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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Hmm, I don't know, I've never seen that done on the forums before, so I'd guess not. I'll mess around with it later. Whoa, blast from the past! I got your PM, I'll reply tonight with some details, ok? Thanks! I'm glad everyone is enjoying the preview!
  2. Hahaha, I thought you were just asking permission. I didn't realize you were asking me for a suggestion haha. But sure, I'll take a listen and see what I can come up with!

  3. Haha, yeah sure that sounds fine! Any ideas on which source?

  4. What did you have in mind? Did you want to mix another Sonic CD source with your source? Or another random source altogether? If it's another Sonic CD source (or really any Sonic source), then yeah that shouldn't be a problem, as long as your mix still has a healthy dose of the Final Boss music. If it is some random non-Sonic source, then I'll probably want to hear more of what you have in mind and how you plan to use it.

  5. I am proud and excited to share a public preview of TEMPORAL DUALITY: A Sonic CD ReMix Album: YouTube Video Preview SoundCloud audio-only Preview It was difficult choosing which tracks to highlight in the preview. Ultimately I ended up using about 25 second snippets of songs that were far enough along to be presentable in a public forum and weren't going through a major overhaul/change. I also tried to highlight some of the diversity of the album, while not giving away everything that is in the works, which means a lot of great songs weren't highlighted in this preview (even more to look forward to!). Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys what we've been working for the past 6 months and I hope you're all as excited for the finished project as I am! This is just the beginning! The preview features the following tracks: "You Can Do Anything" - begoma "Palmtree Panic JP" - SuperiorX "Tidal Tempest JP" - Rexy "Quartz Quadrant JP" - G-Mixer "Stardust Speedway JP" - OverClocked Assembled (arranged by Sir Jordanius, featuring vocal performances by metaphist, begoma, DiGi Valentine, and The Auracle, additional backing vocals by BrothaDom, and instrumental performances from C7 and SuperiorX) "Metallic Madness JP" - Main Finger, featuring KingTiger and wildfire "Special Stage JP" - metaphist "Sonic Boom" - DusK "Palmtree Panic US" - Amphibious "Wacky Workbench US" - PROTODOME "Stardust Speedway US" - KingTiger "Metallic Madness US" - Tuberz McGee "Special Stage US" - Arceace "Boss US" - Phonetic Hero "Sonic Boom - Instrumental" - Magellanic, featuring PROTODOME "Cosmic Eternity" - Palpable, featuring DiGi Valentine A big thank you to all the artists involved in the project as well as the project team! THANKS! Enjoy!
  6. The public album preview should be ready by this evening or tomorrow at the latest folks. Get ready!
  7. I don't mean to be stalking wall posts, but NI Massive is very versatile. I used it for a large amount of my instruments in my Palmtree Panic mix. Once I got the hang of what I was doing with it I realized there was a ton of stuff I could do with sound design, automation and whatnot. I'd highly recommend it!

  8. Well, everyone in that project forum is on the album so there were a few, plus I heard some grumbling privately too. I don't want to sacrifice quality at all either, but hey I understand it, a lot of people on the project are perfectly capable of mastering their own songs and know how best they want it to sound. I think I'll keep it as is for know with giving people the option of having it mastered. I think there'll still be a sizable amount, and I'm confident everything is still going to sound great. From discussions with other OCR projects, this route seems kinda standard. Thanks Brandon! :-)

  9. Gar, how did you know what I was working on? THIS ALBUM WILL BE DIFFERENT... because no one has ever done a Sonic CD remix album before!
  10. Yeah I have the ability to make the video, I was just going to use some gameplay footage and whatnot. It's more a matter of this isn't going to be the "official" album trailer anyway (OCR will make that prior to release), so I'm not sure how important having a video is for right now. Hearing a preview of the music is what's going to be important. We'll see what I have time to come up with!
  11. Yes indeed in the works! I'm awaiting an update on a song that I'd like to feature in the preview, so we'll see on the exact timing. It will be soon though. I was also considering making a video, but it may end up being just an audio preview, we'll see!
  12. Cool preview guys! I'm not familiar with the original game, but the music sounds pretty sweet! Oh my oh my you are right Your WIP in the video sounds pretty awesome (great melody), but yeah it does sound really dated compared to what I know you can make these days!
  13. hahahah this is awesome. Well done sir! It is a very crisp sounding mix and the vocals are a ton of fun!
  14. Sounds really cool! Way to go Jillian (and Andrew!)! I've always really enjoyed your music. I will try to back at least a little bit if I can
  15. I do believe I may have enough material to show off a little public preview here in the next week or so.... GET EXCITE!
  16. Awesome, I got your response, thanks! I'm on my phone now, but I'll clarify and respond to a few things this evening!

  17. Hey there Asa, did you get my message I sent you on Saturday?

  18. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! I can't wait to hear more of yours too, it was shaping up nicely. Who's Palmtree Panic mix will be the most awesome?!? heh heh :-D

  19. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!!

  20. OK! Feedback time. I'll start off my saying I'm not familiar with the game or the source at all, so take that for what it is. I did look up the source before I listened to this WIP though to at least have a sense of the original, but I'm not really going to comment on use of source material here at all and instead just focus on your arrangement. 0:00 - 1:04: I love the ambiance here in the intro. The rain stick-ish thing sounds really nice and the bird chirps (while kind of gimmicky) were a nice touch too. Nice entrance of the piano too. Great playing (or sequencing) either way. The wind chimes at 0:39 were really cool, but it felt like it was being used as a transition for something else to enter, but instead it's just more of the same afterward. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but it felt like it was building up to something more there. Now I don't like telling people to cut stuff out of their songs, but this intro does feel awfully long, like there is a bit too much repetition. There feels like there could be a little more movement in those low pads, which have a very nice sound, but remain pretty static throughout. Maybe change the notes up a bit more? Part of me wonders if it would feel more fluid with having the wind chimes at 0:39 transition right into the current part at 1:04 (which is the next time a new segment is introduced), and cut out the 0:39 - 1:04 altogether. 1:04 - 1:27: I like how the acoustic guitar instrument is more prominent here. It's got a really nice sound. The whole notes on that new bell (?) pad are nice too. The piano at 1:21 felt pretty empty and exposed. I know it was by design, but I wonder if an accompanying pad there would be a bit nice too. I think the other thing holding back the entire intro is the general lack of percussion. Some subtle ambient percussion textures might help keep the intro moving along too and not feel quite so long. Like even some really simple tom hits on 1 and 3 might do the trick. 1:27 - 2:16: This transition right at 1:27 felt very awkward on first listen, compared to the minimalistic atmosphere you created in the previous minute and a half. On repeat playthroughs it didn't feel as drastic though, and once it gets going though, I really enjoy it. Those arpeggio bell parts are really fun The drums feel a bit too aggressive and out of place, in my opinion. I guess it depends on the atmosphere you're going for though. If you're going for a more chill, laid-back vibe, then I think they're up in the forefront a bit too much. Maybe just mix them farther back in the soundscape or put more reverb/delay on them? You know what would be really cool though is to have some more organic sounding percussion altogether. Like maybe some ? An organic sound might fit the atmosphere you created here more so than the typical percussion set you're using. Just a thought. The piano is perfect throughout though. I love the lush sound it has.2:16 - 2:52: Not sure I'm completely sold on the choir pad, I love the idea, but the attacks feel a little too pronounced. If it had more of a legato sound between notes, it would be perfect. They also feel like they could be mixed a little more in the background too. I really like the instrument at 2:16, it has a really nice sound and delay on it. I'd watch some of the really high notes though, it sounds like something is clipping on that instrument (or it could just be the encoding on soundcloud), like some of the high frequencies need to be EQed down a bit. The instrument fits the atmosphere perfectly though. Love the transition at 2:50, nice switch up with the percussion there too. That's the other thing I noticed from 1:27 - 2:52 is that the percussion pattern doesn't really change at all, it begins to get a bit repetitive after awhile 2:52 - 3:04: nice, love it. Nice change of pace. 3:04 - 3:43: I agree with chimpazilla here. This section just feels pretty empty and plain as is. Beautiful background and textures here, but it feels like it's lacking a lead. I hear an instrument (the one that enters at 3:04) that feels like it's trying to be a lead, but is mixed far back and plays the same 8-beat pattern the whole section. That really does feel like the perfect section for a solo that expands on that 8-beat pattern, throwing in some arpeggios, maybe on a really nice and crisp square synth that would soar right over the great background textures you have here. I can imagine it in my head and it sounds awesome 3:44 - end: Wow really cool acoustic guitar part here. It's really beautiful, I love it. I think it's a really nice way to end the song, especially with those organicy sounds you have going on in the background too. Again, like the intro, though I feel like some ambient percussion elements here could really help. Wow, so reading back over my comments it makes it sound like I didn't like this song, but no overall, I really enjoyed it. I think I'm just in 100% project director overdrive mode from all my Sonic CD crits, so please don't take anything personally But yeah, I really dig the atmosphere of this piece. It's got a really relaxing vibe and pretty darn good instrumentation throughout. I think my overarching thoughts are the intro feels a bit long without enough new switch-ups or percussion elements and the middle sections are a bit repetitive too. I think some more percussion variation and maybe a solo lead at 3:04 would really help. Without knowing your stylistic intent for the track though, I have trouble recommending adding/removing elements. Regardless, nice work Wes, I enjoyed it!
  21. Cool, no problem. The other thread was fine, those are our private forums. You can go ahead and send me a PM with your update if you want though, and we can go from there! Thanks!
  22. Haha I just came across this yesterday too and showed it to Phonetic Hero. The Spark Mandrill video is awesome.
  23. Oh yeah I've had this on my playlist for quite some time too. Such a great song!
  24. This is pretty awesome! True chiptune greatness! My standout favorites are Fundamental, Casinotheque and Road to Contention. I was a little thrown off at first how each song just kind of fades out and doesn't have a proper "ending", but then when I realized the context of this basically replicating the idea of an NES soundtrack, then it totally makes sense, the songs would need to loop or fade-out like it would in an actual game. Really cool stuff, nice job Bobby!!
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