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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Thanks for the comments Roz! I'll get those fixes done then get this submitted.
  2. This is quite upsetting. I'm going to have to stop listening to Willrock completely if i am going to get any confidence in my own stuff. Seriously though great mix!
  3. I started out this way too and I had no idea how quickly i fatigued until I went to speakers. Part of my earlier frusterations i now realize was me trying to fight through ear fatigue. With headphones the most time I spend mixing with headphones is 30 minutes and even after a 15 minute break it still can suck to put them back on. Going with speakers you can work longer and take shorter breaks to recover. Though it's really good to use both, the more references you have the better.
  4. What speakers do you use currently? If you don't have something comparable to entry level mixing speakers (like M audio AV 40's) then you should upgrade those asap. Though if you up your budget by 50 bucks you can get some decent monitors that will last you. As far as the DAW upgrade goes does your current setup give you the flexibility you want? I've never used either of those programs before so i can't give much advice there but going with something like Sonar Producer version will give you all the tools you need. Though that is 500 bucks. If you only want a slightly better daw i'd say look for a decent set of speakers. Good luck
  5. Listen to The Witcher OST. Though that is the one exception. Everyone has some great points here though for me it's the connection between myself and a perfect art. Because there is so much to experience in a given game and unlike all other forms of art, the player is involved in shaping the outcome it makes the connection to the music that much stronger. You don't just watch it or listen to it, you are involved in every moment to follow a common yet still create a unique experience.
  6. When i was in college i somehow managed to beat Ninja Gaiden for Xbox. (non-Black) The game then sat in my collection for a few years and one day I popped it in for about 10 minutes then promptly turned it off, ran it down to the mall and traded the game in. No way in hell was I going through that again.
  7. I felt this way for awhile before i became more vocal on the forums here. Then i realized I wasn't growing at all and now i get pretty excited when I have something new to share. Though i never share something that's not already a complete idea with a decent attempt at mixing. If you are holding onto your work to see if you can do something better with it later then you are never going to get anywhere. I've had several people tell this to me and even though i keep wanting to go back and fix things months down the road it's far better to just move on. Set deadlines for yourself and keep the flow. That being said how about a Diotrans mix flood!
  8. Sorry if I wasn't clear. In deathmetal compression to a solid rectangle is expected but for this mix there just isn't enough of a dynamic range. To me it sounds like many of the synths were running at their default volumes and nothing was balanced before exporting. Though I'm sure it was unintentional and more of a result of being overwhelmed by the various options while mixing. However if the remixer knows how to pull it off, deathmetal esque compressing could work very well with this source. I can't recommend this guy enough, check out Recording Revolution on youtube and go through all of this 5 min to a better mix. Good luck on the future versions!
  9. It's always been me mirby. :)

  10. In the process of getting it. Though I always feel so damn guilty when i stick 0.00 in the price field. I'll make it up to you! ...but right now i'm dirt poor. Sounds like some very sweet stuff on here.
  11. I've had a Midnight Resistance wip on my harddrive for ages. It's about time i finished it. I prefer the Genesis OST which was arranged my Hitoshi Sakimoto but your take is truer to the arcade version. (just for perspective)Digs are as follows: I know it's a WIP but there are some rather severe balancing issues. Some voices that should be in the background are too close to the foreground and overpowering the leads. Try backing off the volume and adding a low pass filter to knock off some highs. The more information in the upper end of the spectrum the closer it will sound to the listener. I'm trying to get more familiar with the various electronic styles but this seems overcompressed. The drums are flat and there are no dynamics throughout the remix. Not bad for deathmetal but if you back it off just a little to let the drums come through i think it would be awesome. Here's a little mixing tip: Start with all of the faders at 0 then start nudging them up starting with the drums first then pads then leads. Turn up your speakers and mix very quiet. This will give you tons of room for adjustments later. I like what you have and i will definitely be watching what you do with this remix!
  12. you also speak Japanese kizyr? Why wasnt i aware of this at MAG?!
  13. Hey everyone, This was my entry for PRC 234. I made a few changes from the last version and I hope to get this submitted asap if anyone thinks it has a shot at passing. I took the bass out of the center as well as a few other instruments and made a number of other changes that shouldn't be too noticeable. The background is intentionally repetitive and I tried to keep things interesting throughout. If it's not working let me know. I used: Dimension Pro Korg M1 Le Remix: http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/legend-of-legaia-as-the-town Source: As an added reference, I tried to do this remix in the style of one of my favorite composer's late 80's early 90's sound. http://www.edvanfleet.com/music3.html
  14. I'll have to listen to it again to give you some better feedback when i get home but I used my headphones(Sennheiser HD 280's) to listen to both mixes and how the instruments lept from side to side bothered me at the beginning. I think I knew what you were going for though. It just lacked some subtley. I'll pm some better details to you. Congrats to Oneup!
  15. I'll match that Bench and Deadlift goal OA 1. Finish up my remixes and get back to submitting them. (no more than 3 a month) 2. Participate in more compos 3. Practice singing daily so i don't sound like such a prick (then again i guess everyone feels that way standing next to Jon st john)
  16. Very nice. Love Stardust Speedway so i'm switching over to that one now.
  17. Don't abandon it, I like what you have going so far. After the guitar intro, try to come up with one more guitar lick. Maybe some sustained powerchords. Then reinsert the strings with the source melody while keeping the same energy you had established with the guitar. Then after that come up with something short but completely original for the next section and then use that to help finish the idea. Take a break from it for a bit then come back to it a month later or so. By then you'll know what you want to do with it. Good luck!
  18. The best of "Garpocalyyyypse" growling by Wes Johnson I was getting a shot of three members of OCR royalty and look who popped his head in.
  19. Heeeeeeeey now. I have never heard anyone do deathmetal screaming that wasn't already mic'd and a few of the tutorials on youtube seemed unsustainable over long periods of time. I just wanted to hear something along the lines of what you did for your I Will Survive/Cavestory mix. Talk about gall, who was it that was trying to scream directly in my ear again? Blowfish? lol.
  20. Kind of ticked that they stopped allowing formal pictures with yuzo koshiro because time was running over. I would love to have posted one of those. Thanks to Arrow though who did the best he could. Wes Johnson did me a huge favor and growled a short introduction with my name in his Orc voice from the Elder Scrolls games. Brushfire's came close but i forgot to record it.
  21. Awesome mix Dusk! I was at the DoD panel and was thrilled to see some Rocket Knight mixes. We have to talk about guitar tone. ASAP. If you can. As you could probably tell this mine was my first attempt at recording using non-Ministry of Rock guitars and it did not come out well.
  22. I wanted to thank everyone for such a great time at this year's Magfest. It was great getting to meet... well most of you at least. Kidding, it was great meeting all of you and thanks for signing my book! (Jon St. John harassing one of my friends as Duke Nukem was the icing on the cake) Good times and welcome to the year 2000 and F*CKING GARPOCALYYYYPSE!!
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