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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. There's at least one person on the forums who's totally wrecked because I switched my avatar from Andy Bogard to Kunio-kun.
  2. I've been meaning to ask you this for months about your sig. What the fuck?
  3. I'm totally going. Also driving if somebody from the western PA area needs help, although I'm not sure who out of my friends are going yet.
  4. http://thepunkeffect.com/?p=495 This is more of a thread bump than anything, but here's Pat the NES Punk reviewing Super Dodge Ball. Turns out it's one of his favorite games too! It's a good review, so if you ever wondered why I'm so obsessive over this obscure NES game and its music, check it out.
  5. I honestly thought this was a brand new thread when I read it just now, then I jumped a bit to see I had made a post. I really do hope that some people will take up the opportunity to do some kind of musical tribute to Avien.
  6. Let Ari know that I think he is awesome.
  7. Now it's like every other birthday thread.
  8. Wow, you guys blew apart the goal, and there's still plenty of time left! The new track with Mustin is great!
  9. 9/4/10: I think the time has finally come. All of the people who are in the WIP stages now are nearly finished with their tracks. With this in mind, I am setting a FINAL DEADLINE for November 1st, two months from now. Send the final .wav render to either Kyle or myself before that date. We're so close now to reaching our goal of finishing all the music this year!
  10. Hey guys, did you hear that Notorious B.I.G. was murdered!? Puff Daddy sampled The Police in a tribute rap song and everything!
  11. My good buddy Onslaught Six got some fantastic video of The Protomen's set. Enjoy!
  12. You guys are all wimps. I traveled 4 and a half hours both ways, got lost in a bad Baltimore neighborhood, then got my face rocked off five ways from Sunday. The Megas were awesome, The OneUps were awesome (finally picked up the SMK album!), Entertainment System was awesome, This Place Is Haunted was super awesome (loved their TV show medley), and the Protomen blew the roof off with their SHEER AWESOME. It was a great show from top to bottom. ...The Ultraball sucked hardcore, though. Maybe it's because I'm not in on the joke (if there is one), but I don't know how those guys got any stage time in the first place.
  13. Excellent. I've also heard from hoha, he should be finished with his track this month.
  14. Oh, that's awful to hear. Kyle and I hope you can bounce back from this setback.
  15. Oh, I'm not offended at all. This is the exact kind of stuff I'm looking for. Thank you. My friends have always called me the storyteller type, and I usually do my best to avoid mumbling and stuttering, though I can see a few spots where I pause for too long before my next thought comes up. A 4channer called my speech as "Walken-esque". That's the general consensus I got when I posted this on 4chan's /co/ board last night. I was surprised when every response I got was thought out and constructive instead of "lol u fag u suck". It's actually more of an influence of the style of Linkara and his show Atop The Fourth Wall on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com, but future episodes are breaking away from that style as I try to develop my own voice. It'll probably be a very long while before I review another comic book again because all I ever read was Sonic. I eventually want to move on to reviewing bad NES rom hacks and homebrew games, a niche that I haven't seen covered yet. Thanks so much. While I'm mostly gonna keep future episodes shorter, I've also been given tips on improving lighting so I don't look like (as one 4channer said) a creepy rapist. I've got plenty of ideas for the future, so I really hope I can pick this up again very soon.
  16. Would it be overly cheesy if I lip-synced a vocal remix? It's the only idea that I've had for months.
  17. Most people don't know this, but in my scant free time, I am a videographer. Mostly, I work with local pro wrestling companies filming live shows and producing DVDs, but I also do freelance weddings, local commercials, and music videos. Anyway, I've always wanted to try my hand at making an internet review type series ever since I was introduced to the Angry Video Game Nerd, and I was finally hit with the inspiration recently to pick up my camera and make a video. Allow me to present to the community the pilot episode of Walan Reviews, in which I tackle one of the most notorious Sonic the Hedgehog comic books ever published, Sonic Live! #1. http://blip.tv/file/3977876 My free time will be very sparse in the coming months, so I may not be able to pick this up again anytime soon, but I would love any kind of feedback or criticism. I hope you guys enjoy!
  18. You are by far the nicest person I've met in person so far from the forums. Good luck out there, buddy.
  19. I'm very impressed. The cinematography is just fantastic, great lighting, great angles, the performances are convincing, and the story seems pretty interesting. Is that Nicole's music in the trailer? How much of the actual score is she doing?
  20. Oh, you silly people in Community, of course Protricity's still around! Very stand up guy, too. I like him. And thanks for the thinly veiled excuse to bump this thread even though there's been no progress lately...
  21. Dude, you had probably the most creative cosplay I saw the entire weekend. I had gotten your picture earlier in the day, and I laughed my ass off when I saw you got picked. The panel was a blast. The physical DKC2 CD is awesome, and I love my new hoodie. Although it was my third year of going to Otakon and the OCR panel, it was the first that I really hung out and talked to anybody when it was over. I'm really glad you did, you guys are a real nice bunch of people. Sorry I couldn't stick around for the BBQ! FIVE JAKE
  22. Aw! I was the guy to your right with the beard and the dapper hat!
  23. During the Q&A at OCR's Otakon panel last weekend, somebody brought up the questing of adding OCR music to Brawl. If you asked that question, get a hold of me. I don't have much time to invest these days, but I'd love to continue making more OCR replacement music for Brawl as a semi-official OCR project.
  24. You men should all be ashamed for what I saw and heard at that panel. Keep up the good work. And although I didn't mean to, I totally outbeared Stevo.
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