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Harmonious Dissonance

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Everything posted by Harmonious Dissonance

  1. No genre restrictions as far as I know. Also, How did I completely not notice this thread for 3 days?
  2. JADE WHY DO YOU TAUNT ME BY SENDING ME AN INVITE TO THE GROUP FOR THE LAS VEGAS MEET-UP? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Seriously. I didn't want to be reminded that I wasn't going to be able to go T-T
  3. These Two I took at our local park. (One of them, Anyway) http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii262/goldenmoss/101_0043.jpg http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii262/goldenmoss/101E0083.jpg And these two I took from my house: http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii262/goldenmoss/101_0425.jpg http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii262/goldenmoss/101_0396.jpg
  4. ... Goddammit I'm going to be in vegas like a week and a half before this. T-T Of course when I go down there isn't during this.
  5. ...suckup

    Well... They are trolls. All they really wanted was to watch you get riled up :/

  6. You fed the trolls worse than I do. But at least you gave them a mouthful.

  7. Its no prob. I wouldn't let you go without a birthday thread
  8. -shrugs-... Felt like asking. How goes production on the game?

  9. So I heard IrateResearchers the Red was riding a positive rhythm?

  10. Are YOU A bad enough dude to rescue the president?

  11. I challenge you for the title of lord of the elipses...

  12. Ok. But i've had other things to keep me busy so I really wasn't minding you taking your time. I honestly wouldn't have bothered you until the 23rd though. Although I might have raged a bit ;p

    Oh, By the way...

    I snuck into your house last night at 3am and called the devil. He'll be there to visit sometime next week.

  13. You have THE highest postcount on OCR. Congrats.

  14. I will. Also, Assuming no game systems other than the Wii?

  15. Could you link me please? And i'll add you tomorrow?

  16. Also, Do you have a myspace/facebook?

  17. Eh. It wouldn't be really if no one commented on them. But as long as me and Mirby are in offtop I don't think its likely you'll get the chance.

  18. And all because of me? :P

    If I wern't being lazy I would check if that was a fact or not, But i'm being lazy soooo

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