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Everything posted by Drakken

  1. I remember this from the WIP forums back in January. Top-notch stuff, between this and Nullification you've done some amazing work dirtying up these super-well-known themes and making them your own. Great, great start to the album.
  2. Just posting to say my game in the first post should be updated to Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 instead of Skate or Die (as per my earlier post). Wouldn't want someone else to look at the list and then start a Wario Land remix when there's already one being worked on.
  3. I have a few of these already, but I can't pass up 21 albums for $10. Fantastic deal. Looking forward to listening to all this new (to me) music!
  4. Found a Let's Play of the first 15 min. with some actual good commentary: This is undoubtedly the greatest video game ever made.
  5. Liked. Gimgak has 197 now, and the next closest is JamesMerryMan's with 150. Still two weeks left to go, but looking good so far.
  6. I love this so so much; I can't help but smile while listening. I'm not generally one for rap, but here it's a fitting addition (nice job, Tuesday). Production is very crisp. Can't wait to see this get posted. EDIT: The drums (particularly the snare) seem less in your face than they were in the last version. I think I prefer the old one, but maybe that's just cause I'm used to it. Same goes for the pad you added when the beat comes in in the new version; I like the emptier feel without the pad there.
  7. Yikes, didn't know the first deadline would be so soon. I'd like to change my game from Skate or Die to Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. I love the Bad 'N Rad soundtrack, but I listened through it a couple times this week and couldn't get any ideas flowing. For Wario Land, on the other hand, I already have a couple ideas. I'd still like to do a Bad 'N Rad remix eventually, but for the sake of this project, Wario Land is a safer bet.
  8. I've been eagerly waiting to hear this mix ever since I saw it in the To Be Posted queue. The original (both versions), with its truly "legendary" melody, is one of my favorite game songs of all time. Like you said, it's a mixture of happy and sad (wistful, I'd say), and you did a good job of capturing that feel while adding a lot of your own creativity to it. The whistling was a nice nod to the original, and fits in perfectly with the feel of the song. Despite the title, I couldn't help but smile while listening to this. Nice job, Jordan.
  9. Happy birthday, Rozo! Hope you had a great day. Thanks for all the feedback you've given.
  10. As a big fan of Follin, I'd love to try my hand at arranging something of his. It would most likely be one of his NES tunes OR his Ghouls 'N Ghosts C64 work (though there's already a mix for that). Not sure which game yet, I'll have to re-listen through his discography and mess with some ideas. I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more activity. Not enough Follin love here; the man was (is) a genius! Shame his vgm career ended like that.
  11. Great idea; it's always nice to see the original Game Boy get some more love. I'd like to take part in this. Was gonna grab Wario Land, but I see that's been taken. I'll have to think about what I want to tackle. Hmm... put me down tentatively for Skate or Die: Bad 'N Rad. As for credentials, I do have an accepted mix, but it hasn't been posted yet. I also have a couple WIPs (links in my sig) for your listening perusal. EDIT: Wait, Wario Land hasn't been taken. I was thinking of Donkey Kong Land. Um. I guess still put me down for Bad 'N Rad, as I know no one else is going to take that, and I don't want to claim Wario Land (keeping someone else from taking it) and then end up switching to Bad 'N Rad instead.
  12. Mutemath's just-released album, Odd Soul. It's funk/soul-infused rock with some electronic elements. Very cool-sounding stuff. Allies
  13. Really looking forward to this. I absolutely love your Phoenix Wright courtroom WIP, and the demo reel sounded good.
  14. Love it! Very nice work.
  15. Voted; up to 30 now. Your version sounded great. Best of luck!
  16. Just purchased my first ever studio monitors - KRK RP6G2 Rokit G2s - through zzounds for $400 (plus tax unfortunately, since I live in NJ). Super excited! Perfect timing too, since my right speaker just stopped working.
  17. I have an original Rock Band 1 kit; would that actually work? If so, how accurately does it record the velocity of the performance?
  18. I'm a drummer, yet I dread creating drum tracks for my songs. This simply shouldn't be. I can hear drum parts in my head just fine, but translating them to the computer is another story. I don't like trying to play in drum parts using the keyboard or clicking them in with the mouse. It's a very tedious, cumbersome process. So, my question is, what do you guys use to create drum tracks? There's gotta be some way to play in the parts using drum sticks without dropping hundreds of dollars on an actual electronic kit. I'm thinking a drum machine with pads or something? On a related note, I'm curious to know what most people use for the drum sounds themselves. Loops, samples, drum software like Superior Drummer 2, etc.? I still don't have a go-to plugin for drums. I got Battery when I bought Komplete, but I haven't spent enough time with it to really know what it's capable of. It seems like it's more suited to electronic sounds.
  19. Mmmm this is heavenly. The piano is luscious. Could I trouble you to upload an instrumental version too? Man, this is like, TOO good. EDIT: I'm in love.
  20. Thank you for posting that; that was spot on.
  21. It's an alto patch, yeah. I don't know much about how a tenor would sound vs. an alto, so I don't necessarily have a particular preference. The alto patch seemed to work better with this range than the tenor, but I don't know if that's reflective of how real saxes would sound.
  22. I'm looking to buy my first set of studio monitors. Someone near me is selling off his entire studio, and he has a pair of KRK Powered Rokit 8s (the first generation) that he's getting rid of for just $280. According to the ad, they're in mint condition and work perfectly, and come complete with box and manual. I'm usually leery of buying electronics used because if anything happens you're basically screwed since you don't have a warranty. So maybe this is a stupid question, but I guess what I want to know is how reliable are studio monitors generally? Do they often break/wear out after a few years, or do they tend to last a long time as long as they're not abused? I'm definitely leaning towards buying new so I can get a warranty, but I didn't want to overlook this, as it is a pretty significant discount. Even aside from this ad, it seems there are some decent deals to be had if one is willing to buy used.
  23. I'm horrible with suggestions, but I just want to tell you that this is awesome, and I really dig it.I wouldn't give up on subbing it to OCR. Seems to me there's more than enough variety there.
  24. UPDATE 12/15/11: Now looking for just a guitar player to do all the electric guitar parts (and maybe even the Spanish-sounding acoustic stuff at the beginning if possible). Here's the latest WIP: Original post: I'm working on a remix of Gerudo Valley, and I'm looking to collaborate with a couple people on it. The beginning of the song has a sax part, and the second half has some electric rhythm & lead guitar parts. Right now I'm using fake instruments for each, and it would make a huge difference to replace them with real instruments (particularly the guitars). Here's the song: And here's the WIP thread. Please give it a listen, and let me know if you're interested!
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