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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. *Nods* You do indeed. ^o^
  2. Hello person who decided to view my profile. ^o^

  3. I wanna know whose voice it is now. ^____^
  4. Awesome, thanks. I assumed it would be something like that, just I didn't think of it being backwards. I will never be a good detective...
  5. Okay, that wave behind the katakana in the OCR logo- anyone know what it sounds like and what it is? I've been curious about it for ages now. ^o^
  6. Awesome, that sounds cool. Yeah, I had a mess around with it- I was gunna ask you a couple of things before I could lay down anything solid- I had a couple of ideas.

  7. Hrm, I'll tell you what does smell funny- our bathroom. It smells of autumn/fall... I'm sure the queen doesn't care, she's too busy... urm... what does she even do?

  8. Haha! I have a job. I earn £12 a week for tutoring someone in Saxophone for an hour! I just need to save... for a while. Why don't all of you come vist us huh? ¬___¬

  9. Jae's right in that it does get a bit repetitive, more variation in the drums would be cool, maybe more instruments thickening up the texture a bit? I was thinking some more percussion panned both sides would be nice too, just something to make it different each time around. Admittedly, it does sound good. The samples and stuff are very nice, they work well- I thought, however, that the subbass was a little overpowering, but I dunno if that's just because I've got my subwoofer turned up loud. As for sax sounds, I think you'll wanna get someone to record it for you, I think that a soundfont might ruin it. You could ask The Prophet of Mephisto, no idea what sax he plays though, and I play some sax too, however there might be better options on the site itself. Keep it up!
  10. It sounds a bit like a Worms/Peggle track in places actually... Ending cut off a bit quick mind you, you should leave that last note to fade out or something- but it's not really a problem. By the sounds of things you've got this edition pretty fixed in your mind and it sounds pretty cool. I presonally like the snare sound, the kit and writing for it sounded pretty good actually. I thought the metal sounds (or whatever they are) were a tiny bit loud and also that some computery bleeps would've been perfect- but you really capture the Metroid feel with those sweeping runs, I liked that bit. The synth writing is also good. I can't really talk about levels and stuff because I'm not using my headphones so maybe someone else can help you there. Apart from that- good luck. ^___^
  11. Well, mine's submitted. ^___^ Have fun.
  12. Hrm, no one else in this (apart from Just64Helpin)? Well I'm getting something ready anyhow, just letting people know.
  13. Ah lame, I'm all the way down in Portsmouth. ^___^ But still, at least we're on the same island. You're right, not enough English here!

  14. May I ask what Uni you're at? Only 'cuz I'm going next year and would be interesting if we were at the same one (although we're probably not).

  15. Yeah I know... It's just pushing up the transposing slider is a nice way of making a song sound different if you know what I mean. You can throw it up a couple of semitones and it sounds "new" which is advantagious as the different parts can be heard from that "first listen" perspective.
  16. Hey man, you're english and at uni too huh? Awesomesauce!

  17. Yeah, the master slider. I have a habit of transposing everything up a couple of tones and leaving it there only certain plugins won't work- Magic 8 Bit off the top of my head. I've had a look about in the plugin tab and checked and unchecked options but nothing's working.
  18. I wouldn't use presets if I were you... That lead is "Sitrus, Guitar, Electric 3" on FL isn't it? And I'm sure I've heard those arpeggios in the "Arp" section. Probably the first couple in the list? I think the arrangment is good, I think I said that before actually, I enjoyed it, but you should really start editing the sounds a bit. As far as I know people (and the judges) don't look too kindly on using synth presets... That's all I have to say for now, but I agree with Gario, it's good, just not incredible. I love the Bridge Zone music so I'm looking forward to an update. ^___^
  19. If you still need someone, PM me. I did graphics at college so I've done stuff like this before. If you tell me the genre and feel I'm sure I'll hook you up with something. ^w^
  20. Basically I have a couple of VSTI's that aren't transposing with the rest of the instruments when I move the slider. The whole slider range seems to change the VSTI's pitch up or down 1 semitone where it should transpose it 12. This is really annoying me now, is there anything I can do? Thanks a lot! ^o^
  21. Hey, saw you had a couple of tracks going. I know they're pretty much the overworld theme but I was thinking about making a medly of the Title, File Select and Game Over themes. Lemme know if you want that or not. ^___^
  22. Being honest, you should just google that- there are a lot of programs out there. Anyhow, you could try this I guess: http://www.snapfiles.com/get/restoration.html
  23. Actually, being honest, I enjoyed this (and this isn't usually my kinda thing). I do agree with Progressive though- however it's mostly the drumloop thing I'd rather see changed. Seems pointless to talk about production and that lot, especially now. Anyway, I enjoyed it dude. ^___^ EDIT: I agree with Neblixsaber too. ^o^
  24. Hey! I used to do that alot actually, only it was Sonic.
  25. Ah so it's not just me! That Tetris thingy was scary, but yeah, as Bahamut said, it's really vivid sometimes. I can actually play it and remember where I've put blocks previously. Oddly enough though it never tends to automatically clear the lines unless I think about it... That F.E.A.R thing is just crazy though...
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