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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Don't get me wrong, I'm a SUCKER for oldskool graphics. I just feel the styles are inconsistent across BG/sprites/UI and, when sprite art is employed, it's just not as good (authentic) as it could be.
  2. I absolutely loved this game. The graphics are a bit mishmashy and on the poor side though.
  3. YESSBIRTHDAYTHREAD. I love you all.
  4. Ten out of ten would bang.
  5. I'm so forgettable I didn't even notice.
  6. Don't apologise. He was callously monopolising.
  7. Absolutely beautiful harmonies, love the major change toward the end. Not listening with headphones so can't comment on production, but amazing stuff broseph.
  8. haaproepy fjeiowbthsd,a.
  9. Hm. Read it in it's entirety, thought it was on the weak side.
  10. You're ruining the moment.Why would you ruin the moment son? Why?
  11. Sounds pretty good out the right ear of my Xbox headset.
  12. It's not animé but I fucking love this show.
  13. Too coverish for OCR, but this is sick. Nice job.
  14. :nicework::nicework:THE NICEST WORK :nicework::nicework:
  15. Check how much memory is in use. I don't know if that's the problem, but with seven instances of Kontakt, seems likely.
  16. Great job! Nice birthday!
  17. I'm actually the complete opposite. I'll have the composition down in my head but fail to physically realise it.Writing music for me is just repeatedly attempting to translate my thoughts into MIDI, which proves frustratingly challenging.
  18. I've actually never played it single player, but multiplayer? You better like having fun. Just start with Rebellion.
  19. I've heard they're one of the easier to catch, especially with live bait. Ohohoho, I'll be here all evening.
  20. I don't know you.
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