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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. I admitted it was a conservative estimate.. lol.
  2. Don't forget that if you're playing in an emulator, you can play the game at a relatively faster speed.. just throwing that out there.
  3. Perhaps a list would be handy just the same? Also, the tags in the remix review subforum should match up to this list, so you could theoretically search for the "solo piano" tag and find all of these
  4. Gario also did ask how long it would take.. if you went through doing each of those steps one time as quickly as possible, you'd be able to figure it out exactly. But just looking at the number... even if it's one second per attempt (and it's certainly more than that) that's still a very long time: 557,396,329,246,882,030,426 seconds x 1 min/60 sec x 1 hour/60 min x 1 day/24 hours = 6,451,346,403,320,393.8706 days.... x 1 year/365.25 days = 17,662,823,828,392.591 years. By perspective, the Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago and the first bacteria appeared on earth approximately 3.5 bya... so if you believe in evolution, and if you believe that our species will survive long enough, you should also believe that if you can actually trick your children and your children's children etc. into finishing up this task for you once you die, the characters in the game will inevitably bear no resemblance to humans..if we're even still humans. kind of like toad, really.
  5. Yes, I did. But since there is an actual max...well, if i just thought about it, you should be able to do it according to the first post, reaching your target a lot quicker (by the end of 1-2) I am really more concerned with the practical aspect of it. It's been a long time since I've played SMB2..and I may have another reason to give it a go. Maybe even with a more conservative hope for the 2ups if they're easier, can I reach 256? Meh. Still doesn't entice me to play it again.
  6. But is it possible, in theory or in practice, to attain 255 lives by the end of the game? (I think the answer is yes.)
  7. saw a couple excerpts from today's episode..i really need to get back to this show.
  8. I've played about half of the game once and I don't remember hearing the show's theme anywhere beyond the intro. (edit: this was also like 10 years ago) Regarding this remix: wasn't feeling it so much. I think the quality/mixing is definitely showing improvement. The first guitar solo was awesome, but started dragging toward the end - I was giving it a casual first listen and it made me really pay attention to what was going on to make sense of it. The synth solo is <3 though. Just something about it isn't grabbing my total interest. Is this the first level/area theme?
  9. happy birthday. ice cream!
  10. I wish I had internet to vote, or time to compete. I digress. I freaking love Knitting Time. Not to say that The Course Unreal is undeserving, but just out of personal taste Knitting Time just jumps out at me. The long time period by shorter time period, and the "minutes by moments"...and the imagery and the symbolism and the analogy and the message. Excellent.
  11. itt i discovered what a furry is. excellent.
  12. shiver my timbers.. shivers, shivers down my spine. beautiful. expected nothing less, though, because kate delivers.
  13. excellent. hopefully it gets posted ... before the year's up? lol
  14. well, that was something. sort of.
  15. I prefer the rhythm-free, structure-free jumbled mess I get when I arbitrarily and continuously pound my fists on the ivories. Ah, nothing says de-stress like piano slaying. but to answer your question, I do have a favo(u)rite time signature.
  16. <3 crazy taxi. <3 the music too, especially from 2.
  17. I've run into some people from D2 (even a few québécois).. but in my online gaming history I don't have any stories nearly as great as that one. +2 necromancer skills to you.
  18. welcome, and i one-up you with an Ume's Lament.
  19. haaaaaaapyyyy birrrrthdaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy in a half drunken slur. man the extra letters were hard to type..
  20. it's like nintendo vs sega all over again.
  21. very nice - despite the difficulty with those ravens..which i've encountered myself. and all this talk of CV3 being hard.. idk, I grew up on that game. Easily my favorite and not too hard at all. Put me in front of a FPS though...
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