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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Hahaha, oh man, that was ridiculous Your version of that worked quite well here though, I do say Let's hope some other people share their thoughts on this mix now. You guys deserve it!
  2. Oh man Jordan! I didn't see that you posted this in here a few days ago! It's sounding awesome! Way more developed than the early WIP you showed me awhile ago. I'm loving the atmosphere of the song, and you blended all the sources quite well. I'm personally indifferent to the vocal clips in the intro, but I think they set the stage well and the LA Noire theme works really well there too to set the vibe for the piece. The two main sources work great together, great job! Dom, nice job man! You're improving a lot with your vocals! Jordan, this was a really fun delivery and style from you, I enjoyed your verse and the chorus quite a lot! And man oh man, do I love DiGi's way over the top British accent here in this song. It would sound totally cheesy out of context, but it is just so damn perfect here. I absolutely friggen' lost it when I heard "Toodle-pip, Taty-bye!". Those Luigi's Mansion voice clips are so funny too. Yeah I'd definitely say this is submission ready, in my opinion. Go for it! And man does this make me that much more excited for you to start that OverClocked Assembled thread. But ARE THEY READY!?!
  3. Oh wow, that's awesome! I can't wait to hear it, as well as the rest of the album!

  4. Thanks! I got it! I'll respond to you tonight!
  5. Dude, I just saw your name in the FF6 album trailer! I didn't know you were working on something for it! Did you remix a song or provide vocals?

  6. All of you all need to stop picking Metal Man And man, this is going to be one crazy competition!
  7. Yeah, that's cool. Final deadline is August 3rd anyway, which might change a little bit depending on how far along everyone is too, so you've got some time. I was just checking in though, thanks!

  8. Hey Brandon! When did you think you might get started on your Sonic CD mix?

  9. Haha, nice! Yeah Vurez made a Pharaoh Man mix awhile ago that is probably one of my favorite OCR mixes ever.

  10. I keep forgetting to tell you, I love your pick of Pharaoh Man for the WCRG. It's such a cool theme, and I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  11. BRRIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSS!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! At least I know you'll do it justice if I don't get it hah.
  12. Sweeeeet. And yes indeed! Our awesome team is confirmed then!
  13. Hey Greg, did you see my PM from the other day? I just wanted to know if you'd be interested or not. Thanks sir! :)

  14. Thanks! It's coming along nicely. Check out the preview video in the first post for a sample, if you haven't already!

  16. Arghhhhhhhhh uggggghhhhhhhhhhh... I shouldn't be signing up for this, but I. JUST. CAN'T. RESIST. MEGA MAN. Ok I'm in. My only caveat is that I'm going to be away for the first two weeks of October, so if this compo is still going on at that point, then I'll need to schedule my round around that. Here go's: Sheep Man (MM10) Metal Man (MM2) Jewel Man (MM9) Burst Man (MM7) Quick Man (MM2) TEAM: Amphibious, SuperiorX, Gario
  17. I'm thinking I'll do it this winter sometime now. I don't want to be hosting a compo while Temporal Duality is wrapping up, so I'd rather wait till that is completely done. Plus I don't want to conflict with the new WCRG or that FF compo Brandon is thinking about hosting. All and all, this winter will probably work best I think. I'm definitely going to do it again though, so no worries there!

  18. I was figuring I'd do Sonic again this winter, after I have everything wrapped up with Temporal Duality, because I don't want to be hosting a compo at the same time. I'm pretty flexible though, so yeah feel free to host FF in October when WCRG is over! I don't know if I'll participate though, a lot depends on what I have going on at the time.

  19. Good luck gathering interest!! I may be interested depending on when it would actually start.

  20. The text file just showed all of the participants; it didn't specifically list the songs submitted. Those 3 were participants, they just didn't end up turning anything in. That's all!

  21. They didn't submit remixes those rounds, which is why there are missing, because they never existed.

  22. I read that the Apple exclusive was just a timed exclusive. The developers said they plan for the game to reach even larger audiences than the original, and given the original was on like every platform then it'll have to come to pc and android eventually. Hopefully it's not too long. I don't care much for the free to play part... I'll gladly pay a few bucks to remove ads and unlock all the content. The $15 I paid for the original on pc when it first came out was well worth my money. This one looks like it's going to be great too!
  23. Hey Corey, just wanted to give you props for your work on Main Finger's Sonic CD mix! I think that is your best vocal work to-date (that I've heard at least). I'm seriously loving it. Great job to you and wildfire! :-)

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