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Dj Mokram

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Status Updates posted by Dj Mokram

  1. I was refering more to the 'thing' that is planned for early next month if all goes well.

    Just need to know beforehand if you'll be willing/able to make it in time for that, since DH is apparently #1 on your list now. ;)

    Though if you don't remember what I'm talking about, well ....PM! ;)

  2. I won't announce much publicly until everyone starts working on their wips anyway.

    But I do hope you get back on track for the next Lufia Project due date though...

  3. I'm missing the micro-updates already...

  4. I'm not sure you should takle full-fledged remixes yet. Right now, your drum programming is in the way.

    Say, can you make it to the OHC tonight? I've already gave you an advice on my voting for round 45.

    But it would be easier to help you live on the IRC.

  5. Image host deleted it a while ago. Sadly I do not have that picture anymore.

  6. It was worth surviving if only to read this. Thanks Katie. :)

  7. Merci Alex. Looking forward to you getting posted as well my friend. :)

  8. My music is neither tasteful nor refined. You'll be better off without me. Good luck B.

  9. Nah, doing good here bro. Just released this little tribute album: http://dhsbp.kngi.org

    Give it a listen when you got a chance, I'd love to hear you opinion on this. ;)

    I still believe you ought to release a compilation album of your works. Your talent deserve some proper recognition.

    Thanks for creating such awesome music. It really makes my day. :)

  10. Nah, you're right on schedule and this Bliss ends with a bang. Nice work EC. ;)

  11. Nintenjoe! Glad to see you around again, man. Hope all is well. :)

  12. Oh, I believe I saw that post earlier today. That round was amazing.

    As usual, it's very cool of you to have given detailed feedback to everyone. :)

  13. Sad fact: 'Racing Lagoon' is much less known than his T-rpg counterpart 'Bahamut Lagoon', even though composers are the same.

    Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi are definitely the shiz, and they've made some truly memorable game music.

    'Darkness' (BGM of the Darkness GP) would have to be my favorite song in the entire OST.

  14. Since it's a brothday wish, I'm dropping Uncle for something more appropriate.

    So, thanks Stevo Aniki! Because srsly, you're the awesome man here, not me. :D

  15. So B man, what's the plan? Are those Demons ready to dance or what?

  16. Sorry for causing you to worry, sir. Things should be ok for now. ;)

  17. Sounds good. Looking forward to your finished track then.

    In the meantime, have plenty of fun at MAGfest 9! :D

  18. Sup Epitach ^_^

    Still up for the DH project?

  19. Sure, no prob. Just let me know whether or not you think you can make it in time for the ...'you-know-what'. ;)

  20. T'was an awesome track. So keep at it and be confident about your music. :)

  21. Thankfully I can always count on my good buddy Gario to help me pass for the most friendless person in the world. :lmassoff:

    Thanks again, I owe you one! Oh, and nice sig by the way... :mrgreen:

  22. Thanks Eino! Hope you and your family have been well. I'm slowly getting back into the game. Be seeing ya. ;)

  23. Thanks Eino. Might be a little too lively for a lullaby though. ;P

  24. Thanks man. :)

    Btw, check your PM box.

  25. Thanks man. Been away for a few weeks, now I'm (hopefully) back in the saddle.

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