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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. ...but there is nothing to "have" with tinypic, you just have to upload the image. Here use this! I'm really excited to see this starting up today!! :mrgreen:
  2. Cool, glad you all like them! @Cosmic Sounds, I don't think yours is working, I'm showing a little weird "?" box in your sig To anyone that missed my earlier post: GET YOUR SIGS HERE!!!!!!!!!! They are all in one small ZIP file, so download, grab your sig, and upload it to your own web space or tinypic or something!
  3. Hey Callum, I really like this! I love this source and this instrumentation fits it very well! Style-wise it's pretty similar to the source, but I don't care, it's a very enjoyable piece of music. Nice job!
  4. What tomfoolery is this? I do have a special place in my heart for Needle Man after the WCRG 2011, but I swear all the sigs are the exact same size on my computer lol Glad everybody likes them! I enjoy how this turns into the most colorful thread once people start changing their sigs haha For anyone who missed it, the sigs link is in my last post back on the last page, until Darke can link it in the first post. Thanks!
  5. Ok Robot Masters, the sigs are ready. I double-checked them all for typos, but I'm sure I probably made one somewhere. Just hit me up if something is messed up. I also had to get creative with my color palettes given how many teams we had GET YOUR SIGS HERE!!!!!!!!!! They are all in one small ZIP file, cause I don't have a webhost to host them all. Sorry. So just download the ZIP, grab your sig, and upload it somewhere. If you don't have your own web space, I'd recommend just using tinypic, it's free and super easy to upload pics to quickly. Enjoy everyone. And represent! Darke, do you want to link the file in your first post, so it doesn't get lost later in here? Thanks!
  6. The plot thickens... dun dun duuuuuun. I'm going to try to knock these sigs out tonight or tomorrow FYI.
  7. Yeah I don't really have anything constructive to add to this. This mix is just plain awesome. Such lush instrumentation from Jordan (seriously love that solo synth at 4:00), and Sigma I really enjoy your vocal style - it's a lot of fun! Lyrics are really fun and witty too. Great job guys, this is sub-ready in my opinion! And my vote is for "Tutti I Frutti: The Ballad of Piantee Joe"
  8. Alright, will do. I'll adjust those pixel fonts. I think I might left-align the Artist Name and Robot Master name too, it looks kinda awkward staggered like that. We'll see. I'll see if I can knock these out in an hour or two tonight or tomorrow. If it looks like I'm getting toward the end of the week and won't have time, then I'll hit you up for help Trism. I appreciate it!
  9. I actually mocked something up like 1-2 weeks ago, but then forgot to share . I was going for something inspired by the Robot Master 'introduction' screens you see after you pick the stage and the RM is announced. Hence the blue bar and name and whatnot. Then I thought it'd be cool to feature the RM art on the left and then a Wily Castle on the right in the background (cause why not?). Then you have the team name up top. I was also thinking the colored bar (blue in this example) could be changed to a different color for each team, so each team would be distinguishable quickly by their color bar (similar to Rexy's sigs from last year). I like it, but it didn't turn out quite as good as I had hoped. I'm not 100% sold on the fonts I choose either, but I suppose they're ok. What do you all think? If DarkeSword and ya'll like it, I might be able to make them for everyone. I'm not sure I'll have the time to make like 45 sigs this week, so I'd be more than happy to provide the PSD file if someone else wanted to tweak the design and make them too though. My only other idea was to go for something more minimalist with just a 'bracket' design with just the 8-bit RM's face (like you see in the Stage Select screen) and then just have a bar that came out from that saying "Artist Name as Robot Master". It'd be a lot smaller in size and simpler. I didn't have time to mock that design up though.
  10. hahaha that actually did not occur to me when we were picking team names...
  11. Team Amphibious-SuperiorX-Gario is going to be The Beat Masters! It's musically and Mega Man relevant!
  12. Haha yeah, I saw. I was just sending a PM to you and Amph so we can figure out our team name.

  13. Oh wow, yeah this is awesome beyond words. Definitely getting the 'Bohemian Rhapsody' vibe, especially at 5:04
  14. Yeah, this is the coolest rendition of Shadow's theme ever. It was definitely one of my favs from the OST, so I'm glad to have seen it done justice here. Such a cool style. Great job!
  15. Oh cool! Yeah I didn't think it was Sonic CD you were working on :D I didn't think Sonic CD was going to be doom metal either hehe, is that the direction you're leaning now, or are you still thinking more melodic 'Will-o-the Wisp" style?

  16. Jason C (aka Prophecy) already signed up a few pages ago
  17. I think you guys might be looking into this a little more than necessary. I don't think this was intended to be a remix in the same sense of what you normally hear on OCRemix, but more so a bgm chop/mix instrumental hip-hop beat. Sort of what Random (aka Mega Ran) did a lot of early on, chopping up and sampling 8/16-bit beats for the purposes or rapping over. With that said, I am familiar with Joe's work, so maybe that's why I interpreted it differently, heh. This is a cool beat man, I like it. It does give me an idea for a much more fleshed out version too... perhaps that could be an OCA project
  18. Hey! Nice job Syllix! I really like the atmosphere of this track - it's an interesting blend of being both calming, yet also a little dark and expressive. I really like that little glitch section at 1:45 too! Really great job with adding new layers throughout the track and little switch-ups. It kept it interesting enough so I was still actively listening to the track, but also subtle enough where I could just kind of get lost in the soundscape. Really cool!
  19. Hey DiGi! I just checked this out this morning, sweet track man! Clever lyrics and rhymes and I really like the beat too - that RnB square lead is catchy as hell. Is this going to be part of an original EP you're working on, or was this more of a one-off track? Regardless, I dig it!
  20. Oh yeah, I remember hearing this on his YouTube quite some time ago and its cool to see it on OCR too! All of his stuff is great!
  21. Ahh yes, I can't read, and I was also double-counting some posts that were quoted when I was searching through the forums. I'm going to stop now, it's too hard to keep track of
  22. Not as their #1, but KingTiger has it as his #2, and his #1 is Gravity Man, which a couple people have as their #1. This draft is going to be sooooo messed up lol That is a bitchin' theme though. Good luck!
  23. I've updated my picks in my first post so Sheep Man is my #1. No one else has Sheep Man higher than #5 so I should be set. This partially resolves a 3-way tie for Metal Man at #1, even though I picked him first It's all good though, I really want to remix Sheep Man too.
  24. Just use the "search this thread" feature and the search for your #1 robot master. It should return all posts in this thread with that robot master in them. Then you can see who else picked them and if it was their #1 or not.
  25. Yeah with this many potential songs each week, it might be good to implement something where we vote on our Top 5 songs instead of just Top 3. It would help with point distribution. And speaking of Robot Masters, it might be advantageous of us to try to resolve top conflicts before the draft so Darke doesn't have some nightmare 4 or 5 way ties or something I think I may end up changing my top pick here soon for that reason.
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