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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Hail WR! Can't believe it was two years ago you stormed onto this site with a bunch of fantastic mixes. Congrats on moving up! Do more Sonic! ....and please don't "no" me if I do!
  2. Just getting support for this project album and one more. Repetition is the best way to help market an idea. As for the donations... Depends. A solo remix album $25.00 A solo remix album with vocals: Willing to negotiate but not above $0.50. Plus a signed agreement that the donation would not go to Taco Bell, Charity or anything that has 2 eyes and talks. The donations would go directly to paying for either electricity to run your DAW, and only your DAW, or towards repairing the hole in the wall you are going to create with your head for letting someone like me be the Producer for this album. If you want anything else you are going to have to wait until the Album is complete for the funds to be released to be used at your discretion, or find yourself a one eyed, mute, sales person of your choice.
  3. Zero Wing's Remix Album: Directed by Brandon Strader. Now that's a cause worth donating for! that and the Humble Music Bundle. If this guy is serious donate some art for the cause! Make a game where we starve self righteous schmucks who think they can solve world problems by doing nothing! i'll be shooting for the top score! awwwwww it's gettin' HAWT IN HERE!!
  4. I don't trust anyone who doesn't look me in the eye while they are talking to me. Got Screen Presence? Is it me or are people looking for hand outs more than ever these days? You have trouble taking care of yourself, and somehow you are going to save an entire country's starving kids? There are some major holes in logic here.
  5. Favorited. Thanks alot Avaris, some really good idea builders in those.
  6. Auditioning for VV2? Loved that first one, the second one is going to be great i'm sure.
  7. After playing Slender a few times this game didn't seem too bad. However, compared to Slender, Amnesia was actually fun.
  8. Very nice piece of music. Your playing is on it's own level pk. Congrats on 2nd place!
  9. Brought this one out of Limbo. Sat on my harddrive for over half a year after getting No'd but I think it might be ready for another pass at the judges. If it has a shot at passing as is right now then i'm going to submit. Enjoy! Remix: http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/sor-starlight-embracing-city Source:
  10. No that's the way it goes for alot of people. Heck even Sakuraba gets out and goes for a motorcycle ride. Today I wanted to work on some stuff, but i lingered around the forums here instead. Chances are you're new tasks are stressing you out a bit. Just think about why you love doing what you do. I got really really bummed when this month's DoD mixes were posted. If you check them out you'll see why. They are crazy good! After cooling off i decided to try to learn from them and started doing some covers to see what was going on and if i can imitate some of it to increase my own mix arsenal. Set weekly/monthly goals for yourself and if you don't feel like doing something try to do something else. Some days i'm not feeling a remix i'm working on, so i play. anything. Always keep some motivation at hand when you need it. like this: right now someone who may not be your peer yet, is getting better than you. And at times i've tricked myself into playing some games when i should have been working. for motivation! (which has helped with ideas in the past for the record)
  11. lol. that was my first attempt using the guitars in Ministry of Rock. I haven't listened to this in over a year forgot how painful it was, sorry about that. This went through my head at some point during that mixing. "Something is off, guess i'll boost 2khz about 20db. Yea that sounds good." ---5 min later---- "Y..u w..n..t so..m... p..n..c...kes?" ".....what!!!???" Why not you B. Strades? Time problems? Who better than you? Someone who would turn this into a dubstep album? No thanks. B. Strades for director!
  12. ahem http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30096 (my first remix) due to the above i can no longer listen to stage 1 natols. One of my favorite shooters, if i can get a few more things figured out, so my mixes are listenable, i'd jump on this album. the music in that game was a killer. Too bad it was written off as a joke of a game thanks to the horrible intro translation.
  13. Happy birthday. Any relation to this guy? http://tweakheadz.com/
  14. Very good chance the excercise is slightly changing your perception of what you hear. A variety of physical changes will occur in your body as you excercise. depending on the type of excercise you are doing it can also have a strong impact on your brain waves. If you feel good when you excercise that's Alpha brainwaves. If you are pushing it and doing a sprint or something like that, Beta, which is responsible for our "get out or die" mode. There could be a variety of factors making you perceive the music as slower than usual but it's a safe bet that some physical exertion is livening up your senses and making you hear things a bit differently. Combine that with moment to moment changes in your attitude, chemical changes in your body, the source of the sound bouncing up and down, and your own rhythm you established while running and you end up with a very volatile environment for listening. Probably not the best way to critique your own mixes. Waiting until after you run, maybe.
  15. If it is indeed SE acting weird just show them this and everything will come back to them. Even though i'm not 100% behind the VG remixes for money discussions going on. I think OCR approached it in the right way.
  16. How is the film scoring biz?

  17. I don't think it's as bad as you say. Maybe just a little rebalancing would help. Those guitar squeals are covering up alot of what you have. Bring them back a bit in volume and/or low pass filter. Hold off on the repeat of 0:14-0:30 until later. Use the insert measures tool to push it down a minute or two and then you'll have a blank canvas to work on a few variations to get it to last a little longer. If it's a case of writer's block with this one, what i try to do is force myself to come up with anything. Save a new version of the file, Create a ton of space in your daw and go nuts with anything you can. If something doesn't spark shelve it for a bit and come back to it. I also find that images help alot. Figure out what idea you want to communicate with this song and look at some images around that idea.
  18. awww you gotta be kidding me. Usually i'm good for that. I was trying to type fast to make sure I beat you Mirby.
  19. Time for me to get a jump on a birthday thread for once! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BGC!!!! May all of our lives emulate yours at some point. I remember downloading your remixes back when this site was new to me. Now your a big name in vgm! congrats!
  20. Oh man, everytime I hear Aquarium Park i'm reminded of one of Will Rock's aborted remixes. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33937 He ended it before greatness. I assume that by generations-sounding you mean a "Classic Sonic" version of the original? It sounds like you are off to a good start to me. My word meaning next to nothing right now. I'm not 100% but is that a drum loop you are using? My speakers broke and i have to listen with earbuds right now, but to me it doesn't sound like the kick and snare received seperate attention. I don't like using loops myself because I prefer to have control over every aspect of the kit. Drums can take the longest to process but the payoff is worth it. I know it's a wip, and that someone asked you to do a slight style change of the original, but i think this is a bit too conservative of a remix as it is right now. I wasn't a huge fan of the way some of what was supposed to be Nakamura-esque music in Generations ended up being house versions of the original. I think it would be great if you did this in the true spirit of Classic Sonic to qualify it as more of a remix and less of a cover. Then again, it comes down to what the person in question asked for. I'm all over Sonic remixes so i'll be keeping an eye on this one.
  21. You're giving away the vouchers too? I don't use Ableton Live but if some of those libraries work on other DAW's i'll take one of the vouchers. Or both
  22. I don't know if they have them in the UK but go get a pretzel at Auntie Anne's and you'll be sick of them halfway through one. I don't think you need 4lbs of grease to make one piece of tangled bread.
  23. Happy Birthday! Thanks for starting up my favorite place on the internets! I lack basic pretzel shop related skills so i'll give the gift of song. If only it was mine to give...
  24. I'll have to record this and get it on my studio pc to double check but it sounds like a chord extended to maybe the 11th or 13th with something flatted and with all the notes in close proximity. If you lay a pancake over the keyboard you might get it faster. I would try to find the tonality of the chord in single notes then just start adding fingers until you get close. With that freaking flute so far up front it's going to be near impossible to have it exact i think. Speaking of that freaking flute, does anyone know where i can find a flute sound like that? It sounds like maybe a faked pan flute, or a really faked shakuhachi. I like how it sounds like you might be able to shape the intensity of the air flow to get those accents.
  25. You know, mass effect might have had a little controversy but at least they tried to make it better damnit! If any game pulls this crap on me again... -the ending boss fight stops at 11:30, ending is the next 20 seconds. Don't watch if you might want to play sudeki at some point. This kinda spoils the game, but not really. If you're saying Rage is worse than that I gotta play it!
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