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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Hey everybody! One week until our next check-in date! I'm hoping to see some really nice progress/updates this time around since we're shooting for final songs this August! Also - I'm still taking some more remixers on to do some alternate/bonus mixes, so definitely PM me if you're interested! And, halc you should definitely jump on!
  2. No it doesn't actually. Just right-click on the "shopping cart" icon next to the song and you can do a "Save Link As" to download the mp3. I thought the same thing at first and was frustrated because I hate all of that Facebook app garbage, but then I noticed you can just save the mp3s. Problem solved
  3. Super Dubstep Brothers: Legend of the Seven Dropped Bass ?!?!
  4. Yeah I just want to pop in and say 'good luck' to everyone on this project as well! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Super Mario RPG and am really happy to see a remix project for it. As much as I'd like to do a track for this, I just don't think I'll have the time anytime soon. Sonic CD is taking up 100% of my time. I can't wait to hear what everyone cooks up for this though!
  5. I just got this on PS3 last weekend. It is loads of fun so far!
  6. Sweet!! How is this the first time I'm hearing about this!?!? I love the original Deus Ex music, it's such great stuff. I can't wait to hear the full album. Nice job everyone!!
  7. Just curious, shouldn't you guys title this thread OCR Childless Bachelors and Bachelorettes? That way you can find out where all the single (childless) ladies are at Otherwise this will just be one big sausage fest
  8. Awesome final collab track pH and ToN! And yeeeeeah another WCRG sounds great! I wonder what the twist will be!?
  9. Well, it is just a 10-second jingle, so it'd be kind of hard to "remix" it into something appropriate for the album... it might find it's way into hakstock's mix though, which is taking quite a few of the jingles and making them into one coherent song. Not sure though.
  10. Thanks for critiquing those songs Michael! I appreciate it!

  11. Nice one Jake! I think I heard this a bit earlier, but I can't recall. I really like the groove here, kinda chill, but really interesting and there's a lot of great sounds. I agree, the beginning may not be quite as solid as the rest of the song, but once things get going, it's great I like the little piano interlude bits too. Nice job!
  12. Nice! I like this a lot! Definitely has a Sonic vibe! It sounds like Chemical Plant and Casino Night had a baby and this song is their lovechild
  13. Yeah I just checked this out. Great release Jamison! Your most solid yet!
  14. This sounds awesome Ben! It's got a really crisp and clear sound around 0:30 when everything kicks in. This has got some really nice progressions and really dynamic instrumentation too. Great job, you keep getting better!
  15. There haven't been a lot of updates in here recently, but just know we got a lot of exciting stuff going on behind-the-scenes We have an artist, Sami Briggs, working on some great old school Sonic art for the album! Here's an amazing example of some of her Sonic fanart! Props to DiGi Valentine for scouting artists for us! A lot of tracks are already making some solid progress too. The next WIP check-in date is April 1st and we should have some serious progress on mixes at that point! Probably enough for a public preview here. I'm also still interested in bringing a few more remixers on for doing some bonus/alternate remixes. Send me a PM if you're interested!
  16. Thanks! Yeah I'm actually a little surprised there aren't more on the panel, but they might just be backed up in the judging queue. I was really excited when mine passed though, it'll be my first mixpost!

  17. Yeah this is pretty slick. I love the PvZ soundtrack and this is a pretty cool remix blending together a few different sources. I remember Rozovian had a PvZ remix that I heard somewhere, sometime, that was pretty cool, but I don't recall if he posted it here or not. Nice job guys!
  18. Thanks for all the info B! I won't clutter your inbox with another PM, so feel free to delete mine if you need space :razz:

  19. This song is friggen' awesome! I love melody's jams, and Tuesday's raps are just perfect over this. More please!!
  20. OH NOOOO! I just saw your Sonic CD post, and I replied in-thread. What does that mean for your track then? Are you able to salvage anything or are you planning to start over?

  21. It's ok, "partols" are important too! I doubt many people would've noticed :razz:

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