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Everything posted by TheKrow

  1. Wow, I put that anime porn on slide-show view so I couldn't see what was coming. Kirby scared the freakin' shit out of me. The cat wasn't that bad though.
  2. I've been working on a certain track from Command Mission, but I'm not claiming anything on it until I'm satisfied with the quality... expect a WIP soon.
  3. What I don't understand is how PayPal found out OCR was giving away prizes. Is there something I'm missing?
  4. I'm sure if we go through with a listening party, all your tracks will sound better than they normally do, Ben. It's probably because most of the time you're actually trying to find things about them you don't like, rather then enjoying what's there I think they're awesome so I look forward to going through everything in one sit-down.
  5. Alright, sounds good.
  6. Quick question; will it be too late to for someone to claim a track once the first deadline has passed?
  7. Because we're already two or more years too late to make it official. I don't think Ben wanted to limit the people who wanted to contribute, and I respect him for that.
  8. Well now no one can complain about me not having my tracks in! Wav files will be the death of me.
  9. Oh man, I hated the random crashes too. I became so paranoid I practically quicksaved every 10 or so steps. And isn't the Broodmother just like, the best boss evur?
  10. That's too bad. I bet the album would sound ridiculous while on meds.
  11. This made me LOL. Were you a wee lad when this happened?
  12. Many years ago as a kid, I had gone through my Silver Version of Pokemon. I played all day using a gameshark for infinite items and such and had made it all the way into the 1st gym in Kanto, that day. I accidently bumped my gameshark freezing my game. I restarted my game only to find myself in front of Mr. Pokemon's house. Hilarity did not ensue.
  13. I'll be honest, I was expecting Rick Astley to greet me when I clicked that link.
  14. Pfft, I never check my messages.

  15. Everything you do is awesome, Mav. I wouldn't worry.
  16. Thanks, I'll see what I can do. - I would like other opinions though
  17. Bumping. Any feedback would be super
  18. Well I do consider them mostly two different things, but that's purely a value to me. I just kind of forget a lot and make the mistake of openly discerning the two terms. I'm too lazy to explain why it bugs me and all anyway, but to make my previous post more clear: Oh!Great was more of a hentai/doujin artist rather than a live-action pornographer.
  19. Nah, it's true. The writer "Oh!Great" (his pen name) did do some a while back, but I think it more hentai/doujin than actual porn. Unless that's what you meant. I recommend you take a look at the manga though... All I can say is that it puts the anime to shame...
  20. Well one reason there isn't much of a leading melody is because I left some room for the vocals (hopefully), so maybe I can fix that soon, dunno. I originally sought out for this track to be very simple, and keep a fairly consistent rhythm, so in a way, I'm glad that's what you're informing me of. As opposed to that Spirit's Grave mix you probably have heard, I wanted this to be more... "open" if you will, and less busy. Kinda. As for the thick places, probably more near the end, I wanted to build up to the ending a little be so I kinda just threw in about every instrument I was using lol... I'll have to work on that. As always, thanks for the feedback Proto :3
  21. It's a default sample from Kore Player I think. Can't remember the name off hand; it's a pretty decent harp though.
  22. Just fixed it. Tindeck was giving me crap.
  23. I was going for simple, relaxing, and laid back with this track (which it already kinda is), but I wanted to take it and shape it into a more of complete song. I really liked the style of the original, so I sought to improve it a bit. Any feedback is fine, I just mostly need opinions on the quality. Still need a name too. WIP 1: Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSLKXrsjg9A&feature=related
  24. Sort of finished. I just wanted to share this with OCR community, since I really enjoyed writing this and am quite satisfied with the way it turned out. I know I still have a long way to go, but progress is progress. The reason this is sort of finished is because I eventually want to add vocals. Not sure what my chances are of finding a suitable volunteer on OCRemix are, but if you're interested let me know. I'll still be looking elsewhere. As for the song, I wrote it for someone very dear to myself, so it's somewhat emotional (to me anyway ). It's mostly a pop / electronica fusion with a little bit of far east spice to it, so if you're into that kind of thing then, this is your lucky thread inspection. (Oh yeah, I go by "Sleeping Forest" while doing my original works, in case that was confusing.)
  25. Lol @ Dream Theater hate. Luke will rage.
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