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Everything posted by TheKrow

  1. I think you've earned a bad rep with pictures and photoshop, Mr. Strader.
  2. Cutting themselves. Happy Birthday to an amazing member of the OCR community who puts 100% into everything he does! (even if he disagrees) May your birthday celebrations filled with lots of cake, love, and exotic dancers. Oh and hopefully many WIPs.
  3. Coop and Doulifee shouldn't be allowed to compete because their sigs are ALWAYS awesome.
  4. And now the king has a queen to help rule the Kingdom of OverClocked! Congrats! ...The 1-ups playing at the reception? Yeah, that would be kick-ass.
  5. So there's the famous remote control fireplace. May it serve you well. Also is that a Line 6 pod?
  6. I can really appreciate the work you put into the guitar parts Stevo, the left and right harmony on the rhythm is spectacular, along with the lead sounding very cleanly done. I'm sure it's not as easy as it may sound. I've always wanted to see something like in a hard-rock / metal fashion as it would also be amazing, no doubt. Maybe that should be the next style you work on.
  7. Oh, I actually we were talking about "Absolution Comes in Dreams" LOL. But 64's is good too.
  8. Your Sonic mix is incredibly beautiful work Cyril. I love been listening to it non-stop lately, it's just so good.
  9. Holy crap, I've been looking for something like this for a while. Awesome find. Also, nice "Arabian Sketch"
  10. Ah I fixed the problem! Turns out that my media players weren't actually using the same playback device. Perhaps it got reset to the default one time or another and that's why it was giving me trouble. Thanks a lot zirc!
  11. So fairly recently, and I'm not sure why, whenever I render my tracks in FL they seem to come out significantly quieter than normal. It never really used to do this before, and I'm not sure why it would now, since I really haven't been doing anything too different. I use a limiter, although I only usually set it to about -0.2dB... The weird thing is everything sounds perfect in FL, but once exported there's major drop in volume. There's no difference whether I render it into an mp3, ogg, or wav file. Also just a note, I can render MIDI files and they come out the same volume. Not sure if that helps indicate anything. Any advice?
  12. Thanks, I'll see if he's able to do so. (Sorry for late reply )
  13. "Disabled Complexes" - Dir en grey "Cosmos" - Vamps
  14. Alright so let's say that I'm contributing music to something of a 2-D video game. I want the MIDIs I compose to be able to loop back to a certain point in the song, without starting from the very beginning of the track... Much like you would hear in many SNES games. Is there a way to somehow encode MIDIs (or even any other kind of audio file) to do this right after finishing?
  15. Ah, makes sense. That's silly though...
  16. Interesting; most of the MIDI files I get from there are top-notch, but I guess I'm just lucky with my game choice or something. The tracks do sound pretty good quality wise. The only thing that's really taking away from them is some humanization like on the percussion and few other instruments. Also, mixing and mastering would help everything blend better, but you could probably get away without doing it.
  17. Well on OCR these tracks are referred to as "MIDI rips" which are normally not looked upon highly for submission purposes; but it's cool that you just want to kinda remaster these, I suppose. Not sure if you've heard of it already, but if you are looking for more well-put-together MIDI files, I would go here: http://www.vgmusic.com/
  18. Shit, I might listen to this instead of paying attention in class. So tempting...
  19. F that, Cyril; you'll share and you'll like it.
  20. Maybe you didn't see her vagina-crushing outfit she wore at this year's Grammy's. Believe what you'd like, but I find this slightly more convincing. (yes, it IS a scary pic)
  21. I always knew she was a dirtied jewel.
  22. Perhaps my internet was being less homosexual than we first believed.
  23. That was pretty sick. I gotta listen to moar accordion stuff.
  24. My internet was indeed being homosexual; it works now. I haven't been a big fan of Time Warner lately.
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