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Everything posted by 42

  1. Darn it, this reminds me of something and I can't really think of what. >.< It sort of sounds like .... no, nevermind. All I can say is that everything feels appropriate and just the way it should be. They really did an amazing job here, but its just not quite my style.
  2. I immediately think of the Mii channel music as I listen to this. I'm having trouble deciding if I like this one or not. On one hand, its smooth, mellow, fun, jazzy, and everything else in that category. On the other, it's too elevator/background music like to be play list worthy, imo. It conjures up images of elevator rides, waiting rooms for doctor's offices, and receptionist's areas of law firms that try to be "modern", and I have to ask myself if I really want that kind of music on my play list. Don't get me wrong, it's good stuff, but... well, o.k. after listening to it again, I'm going to label it "pretty decent remix" and shuffle it into my music collection.
  3. ahhh Sometime's it's just the simple things, ya know? The piano intro was brilliant and building off of that was genius. Very silky slick and not complicated. Though I could say the drums are a little forced and they overshadow the piano in the latter have, it ultimately doesn't detract from the mix. Awesome work.
  4. dang, whoa. umm... wow. Words fail me at how cool this is. Very dire and techno. Awesome job.
  5. I really like the flute here; it just seems so appropriate for some reason. I just don't really care how it dips from the upbeat Harvest into something more dire at 1:19. Still, this is a pretty good mix and worth checking out.
  6. meh, Not bad, but it just isn't really doing much for me. There isn't really too much to grab my attention here.
  7. I don't really hear boogie woogie often, but wowee, they've done a great job Oh, wow. The guitar and sax. As I listen to this, the full scope of this mix is dawning on me. Definitely awesome stuff, a rocking mix, and a must download.
  8. Its tracks like this that make me like NBNG; they not only turn convention on its head but also turn it inside out. This mix, and a few others, helps balance out the more intense tracks of NBNG, and I like. Very mellow and relaxing. Great work.
  9. Without even looking at the title, one can tell by listening that this is the favored team's anthem, the one to put money on, the one that'll win. The mix reminds me of something from Vegas: big, flashy, and show stopping. Awesome stuff.
  10. Peoples still use discos? Anywho... Oh, yeah. Amazing work and nicely done. This is a great piece of funk. Highly recommended.
  11. Nice Asiatic grove vibe thing going on here. Indeed, there's awesome stuff here.
  12. I'm only a little familiar with Rammstein through what I've heard in German class, but still this is excellent, awesome, and everything else. Great job.
  13. I have to admit the introduction at the beginning is a very classy; it really sets the tone for the rest of the song. I can almost imagine this being played at some resort at like Cancun or something.
  14. This is like deep fried "whoa" on a stick. Crazy good. I definitely like the originality of how the two themes are mixed together and how they are presented here.
  15. Don't get me wrong, this is good stuff, but it just seems to take its time to get started, which is kinda Still, that can be forgiven as it's still a great mix and great ambient jazz.
  16. I'm not too familiar with the source, but I like it. Its got a great, cool, funky, jazzy groove to it. Nice work.
  17. I usually review a mix as I listen to it and was about to be all on this mix but then at 0:31 then Wham, Splat, Moral of the story: don't judge a track solely by it's first 30 to 45 seconds I can't believe that this mix hasn't really seen the light of day since 05. This is definitely worth checking out.
  18. Hol-le cow. wow Words fail me except for "Download this now".
  19. This mix seems to be trying too hard and trying to be too many things, and you know what? It works. I don't really know how, but it does. This mix takes its source and really goes places with it. And I especially like that charging up at 2:52. Great stuff.
  20. This mix seems vaguely Castlevania-like, and the piano is good. It's great how it just compliments and melds with the 8 bit sounds. Looking through some of the older posts, I can understand and sympathize with their sentiments, but I don't really like the ending. It sounds like the dial tone after one has been cut off on the phone which is like But this is still an Incredible mix and worth listening too.
  21. Not bad, it's simplistic and not so dynamic though. It doesn't really go anywhere, but what it is has been polished up well. Still, it gets an A for effort.
  22. So delicious It's like rocky road ice cream with Hershy's syrup for the soul. One of my favorite parts of the mix is the introduction, how it just lets the listener down into the mix. An absolute must download.
  23. Dang, this is great stuff, and I'm glad its on SSFIIHDR. Awesome job.
  24. This isn't quite the convention that I'm used to, but... It's still good, original, and worth listening to.
  25. Seconded. This is an awesome mix whose only fault is that it's too dang short. This is also one of those few mixes that is, imho, what the source should have been.
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