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Harmonious Dissonance

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Everything posted by Harmonious Dissonance

  1. What exactly IS the SkyBlazer? Mini pelvic thrusts while playing megaman? (Completely serious question here, And assumption of the game)

  2. Sorry. I'll do that then. Or not do that... Whichever. Sorry about that'
  3. I can hear up to 22. But then again I am 13...
  4. American Terrooooooooooriiiist by Lupe Fiasco. I actually recommend it.
  5. Actually get back in shape. Being an out of shape dancer is kinda not a good thing..
  6. I meant I'm finding that I'm having trouble getting to 25 sit-ups. Not that they're easy up to then. And the last time I pushed too far past my limits I lost use of my left arm for the better part of a week. (Too many curls) So I'm not too keen on something like that happening again, But I need to get back into shape.
  7. SO! I'm a dancer, Formerly in shape. After a period of being sick constantly for about two months in a row I have lost almost all my ab strength. It's gotten to the point where I have trouble doing 25 sit-ups in a row. I would like some suggestions on how to regain that strength without pushing myself past my current limits.
  8. Finally using your sig that you made. Blame my laziness.

  9. Done! Enjoy the syrupy goodness? ...I can't focus on doing anything mentally stimulating for the rest of the night. I'll do OWK tomorrow. Also, I just don't get schalasaurus so you might want to find someone else to do the attacks for him/her/it
  10. Juese Belmont (I will be refering to vampire hunter as him from here on) Cross Throw: Juese throws a large cross towards 4-Tan Multi-Cross: Juese throws several crosses towards 4-tan. Causing minimal damage that isn't affected by the invun period. Judgement: Juese fires a beam of White light towards 4-tan, causing large damage. (After Half HP) Wield: Juese turns in his crosses for his weapon of choice, A large spatula. Flip!: Juese charges 4-Chan and flips her over his head with his spatula. Syrup Volley: Juese launches a volley of maple syrup at 4-Tan Flatten: Juese tosses a pancake into the air. It coming down at 4-Tan's location when it was launched. OH! Before I continue can VH please be called Juese Belmont? I will love you forever if he can be If you don't know him then go to olremix.org and search it.
  11. Oh, Quick clarification on upper slash. 1 second AFTER she lands.
  12. True. But how exactly would it work?
  13. Not Jesse. Juese. ...Go look on OLremix. I think if you combine the first two ideas for Subtle Tribute it would be a good attack. Cause damage and make them shun 4-Tan lol.
  14. Subtle Tribute is the name of the weapon you get after beating it, I believe. (Also he already has an attack that sorta does that -cough cough-} Also, When you said vampire hunter the first thing that popped into my mind was "Juese Belmont! Na na na na na na na" Which i'm sure is a completely horrible idea yes?
  15. Your sig is made of win and awesomesauce.

    ...That is all.

  16. ...Every time I read a birthday thread here I feel so young... @_@ Happy Birthday McVaffe
  17. I love your sigs.

    That is all.

  18. Hater's rage should make her bash her guitar into an enemy. If not killing it then sending it flying backwards (down if used in the air)
  19. Which game in minijion from? And should we make a new thread for this?
  20. Yeah. Just for like 2/3 seconds. Less if you think that would be too long.
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