be posted (online).
  14. Yes. Both of those events had very loud sound effects associated with them.
  15. That is some damn nice relaxing music... ruined by those horribly loud sound effects due to game activity. Seriously, I'm zoning out and I hear this thunderous boom? nooo ..and I have no idea what to do either.
  16. I slept 3-4 hours a night last semester. It's the only way to squeeze in as much in life as I want to. I'll probably die young. Oh and good luck with labs. Hopefully you don't have boring instructors.
  17. Only the post-sleep Wi-fi enhancement seems worth my time..... And perhaps the various bugfixes.
  18. Whoops, I totally misread your post...
  19. I disagree with this statement (and the non-inclusive language used! lol)... $9 isn't that much. Granted, you would have saved like 10% of what you paid for if you bought them off amazon (provided shipping isn't free), but you got them immediately and received some hopefully credible insight on the matter. Did you get to try them before you bought them?
  20. Well, that wasn't bad I frequently read/hear that building a portfolio is a good idea to showcase talents etc. for jobs/work in the arts. Making remixes along with original work may be a good way to do so.. maybe. And there are lots of people here who can give good criticism concerning production/mastering, which you can take with you when you make your own original compositions. oh, and.. tell us if you do find some project eh? Edit: have you seen this thread? http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23481
  21. My last favorite pair of in-ear isolation earphones, the JVC marshmellow (http://www.amazon.com/JVC-HAFX33B-Marshmallow-Stereo-Headphones/dp/B000IS1ZZI well mine are black/grey) were put into the laundry by accident and came out sounding much too bass heavy for my taste.. but while they were still dirty, I loved them to death. Never having owned expensive consumer-grade or non-consumer grade earphones or headphones, I thought they sounded great... with a little equalizing (the rock eq on ipods/blackberries helped for me, but... yeah). Those are pretty cheap now at like $15 a pop (depending on where you get it), and they isolate pretty well. I replaced them with Sennheisers CX400 a week ago. Got em for $30 on amazon with free shipping. Only issue is that the cable is short (they give you a quality extension cable though). Sound is good, and I don't need any eq.. comfy, and i think these block sound out better.
  22. OMG THIS IS THE PART where he comes and displays his awesome compositional abilities to smite all our opinions! Or... maybe life isn't like a cheesy, trite Hollywood movie.
  23. It's not merely McVaffe... it's this aspiring composer who is about to prove himself either really talented or really pathetic... and Sam seeming so genuinely thrilled to help him... And... I have nothing better to do in my life I'm so pathetic
  24. Realizing that these highly unlikely scenarios has not happened to us yet should give us pause and force us to be grateful........... I guess. And if any of those have happened to you, that's downright terrible.
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