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Everything posted by TheKrow

  1. Been a big fan of your music for a long time; going to miss ya. Congrats and best of luck to you Taucer. Thanks for the track advice you've given me, too.
  2. That combination sounds ridiculous, can't wait to see how that will turn out. Glad to see you back Wes, I've been waiting to converse with you over IRC... about good news.
  3. I can always EQ the bass and rhythm myself as long as I have the separate track for the rhythm, so I'm not too concerned about that. And if it's not too much to ask the stereo would be awesome. Use whatever tones / effects you see fit.

  4. Don't worry about it. I just know that sometimes it seems like a message sends when it actually falls through for one reason or another. The track seemed a bit empty to me without the rhythms, but I'm up for anything you want to try.

  5. Hey Cyril, did you get that PM I sent you? I just want to be sure.

  6. They're both so emo it's hard to tell sometimes. Also David, those are great pictures anyway.
  7. And where the hell are the pics!? Those all sound exceptionally awesome.
  8. I finally have some time to start listening again. Oh, I have missed David's sweet, manly voice, Stevo's girly laugh, and Devon's random topics.
  9. Proto <3 You make chiptunes very bearable for me; I had never hated them, but I could never get into the style. Awesome stuff.
  10. Now that you're posted, it's hard to complain about you not being posted. Really, really, great job.
  11. Listening party was awesome, thank you for hosting, OCAD (Stevo).
  12. Been waiting for this to get posted. Turned out how I imagined; chill and awesome.
  13. This thread is getting harder and harder to follow, everyday.
  14. Needs moar David Wise.
  15. Was "Past, Present, and Future Perfect" going to be posted today? Also, "Essence of Lime" is finally in the to be judged list. It's about time lol...
  16. This feeling of completion is incredible.
  17. But not the parts about penis being great, right?
  18. Man, this is the greatest fucking podcast ever. I love you OCAD.
  19. I highly encourage this. Highly. I think once we have an official release date we should try to plan the listening party for the next weekend after release (depending on when that is). We would be very gracious if OCAD would host it :l ...well at least I would.
  20. And so the time has come; the last track has been turned in and the project release is nearing. It's been a wonderful year and a half with everyone who has contributed to Essence of Lime, so thanks to all who helped make my first real OCR experience so, so fun. Also, special thanks to Ben for taking the time to organize and conduct such an awesome project. You rock, dood. ...So let's all get ready to take that final step!
  21. I made a thread about Jazz Metal a while back, but sadly a lot of the stuff wasn't what I was looking for. One of my favorite metal bands "D" did an awesome jazz-metal song; even has trumpet and piano: (Sorry about the quality) They've also done lots of unique songs with lots of world influence: Colosseo (awesome Romanian sound) Birth - (awesome violin) Meteo - (awesome hardcore-ness) Hanatsumi no Otome ~Rozova Dolina~ (awesome Italian sound, including an accordion) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9-SBvHFbPU&feature=related 13 Gatsu Yumemi Oka (awesome medieval sound) Yami Yori Kurai Doukoku no A Cappella to Bara Yori Akai Jounetsu no Aria (yes it's a long ass name, but still awesome. also try not to let the video scare you) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91oOtcZHGqc&feature=related Ouka Saki Some ni Keri (awesome Japanese-style metal) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V4BLhRJ59g I've yet to find a band more progressive in the metal genre than them, so I'm always looking forward to their stuff. They also have plenty more unique songs. J-Music 4 life
  22. I guess we all have our good days and bad days. And how about we just go with Strader? Less to type. We might as well even go with BS. Hahahaha.... ha.
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