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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. C'mon guys, don't you know the first rule of ReMixing Fight Club is you don't talk about ReMixing Fight Club? That sounds like a cool and fun idea though. Oooh yeah, that'd be fun. I don't think it could be the typical bracket-style tournament though. We could match up Robot Masters vs. Mavericks in the first round, but after that there'd be no guarantee we wouldn't get RM vs RM or M vs M matchups after that, depending on who won.
  2. Yes there will be, I mentioned a couple times that it will probably be up this weekend. It'll include a few bonus tracks, complete lyrics, and any fixed tags. Ummmm, I'm not sure I really have a good answer. The organized compos are probably the most "official" way to make mashups, so maybe just keep an eye out for more team-based, less competitive compos (like the WCRG) in the future? Or just make mashups whenever you feel like it and then post them in the WIP forums
  3. Gario asked the same thing before the compo started. I think we decided that, no, Doomsday Zone wasn't legit cause it's not really a zone, just a boss fight. As for Flying Battery, I think at least 2 people had it as their #2 choice. I think a lot of people were going for sources that hadn't been mixed a whole lot. Sure, a lot of the classics are great, but they've already gotten a lot of coverage. It's cool to hear some of the more obscure zones too.
  4. OK that's enough. Seriously take this offline please. Last time I checked, the final round of the SZRC was Amphibious vs. Gario. Anybody else have some comments on their final songs? I plan on putting together a final ZIP file of all the mixes this weekend. I know I mentioned it earlier, but if anyone has any significantly revised versions of their compo songs (new parts, revised arrangements etc., not just volume/level tweaks) or songs inspired by the compo (i.e., Rexy's song), let me know by the weekend so I can include them in the final ZIP. Thanks! I've got some quick reviews on the final round: Amphibious: This mix has a really crisp & clear polished sound to it! Probably one of the most "complete" electronica mixes I've heard from you. Very good arrangement and sound design choices! I really enjoy the bass that comes in around 0:43. It's got an awesome low frequency range, but has a really nice paramento glide inbetween notes (great job whatever you did there). The other synths and rhythm guitar fit in perfectly with the overall soundscape, as does the pad. The percussion, while not incredibly diverse, is interesting and keeps the beat driving forward. I felt like something different melody-wise was going to be introduced in the second half to keep things fresh, but overall no complaints. This was a very enjoyable, high energy piece! Great work! Gario: Nice intro and layering of the different instruments. Prophecy's spoken word intro and the DAA DAAA DAAAAAAAAA was pretty funny and definitely set the tone for what I could expect from the rest The instrument at 0:35 felt incredibly abrasive the first time I heard it, but it's since grown on me. KingTiger's vocals feel like they could've been a little clearer, but overall I really dig the fun lyrics and I think the sound does fit the rest of the soundscape well enough. And damn that chorus is catchy as hell. I've caught myself singing "8-bit, 16-bit, or even higher..." quite a few times this week I love all the little references to some of the other songs you remixed and the idea of bringing back a lot of your past opponents is a really cool idea. And then there is a little rap about pancakes. Priceless. Unless you've been closely following this thread, this song would make no sense hahaha. While, sure this song isn't as polished as your others, it is super fun and that more than makes up for it IMO. It has a sorta endgame/credits song feel to me, so it definitely feels like a fitting "end" to your run and the compo in general. I honestly don't know which song I'm going to vote for yet. There are aspects of each that are clearly superior to the other, but I'm not sure which one I like more overall. Only time will tell! Great job both of you and great job to everyone that's participated in the compo. It has been a blast, and yes, we're all winners since we have 58 new Sonic remixes
  5. We should have at least a month before music starts getting made. Even if Darke started recruitment this Saturday, we'd still have like 2 weeks for that, a week inbetween the first bracket, and then if you requested to be in the second bracket that's another week, so that'd be a month from a now.
  6. Beth's songs were excellent too though! Now let's cut out all the trolololling going on in here ok.
  7. FYI Geeky Stoner would be a novice by your definition. I would also consider asking a mod to lock your original thread so people stop posting over there.
  8. I updated the zip file to credit Prophecy instead of prophetik and there are also lyrics for Gario's song included in a text file now.
  9. damnit you faked me out. I thought Shariq had just posted the GMRB 2012 thread... and I was all excited to make my pics.
  10. Alright everybody, it's all come down to this! The Final Round songs are now available! Who will triumph? Amphibious or Gario? You decide! Enjoy everybody!
  11. I'm cautiously optimistic that this thing will pan out. If done right I think it may have the chance to revolutionize console gaming, but we'll see. I'm not going to contribute money to the kickstarter though, I'd rather see how it goes and read more about it first post-launch.
  12. Well it sounds like you both have some solid tracks in the works, hopefully they both pan out in time! because... THE EPIC FINAL SHOWDOWN IS AT HIGH NOON TOMORROW!!!
  13. So Amphibious and Gario, how are your songs coming? You guys are making epic final round songs I hope?
  14. I was planning on flying because I absolutely hate driving in a car for more than like 2 hours, but hey Nathan or Beth, maybe I can drive with one of you two? I'm in Columbus, OH and I know you Indy folk will have to go through Cbus on the way down I-70E. Not sure about Lansing. I'll probably still fly though if it's cheap enough, cause I'll probably need to get back to work on the following Monday. EDIT: yeah flights look super cheap... just curious, I didn't see an itinerary on the Mag site yet, except that it is Thur - Sun (3rd-6th). Do activities start first thing Thursday morning, or later in the evening typically? Also do they end like mid-day Sunday? Having never gone before I'm trying to think my best times to arrive/leave. Like will arriving Thursday morning and leaving Sunday night work so I don't miss anything? Thanks!
  15. Haha I was talking to Jake when this got posted! I remember liking this song a lot from the GRMRB. The piano parts in particular were really enjoyable against the chippier, more electronic vibes throughout the rest of the song. Nice job man!
  16. I was thinking if anyone has made any significant revisions to their compo songs (like KingTiger's "Ruined Puppet" with re-done vocals, or my OCR-sub version of "Pyroclastic Tides" come to mind) or any "bonus" compo-inspired tracks (like Rexy's new song she threw up here), if you want to send them my way or let me know, I can include those as "bonus tracks" in the final zip file I'll upload which will include all the compo music. Anytime in the next few weeks should be good, just let me know!
  17. I was just going to say.... damn this is an old thread! Worst of all, now I actually really wanted to hear the song, BUT THE LINK IS DEAD!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Awesome! I know he is planning on doing a Mega Man X compo here soon.

    EDIT: and by Maverick Hunter, I meant Reploid :razz: Just like the GRMRB, only instead of Robot Masters you pick from the Reploid baddies.

  19. Cool idea MindWanderer. I'm too busy to participate this time around (and most likely the next few) but I probably will at some point. I'll plan to give the songs a listen and vote though. Good luck to you and the participants!
  20. Pixelwave! I remember when you rocked the GRMRB last year. You should sign up for the next Mega Man compo Darkesword hosts!

  21. Well you had a good run and you made 4 awesome songs, even though it seemed each week you weren't going to be able to pull through :grin:

  22. That is the best series of pictures ever. Thank you Brandon.
  23. :cry: I'm sorry... I really enjoyed both of the songs a lot. Plus you sounded like you were quite tired of making Planet Wisp songs for the compo, you even said so yourself in the thread that you were ultimately happy that Gario moved on :razz: I honestly could've voted either way.
  24. Missed this part of the post earlier... in regards to style, I'd agree. I'm a big fan of 'chill songs' but I agree that a Sonic album should have some energy. I really like the direction halc took "The Sound of Speed". The album sounded very cohesive and almost like a "Sonic 2.0" soundtrack. Each song felt like a vastly improved version of the original, still similar in some aspects, yet distinctly it's own. That and each song was of the utmost highest quality (in my opinion). I think that should be they key thing to focus on here though: is ensuring that each song is done top-notch.
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