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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Yeah I had thought there used to be too, but I didn't see anything last week!
  2. I don't think there is... I used box for my song last week and had no problems. I only use the free box and my WAV file was like 40mbs or something.
  3. Yeah it's better to turn in something unfinished than nothing at all. We've had too many drops already, and who knows what your opponent is up to.
  4. Just placed my votes before I forgot, I enjoyed all the songs too, so the picking was tough! I might post some brief reviews later in the week if I get around to it, if not then good job everyone! Can't wait to hear the Zero mixes this weekend either!
  5. Those are pretty cool. I might flip the graphics tho, so you have the large artwork of the Mavericks and then small sprites of X and Zero, that way it gives a little more focus on the Mavericks.
  6. Is thing moving forward or no? I haven't seen Rexy post in here in quite awhile. I'm still willing to direct or help out with a Sonic CD album if this particular one is no longer in the works.
  7. I dont know, but I think the background looks a little too cluttered with the music notes and the cityscape. I'd ditch the cityscape and then just incorporate some multi-toned or textured colored backgrounds to break up the monotony. Like what DS did with the badges, have some different shades of blue and red with some overlays and patterns. Maybe even use the same thing for consistency. Just my 2 cents.
  8. The intro is from the Shieldner Sheldon intro. The new melody at 1:15 is built around the Sheldon B melody (a bit liberal tho yes), and the entire 1:30 - 2:22 is built around Sheldon B & C melody parts. Then 2:24 - end is that Sheldon intro melody part again.
  9. Listening through all the songs right now, pretty good stuff everyone! It's a bummer we had 4 drops in the first round and 2 incomplete songs But yeah: Jason and BlackPanther, I hope you guys both finish up your songs, I was really enjoying both before they stopped short!
  10. Haha I saw that too! it sucks one of them will be knocked out after the first round though
  11. Well I just submitted my song! It's not my best or cleanest song, but I think it's pretty good given the amount of time I spent on it. If nothing else, it's pretty funky I'm really looking forward to hearing what Pete and everyone else came up with tomorrow!
  12. Yeah host it somewhere private like box.com or soundcloud so Darke can download it.
  13. OH SNAP Well my song has made a lot of progress the past few days, so maybe it won't be a complete disaster like I originally thought heh. And Jake seems to like it, so maybe I'll be ok Gotta get it finished up today though!
  14. That's kinda where I'm at... only not finished yet. I think I'm making "funky space jams"? if that is a genre, and if not, then it is now.
  15. Well, your theme is proving more difficult to integrate than I anticipated, but I'll say it's shaping up rather interestingly. Hopefully I can pull it all together these last couple days!
  16. I started on my song today... Shieldner Sheldon's theme is just so weird. I have 2 minutes of who the hell knows what right now. If I keep anything of what I've started, then this will probably be the strangest song I've made.
  17. I haven't started yet. I'm hoping to get started tomorrow once I get home again. Hopefully I'll have enough time to come up with something good. Pete's theme (Shieldner Sheldon) seems kinda tricky though. Having until Sunday should help. I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone comes up with!
  18. I'm not liking your Sheldong all that much right now. Gonna have to start on my mix tomorrow and see what I can do :wink:

  19. Haha I know, I would expect nothing less than your all! I'll give my best as well, I'm looking forward to getting started once I get home.
  20. Lmao, Pete and I are up against each other. Friend turned foe! So I guess this means I can't show you my WIPs now? Haha Good luck sir, go easy on me I won't be able to start till Tuesday. And yeah is there someone working on sigs?
  21. Well crap, I'm still out of town until Tuesday, but hopefully I can whip up something decent by the end of this week! It looks like the mixing rounds will last thru Sunday at 2pm EDT the following week then?
  22. YEEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHH!! Congrats on getting posted Pete!!!! I love this song overall, it's got tons of neat textures and great drum sequencing. I think it quite defines your signature "temple-y style" quite well. You've come a looooooooooong way since this song, but it is a fitting and well-deserved first mix-post from you. Congrats man!
  23. Darke said that someone would be making new sigs once he gets an idea what he wants for the art/design theme. I'm sure we'll get something sweet
  24. Nice! I think I'm going to go play some X4 tonight. X4 is probably my favorite cause I have the most memories with it. When my family first got a PS1, X4 was the first Mega Man game I had played since the classic 1-6 on NES (we never had an SNES ). So it's got a special place in my heart And I'm ready to make it rain with my big mofo turtloid. We need to get some more MMX forum avatars tho, I can't rep my Maverick when we only got X1-3 and X8 forum avatars to choose from
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