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Everything posted by 42

  1. Compared to "One Girl in All the World", this is more playful and less atmospheric, and as a companion piece it works nicely. Smooth, sentimental, and very nice. This is a great mix, but without it's compliment, it doesn't just feel complete, so check 'em both out.
  2. I love the background rain SFX, it really sets the tone of this mix. I don't know what it is about rain and Metroid, but they just work together. In Smashing Live, they do something similar with Depths of Brinstar, but this is still better than what they did. It's just so solemn, contemplative, sober, yet it doesn't take itself so dramatically. There is an incredibly vivid sense of place going on at times. This is a great mix. I agree completely; if this mix was visual art, it would definitely be those art pieces. And, Wow, those are good.
  3. I can't really label this one for some reason. ..... Towards the end, it gets more coherent-ish. In the end, I don't really care for this mix, it's not bad but its not really my style. I'll pass.
  4. I was wondering what gypsies and jazz had anything to do with this mix, but after reading what Wikipedia had to say, it all makes sense now. The beauty of the mix is in its simplicity. This is a reminder to the world that ~everything~ doesn't have to be boom/bust, life/death, now/never, "the world's gonna end now!!!", etc; it's an incredibly nice "stop and smell the roses" kind of mix. This is an absolute must download.
  5. It's hard to not like this track; it's just so harmonious. Everything just flows its with it. Very nice, very smooth; it doesn't really strike me as jazz per se, but its close enough for my tastes.
  6. This is more Caribbean beach going party as opposed to Caribbean rave. I'd have expected be faster, more techno, pulse pounding, etc. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just that I'm a stickler for truth in advertising. Still it's very groovy, and I'm digging the flute. This is definitely worth checking out.
  7. Some of the initial (within the first 30 seconds) background sfx are a little grating, but that doesn't really bog down this mix. It's still great, smooth, jazzy, relaxing, contemplative, and an all around good listen. A must have for all jazz enthusiasts.
  8. Knowing the source makes understanding this mix better. Anyway, I can't make up my mind on this one. On one hand, it's laid back rock. On the other, well... I dunno... I like it, but it's not the most showstopping, blockbuster mix on here. It's still good and worth listening too.
  9. Agreed. This is worthy of being on the big screen, and I can't believe this mix has been hidden away in the archives of OCR for so long. Very calming, peaceful, deep and complicated, sweepingly majestic, very awesome and a must download. Awesome indeed.
  10. Nicely done. Pulse pounding, industrial, and techno. There is definitely adrenalin in this mix. My only gripe is that it takes a while to get going and until then its fairly repetitive, but other than that, this is worth checking out.
  11. The President has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the President?
  12. Yeah,the bells sound weird.... Still, the second half is better than the first half. Ultimately it's too unconventional for my tastes, but still nice work for going out on a limb and trying something original.
  13. This is like someone dropped Super Mario Brothers and 80's rock into a blender and this was the result. Yet, it works and works well. Definitely original and worth listening to.
  14. That piano reminds me of something; some platformer I haven't played in years and can only remember vague things about.... >.< Still, its good, gothic, and ambient. One can pick out the tension underlying the mix. Bittersweetfully sorrowful yet purposeful. I like this; there seems to be a lot going on here.
  15. Ninjas want to grow up to be just like Chuck Norris. But usually they grow up just to be killed by Chuck Norris.
  16. I dunno... I have mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, its short and nothing really earthshaking. Yet, on the other hand, it's calming, which is kind of difficult to differentiate between "mellow" and "relaxing", but for what it is, ultimately, I like it.
  17. This is great and totally 80's, but, well, don't get me wrong, this mix is still great stuff, but after listening to some of Sixto and Zircon's other collabs it's kind of hard to compare... Still, though, awesome job.
  18. Pie Iesu Domine. *wack* Dona Eis Requiem. *wack* Like it's twin, this is deliciously orchestrated. This is just sooooo good. It's like a medieval treat for the ears. These are a must download.
  19. *snaps fingers* The Fire Temple from Ocarina of Time. It just hit me. This mix, at least the intro, reminds me of the Fire temple from OoT. Very epic mix and highly temple worthy. That would be the Coolest Thing Evar!
  20. This one is too slow to build up, and the primary synth sounds weird to me. Eh, I'm wanting to like this mix, but it doesn't really hold my attention even though it is an interesting take on Final Fantasy. I'd give it an A for effort and originality.
  21. ooOOoo, shiny. I like this one, very pulse pounding It's like dance plus sweepingly orchestrated = great. Good stuff.
  22. ...and I thought the instrumental was good. This really sums up what they've done with Zangief's theme better than I could have. The vocals really add another layer of awesomeness to a good mix. I also agree w/ Swordbreaker. can we get some lyrics? Please and thanks.
  23. Quoted for truth. Hol-lee.. Improv... But... I knew this was good but... but... It's... DANG My respect for this mix just went from "This is an awesome mix." to "Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!!!!! :shock:" On a scale of one to ten, this is an "Awesome." p.s. Ending with "Shave and a Haircut" was pure genius.
  24. Contrary to popular belief, it's not love but stuff like this that makes the Internet go 'round
  25. I can't download it for some reason.... and I've been waiting for a Violet City remix for sometime. T_T
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