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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Every night I thank the universe there's the Atlantic between me and Ben. Mainly because I keep forgetting to give him his artwork.
  2. Minds will be blown, bodies will be ready.
  3. Don't listen to his candied words, he's no novice.
  4. Immoral or not, if you're not licensed in some way, you don't have a leg to stand on when the lawyers come knocking.
  5. It's all about who you know. You'll find that once you've broken that initial barrier and started gigging with a group, you'll start networking like crazy.
  6. Goddamit SuperiorX, way to blow my cover.
  7. If you guys don't want to be called experts that's fine. Personally, I have reached the peak of musicality and have nothing more to learn from anybody. You just can't touch me.
  8. Yes I'm being pretty particular about the use of the word 'graphic' but let's just clear this up: GRAPHICS ≠ REALISTIC AESTHETIC Furthermore, GOOD GRAPHICS are not necessarily equal to REALISTIC !EXAMPLE! Let us turn our attention to VVVVVV. Does that "far to go" graphically? No. In fact, it has achieved graphical perfection- it fits its intended style perfectly.
  9. Sounds cool broseph. If this ever takes off, I'll give it a whirl. \/ \/ Examples of Work \/ \/
  10. Shut up Brandon, no one cares. :-)
  11. We have that special, one-in-a-million relationship where we neither talk, nor know one another whatsoever however have vaguely interacted in the past, constituting a Facebook friendship.
  12. Hey it's Gario's birthday thread. Have a compliment on me!
  13. How on earth are you so good/productive/prolific? IT’S ENVIABLE.
  14. Colour me interested. Best Sonic game ever bring on the flamers. Despite being an EUer, I grew up with an early PC port which included the American soundtrack. I'd give one of those a bit of lovin' fo' sho'.
  15. SCRIBBLENAUTS. Why has no one mentioned Scribblenauts goddamnit?! GODDAMNIT.
  16. There is definitely not enough hype in this thread for Scribblenauts. THE BEST FUCKING GAME OF E3 HANDS DOWN.
  17. Checking ebay, you could probably get all this for around $70.If he's not willing to budge, you could do much worse than $80. Do it man.
  18. Do you actually read what you write?I agree that it's easier to explore ideas, but that does not mean there are physically more avenues of creativity.
  19. Holy shit.
  20. Perhaps, but if it were you would you risk it? Is it worth potentially losing a lot of money over something that won't generate any revenue?
  21. RECREATE, SELL TO GAME COMPANIES, $$PROFITS$$ Repeat for infinite money.
  22. Despite the atrocious grammar, this looks pretty serious to me, I'd be real careful. What you'd gain in winning this case is nowhere near to what you'd lose perusing it.
  23. Congratulations on your successful artwork release halc!
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