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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. At first I was getting a little pissed at this thread. Partially thanks to Derrit. Then I realized this thread was F***king METAL!!!!!!!!!! Best Metal thread ever on these forums! I think the time is near! OCR Metal Movement 2015!!! (let's be a little realistic) I've said it countless times, these forms of music satisfy the lower brain. Fight/Flight Kill or be killed, and other things of a less than savory nature. like sex. and lots of it. So derrit and the rest. keep it going! Pick a side, any side, and keep the fiiiigghhtting!!!The only thing better than Metal is MORE METAL. EPIC MELODIC DEATH TRANCE FOLK POLKA METAL CORE with DUBSTEB INFLUENCES!! No i don't really care that much about LoG. Someone died at a death metal concert? gee that's weird. Of all the ways to die in this world being killed by the lead singer of your favorite band hardly seems like a bad thing. In fact I think it would be a great marketing tactic for these criminal record labels. See the show: $50 See the show, get a backstage pass and get killed by the lead singer: $250 but you get a t-shirt My condolences to the kid's family. While we are at it: Please comment on my mix! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40535 love you guys.
  2. Let me see here, Total amount of Sonic 2 copies I own: 8 (Genesis, Saturn,PC-Genesis Collection, PC-Sonic Collection, PSP, PC-Steam, Xbox, Xbox360) Total amount of FFVII copies I own: 2 (PSX, PSP) Yes, this is totally friggin' necessary. My top 2 favorite games of all time and i only have two versions of FFVII?! Not nearly enough. Don't ask me how many times I beat FFVII, this site is supposed to be music-geek and game-geek friendly but I think I crossed the line with this game. And to be honest, I lost count after 16. SE would be wise to have me direct the FFVII remake. I can recite almost all of the dialogue by heart. Why no, i don't think i'm trying to fill any voids. Why do you ask?
  3. Bands? Those old things still around? I figured if you could replace an entire orchestra with a computer and a guy on a keyboard or two, and get people to pay for tickets to that, then bands must have gone the way of the dodo, the titmouse and the ne-ne. After bouncing around a few bands when i was in highschool, several of them with half deaf guys in their 40's with enough addictions to land everyone in jail for a few hundred years, I have to completely agree with DusK on this one. At least now we don't have to put our hopes and dreams on the reliability of a bunch of failures who don't care about what they do. Of course I made little money then doing music, and i'm making even less now.
  4. I do have a habit of cutting around the 500hz range. In this case I was hoping it was going to leave rooms for the guitars. To get the bass and the kick to work together i took a chunk out of the kick around 120+- i think and gave it a boost around 80. Then I bussed all of the drums and dropped it a few db at 500hz to clean it up. I'll take another look at the guitars and the drums i think that may be where i got off. More or less I did cut the lower mids on the master for the competition but on this one i gave them a slight 4db boost with a multiband. At the same time i'm still working on figuring out when you need to adjust the multi over the eq and vice versa. Thanks for the crits as always.
  5. Here is a popular myth that i'm going to debunk right now. Back in the 90's Yuzo Koshiro supposedly copied out some of his favorite dance rhythms from American and European pop music while working on the Streets of Rage soundtrack then copyrighted the music as his own. See? Complete myth. Next topic.
  6. Thanks, looks like I finally have my first fan Next step is getting some real guitars in there but even then I don't think this mix has much of a place here at OCR. (OCR Metal Movement anyone?)The Horteka theme is one of my favorites in a fantastic, overlooked ost and that makes me want to try to make another Horteka mix for OCR. Criticism from non remixers is very valuable btw. Knowing what's going on production wise in a mix is alot like seeing the kitchen area of your favorite restaurant. Sometimes the less you know the better it is.
  7. Last year i swore that I would go to the next one. Though after looking at my current budget is sleeping for the four days really necessary? If someone collapsed on day three they would probably just let him lay there right? I think i may be able to attend afterall.
  8. It seems like it's been awhile since I last had a mix to post on these forums, so i thought I would post this one. This mix is a rather large milestone for me as not only did I actually finish something but I did it in about 1.5 weeks from start to finish which is a new record for me! This is an updated remixing of my submission for June's Dwelling of Duels Town month. For this version I tried to mix around a fatter low mid range which seemed to be the strongest criticism. Remix: http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/valhorteka7-2-12 Source: Tools Used: Steven Slate Drums Ministry of Rock Dimension Pro Absynth The Freaking Ocean Bonus Points: To anyone who figures out where I got the Ocean sample from. How's that for difficult? I'm thinking about making a more OCR friendly Horteka remix based off of the first minute of this mix. Any support? Or should i dumpster my gear already? -gar
  9. Sonic remix! Well almost. Some very cool things going on and i am pretty fond of some of the sounds you are using which fit pretty well for what is my favorite stage in all of Sonic-dom. However, The drum kit you are using doesn't sound that great, especially that snare with a rather ridiculous tail. Other than the solo, what you have stays really close to the source. So close that it seems almost like a midi rip, which says something good about your ear training. OCR is all about personal expression so feel free to play with it. After a few mixes you'll find out that riding the line between familiarity and originality are one of the best parts of doing these kinds of VGremixes. You're off to a good start, welcome to the game.
  10. Alright i'll come clean due to overwhelming social pressure. I got pretty welled up my first time through Star Ocean 2 right at the end of the first disc when that one boss wipes out your whole party and you get stranded on an island not knowing where the rest of your party is. Plus, Leon's parents got killed from it. Then just an hour after all of that, Expel get's wiped out and even though what's left of your party is ok, Claude knows what happened but can't tell Rena the truth! Did I mention that Claude, after spending the entire game trying to figure out how to get home, turned his back on his rescue-er, his father, and rejoined his friends knowing fully that he would be dying with them? Now imagine all of that to some of Sakuraba's most gripping music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFWkNdRzr7A The drama man the freaking drama Best part is you still have another half of the game to go after all that. Second best JRPG ever.
  11. I need a new stick so I might as well give this one a shot. Unless it comes with a madcatz stick. Forget it if that's the case Are remixes from anything in the Tekken series open or are we limited to TTT2?
  12. It kills me whenever I see this thread updated. Hope this piece of trash knows to look both ways before crossing the street. I really don't want to end up in jail afterall.
  13. This is the one game on the vita i really want to play. Once both the game and the vita hit the bargain bin i'll pick it up since i have no money. Very nice soundtrack. I'd like to try to do something for it but i have no clue what.
  14. This is a side of OCR i've never seen before
  15. Didn't see this was posted on the forums. Looks like it's time to get some work done. As much as i'd hate to say it, that synth bass doesn't sound too bad for this mix. I'll send you a couple of clips in a little bit. Though if you got Mcvaffe to do this project i'll put my soul into it.
  16. Back when we were kids Resident Evil brought my brother to tears. Does that count? 0:58 scared the crap out of me when i was in elementary school. Scarred me for years actually.
  17. Anyone think about what Mass Effect would have been had Bioware not been acquired by EA? I don't think it should have ended up as a DeadSpace/RE4/GoW clone with more cinematography. I always thought the entire ending sequence had EA's claws all over it. Don't get me wrong though this is one of my favorite games of this generation and I think it's great people are having these kinds of discussions over a VIDEOGAME. (still not art ebert?) HOWEVER! Tali's picture was still the same. Time to remake the series!! and this time figure out what those Quarians look like beforehand!
  18. Just saw two of the new endings, saving the last two for later. While I really really wish they would have done away with the last 5 minutes of the original game, they did a much better job of wrapping things up this time. They show that the choice you make does carry some weight afterall. Though after all the sales of ME3 they certainly didn't break the bank to make the endings. What I was hoping for was a series of small endings that involved each team member left alive. Kind of like Star Ocean 2, which had a ton of small endings. I only played the game once and saw one ending three months ago, but was that not so hidden fourth option in the original game? Text wiped
  19. Congrats on getting posted Mak! Awesome mix. Just a bit abrasive in some spots but otherwise very cool.
  20. Really? First Sonic R reference I've seen on OCR. I wonder what some of the publisher notes were for that ost anyway. "Try to fit in the word "Survive" more. No really, alot more. Every single track actually. We're foreshadowing the next decade of Sonic games." Fun game though.
  21. I think with some of the quality that's been on OCR "star" might not be too far off. Some tracks from OCR I prefer to use as a mixing reference over commercial ones. Speaking just from within the OCR community, I have my heroes. What's that saying? "To the world you might be one person but to one person you might be a pretentious douchebag with false modesty and a persecution complex"? I never really had a thing for clever sayings like that. I like this idea and would be the first to sign up for it, and I think Gar-io should be working with Gar-pocalypse on this one. "We're G(u)arrrrrrrrds!"
  22. I picked up EWQLSO Gold a year ago and when I got it, one of the discs had a giant black burn mark on it. Like someone put a lighter to it before putting it into the sleeve. While they were pretty quick to send me a new disc they didn't want to send me a completely new set instead. Good thing the other discs turned out to be fine or that would have been the longest install session i've had yet.
  23. Ragnarok online: Perfect World: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4Lyx7aWsZI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5xjqTu_REY&feature=relmfu and everything from Skies of Arcadia. Actually Tomb Raider Underworld had some great stuff too
  24. Wow, Sakuraba sure is getting older eh? I wonder what it took to get a room that big in Japan. I always thought his studio was half that size. but with efficient spacing of course. I hope all fellow Sakuraba fans are screaming for a NA/EU Tales of Xillia release!
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