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Everything posted by FenixDown

  1. Yes, I'm very grateful to you both for everything you've done to help me put this together. And thank you to everyone who has already posted showing interest in the compo.
  2. For characters with multiple themes, you will get to choose which theme you want to use when signing up. The theme you choose when signing up will be the theme you use for the whole compo, so if you decide to go with Kefka's normal story theme, you will not get to switch over to Dancing Mad halfway into the compo. In this case, your opponents will also have to use the theme you selected and will not be allowed to use Dancing Mad with their character's theme in their mix. For groups of characters who share a common theme, you should pick one character from the group to run as. For the Four Fiends example, you are free to choose whichever fiend you want. That said, it should be noted that no one else will be able to run as one of the other Four Fiends using the same theme.
  3. I made that call for the reasons urdailywater stated. All the previous compos did it, and it keeps things fair and equal for everybody. Thank you for your understanding and I hope it doesn't keep you from participating in the compo.
  4. The ReMix Role-Playing Competition   Concept: The ReMix Role-Playing Competition (rRPC) is a ReMix competition in which participants assume the roles of heroes and villains from various role-playing games (such as Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Dragon Quest, etc.) and use those characters' themes in a series of elimination rounds. The participants will be separated into two brackets determined by whether the character theme they are using is a Hero's theme or a Villain's theme. The Hero Bracket represents the journey the heroes undergo as they must combine their themes with the themes of various locations typically found in RPGs (towns, dungeons, etc.), while the Villains Bracket is a more direct conflict amongst rival enemies as they combine their themes with their opponent's until only one remains to serve as the final boss in the endgame. Compo News: The first ReMix Role-Playing Competition has concluded! Congratulations to our winner, Jason Covenant, and our runner-up, evktalo. Thank you to all the participants and voters and to anyone else who followed the competition. Previous Rounds: Hero Bracket Round One Villain Bracket Round One Hero Bracket Round Two Villain Bracket Round Two Hero Bracket Semifinals Villain Bracket Semifinals Finals Set-up: The Brackets: - The Heroes and Villains will have their starting positions decided randomly and those will be revealed at the start of each bracket’s opening round. - Each individual match-up of the Hero Bracket with be given a randomly determined source track associated with each rounds’ theme (i.e. town themes, battle themes, etc.) that they will have to mix with their character’s theme. Heroes do not use their opponent’s theme in their mixes. - Each match-up of the Villain Bracket will be a direct VS. match, in which each participant must mix their character theme with the theme of their opponent. - Mixes will be due one week after the start of each round The Fallen: - Any competitor, regardless of whether they are a Hero or Villain, will become one of the Fallen if they are eliminated in a round. - The Fallen are no longer able to win the rRPC. However, they will be granted optional mixing opportunities that will not be available to participants still in the running (i.e. mixing unused source themes, other Fallen themes, etc.). - Fallen mixes that are submitted by the round’s deadline will be included with the round’s submissions, though no vote thread will be created for them. Reviews for Fallen mixes should be posted in the main thread along with the round’s reviews. - Collaborating with fellow Fallen participants will be allowed, however, the main mixer must use their character’s theme. - This is completely optional. No one who has been eliminated from the compo is required to make any more mixes. It is just a means for the eliminated to still be able to participate. The Summon System: RPGs have implemented numerous battle systems over the years, so it only makes sense to include such a system in the rRPC: the Summon System! As competitors advance in the rRPC, they acquire the themes of those they have defeated. Those themes can then be used in place of their own. And the fallen competitor can also be called upon to collaborate on a mix, so long as it is their character that is being summoned. Rules: - You may select only one character theme that will be used for the duration of the competition. If your character has more than one theme that is strongly associated with them, you may choose which one to use for the entire compo. - Collaborating with other competitors or non-participants will not be allowed unless otherwise noted. - For competitors who advance past the first round, the "Summon System" is unlocked, which enables you to replace your character's theme with that of the theme of any participant you have directly defeated. You cannot acquire any of the summons your opponent has in their possession. - While utilizing the Summon System, participants may collaborate with the original user of the character's theme you are summoning so long as the majority of the submitted mix is done by the competitor. - The Summon System will not be available during the first and final rounds. Also, if you are eliminated, you will not be able to use Summons for any Fallen mixes. - Voting will be open to everyone and will last for one week per round. After the votes are tallied, the winner of each match-up will advance to the next round. Once each bracket is down to only one hero and one villain, those two will then advance to the final battle. - There are no restrictions on musical styles/genres. If your mix has lyrics, please be sure to include those in your PM when submitting your mix. - Be sure to follow the Competitions Code of Conduct. - Have fun and be as creative as you want! Sign-up: - Sign-ups for the rRPC will last for two weeks beginning on Friday, 5/23 and will end at midnight EST on Friday, 6/6. - You may sign up for the rRPC by PMing me (FenixDown) a list of 3-5 characters you want to run as in order of preference. This will be managed in a first come, first serve manner. - Submissions for characters should be typed as: [“Game Title” - “Character’s Name (Theme Name)” - “Hero” or “Villain”]. - Please by courteous and post your list in the thread so everyone can see which themes are already taken, just remember only lists submitted via PM will count. - Only characters from RPGs will be accepted. If you are unsure if a character qualifies, ask me. Generally speaking, if the game they are from contains enough RPG characteristics (i.e. leveling systems, emphasis on story, an example being Super Paper Mario), I will probably allow it. Non-RPGs that feature RPG characters (i.e. fighting games like Persona 4 Arena) will not qualify. - Presently, I am aiming for 16 Heroes and 16 Villains (for a total of 32 participants). Depending on how sign-ups go, those numbers may change. If one bracket is filled up when your character list is submitted, any characters for the opposing bracket will be bumped to the top of your list. Voting: - Join the rRPC Social Group to access the voting threads. You don’t have to be a competitor to join or to vote. - Vote once in each match-up thread for the round by posting the name of the ReMixer you want to advance. - Consider the technical quality of the mixes when voting, as well as how well the arrangement incorporates the two themes and your overall enjoyment of the mix. - For your votes to count, you must cast a vote for every match-up of the round. Competitors must vote in their own match-ups. - Any votes that try to vote for both/neither of the competitors in a match-up will not count. You must make a clear decision. - Do not post reviews of the mixes in the voting threads. You may make a single post in the compo thread per round to post reviews in. Music Submission: Please send all entries to me (FenixDown) via PM on the forums with a link to a trustworthy hosting client (like Dropbox or box.com) and I will download your mixes from there. I will only accept submissions sent in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Please do not send MP3s, I will encode the MP3s myself. All file names must be in the following formats: For Heroes: ReMixer - Mix Title (ReMixer’s Character Name & Round Source Name).wav Example: FenixDown - Tonedeaf Terra (Terra & Tone of the Town).wav For Villains: ReMixer - Mix Title (ReMixer’s Character Name & Opponent’s Character Name).wav Example: DarkeSword - Kefka Beckons (Kefka & Lavos).wav If you use a Summon, replace your character’s name with the name of the character you are Summoning. Any Fallen mixes that use a provided source should use the Heroes format while any mixes that use two character themes should use the Villains format. If you collaborate with someone, include (feat. Collabing ReMixer) after ReMixer. You are free to capitalize your name and mix title however you like, but please be sure to properly capitalize the character names and source theme titles. I will not accept files that are not named properly, repeat offenders may be disqualified if it becomes a problem. FAQ: What is the schedule for the rRPC? How are the rounds divided? The first round of the Hero Bracket will begin on Monday 6/9 and will last for a week. The first round of the Villain Bracket will then begin on Monday 6/16, during which voting on the first round of the Hero Bracket will begin, both of which will last a week. The two brackets will alternate each week (Hero weeks: 6/23, 7/7; Villain weeks: 6/30, 7/14,) until only one Hero and one Villain remain, after which there will be a final round between the two that will take place on the week of 7/28. What games can I select my character theme from? You may select your character theme from any RPG. They can be Japanese RPGs , Western RPGs, Tactical RPGs, Action RPGs; if it’s an RPG, it should be fine. What criteria is there for what characters I may use? You are free to pick any character you want, as long as they: a) are a playable hero or a villain from an RPG, and have a theme that is recognizably their own whether in name like Terra's Theme, or in association like The Red Wings for Cecil from Final Fantasy IV. What if my character changes sides in their game’s story? Which bracket should I submit them in? You should consider how often the character in question is working alongside the heroes of the game opposed to how often they act as an enemy. Depending on the situation regarding sign-ups, I may suggest going with the side that has the most open slots available. Does my villain have to be the final boss of his/her game? While the final boss is usually the main villain of their game, you are not required to pick them if there are other villains available. For example, Sephiroth is the main villain from Final Fantasy VII, but you (or someone else) could just as easily pick Rufus Shinra. You could also choose to run as a minor villain like Don Corneo, as long as they have their own theme. How are you going to choose the round source themes for the Hero Bracket? I will be using a randomizer to decide which match-ups will receive each source track out of a diverse list of tracks I have compiled. What if the character I want to run is a spoiler for his/her game? If simply running a character as a hero or villain is enough to spoil the game they are from, you should consider a different character. I am not a ReMixer but would like to contribute. What can I do to help out? I will definitely be in need of artistic people who can design the brackets and signature images for the participants. Knowing how to use Photoshop would be a big help. If you are interested, get in touch with me or post in the thread. Getting the word out and bringing in people who might be interested would also be a great way to help.
  5. I had Aeris/Aerith's death spoiled because I had bought the Bradygames player's guidebook and they literally showed screenshots of the incident. I wasn't bothered at the time given my age, but looking back on it, I wish I hadn't known in advance. I also had the culprit's identity in Persona 4 spoiled because I was using a walkthrough on GameFAQs for making the right dialogue responses for social links and such. Unfortunately, the Social Link section was near the bottom of the massive page and as I was scrolling down, the mouse wheel just happened to stop at the point where the culprit's identity gets revealed. Despite the walkthrough's creator trying to make it hard to decipher by spelling it out vertically among a bunch of gibberish, my eyes still rested on the first letter and immediately figured it out (it was who I expected by that time, but still, I wanted to confirm it in the game itself).
  6. Alright, email sent. I had also sent a PM djp's way since it appeared he was still online when I saw his response. Hopefully that helps. Thanks guys.
  7. The post does have some length to it, maybe about 1,000 characters over the limit when I first tried posting, but I've trimmed the overall size down so it should be under the maximum character limit. But even when I decided to split everything into two posts, while the first one would turn up fine when I click Preview Post, the second half would still give me the error message unless I removed a specific paragraph from it. Unfortunately, I can't post it here without the error popping up, and even if I manually type it word for word opposed to copy/pasting it from googledocs, it makes no difference. The weirdest part is that there does not appear to be anything of note about that one paragraph to suggest why it would cause problems, no formatting aside from bolding and I tried without that as well without success.
  8. I've been trying to create a new thread since yesterday and every time I try to post, I get this message: I am able sometimes to preview the post successfully, but it requires removing certain parts of the post for some reason. I've revised the length of the post, shortened and condensed some things, but it doesn't seem to be making much difference. So far I'm able to preview this post just fine so I'm assuming it will post for me, but the thread I want to create is still not working.
  9. Fuse demons and gods together to make even more powerful demons and gods. And then use those demons and gods to help me save people who were thrown inside TVs. Also shoot beams out of my sword when I have full health.
  10. So good! I hope you guys have a set planned out for MAGfest next year.
  11. Downloaded my digital copy last night and gave it a listen. Excellent album, very well-written lyrics with an immersive soundscape. I've only listened to it the one time so far so I haven't really settled on any favorites, though the Zelda track did linger a bit in my mind after I was finished listening. It was definitely worth the wait.
  12. I am not what one would generally call 'musically inclined', but I wanted to see Judganator in action. So I submitted Stevo's Christmas NiGHTS mix and got this: I fear the fact that I was able to do this may be a sign that the Judganator will be in need of a software patch to help weed out plagiarism. Aside from that though, I think this is a great idea and should help inspire more people to submit mixes at a faster pace. I for one, am looking forward to more crabcore mixes, it's such a sorely underappreciated genre.
  13. I was also getting my hopes up for the actual release once that countdown concluded, but this is the next best thing. I only recently purchased Get Equipped and History Repeating Blue and have been enjoying both immensely, though Blue is easily the superior album. Hoping Red is at least on par with how well Blue turned out.
  14. I don't really know anything about all the hating that's come up, and I'm fine keeping it that way, but I do want to say that while Temporal Duality is not my favorite OCR album, it is still a damn fine album. And it took like 10 months to a year to put together and release? I've followed OCR long enough to know that isn't common for an album this size. This album was an accomplishment and a pleasure to listen to, and while I tend to say this a lot around here, I am looking forward to hearing what everyone on this album does next.
  15. I waited too long to jump on the preorder for the special edition bundle. I really wanted to get that soundtrack CD, but I'll just have to look into some other legit way of acquiring it. I don't know when I'll have the time to actually start playing it (getting absorbed into Persona 4 Golden and replaying Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies), but if I see it on Friday, I will most likely pick it up.
  16. It would be pretty cool if you guys did something from one of the Ace Attorney games. Here are a couple suggestions from the most recent game:
  17. Jasco Games, with Capcom's approval, is presently Kickstarting a board game based on the original Mega Man. It seems like an interesting concept and sounds fairly complex. The Kickstarter has already met its goal, but there are still plenty of stretch goals and add-ons to the core game set to be met. I'm not that fond of how some of their target amounts only unlock bonus features that you have to pay a little extra to include in what your backer reward level already nets you. Feel free to check out their Kickstarter page and decide if it's worth your time and money. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1821440755/mega-mantm-the-board-game
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