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Everything posted by GravitySuitCollector

  1. Ever wonder why on your audio there's the blue input/output named "Line in" a lot of the times? I've run game audio into the PC using that before, and I'm guessing it should be possible with the mic port, too (not sure if stereo). You'll probably need some sort of audio adapter to take it from RCA to the 1/8" jack, something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Hosa-Cable-YRA154-Stereo-Female/dp/B000068O51/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1355349825&sr=8-4&keywords=RCA+to+1%2F8%22 You can use your standard AV cable on your PS3 to output audio while video stays on HDMI or whatever. I forget where in settings that all is.... Hope that helps.
  2. Can't use Google translate on the images. >.> Anybody able to pick up some of what it says on the about page or elsewhere? any video translations on Youtube yet?
  3. The Mario anniversary Wii. http://www.ign.com/articles/2010/10/27/au-marios-25th-anniversary-wii-bundles I like being able to play Gamecube games on our Wii. It's too bad they phased that out with later ones.
  4. http://zirconstudios.bandcamp.com/album/identity-sequence Digital on Bandcamp for now for 9$ (or more). Probably a remnant of the advanced digital copy for backers. It includes the liner notes/CD booklet. Physical, I'm guessing: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1363989456/zircon-identity-sequence-a-cyberpunk-inspired-jour/posts/362600 Colossus and Identity Sequence seem to be sticking out to me right now, but that will probably change as I listen more to the others. Edit: ninja'd by the artist. :b
  5. It's heeere! The advance digital copy, that is. I've DL'd the mp3, will grab the flac later.
  6. I feel bombarded with ads every time I turn on my 360 connected online. The PS3 is much calmer, and seems more reliable to me. Meh. I'll probably not buy it day on, but I'm guessing it'll probably be good. The series has been fairly solid so far. Edit: /hides from rocks thrown due to pun
  7. My brain can't process it. Why am I grinning? I think something burst.... I think I need a reboot. >.> For now, MOAR!
  8. Yeah.... I think sphexic's post is pretty relevant, not sure about the mixing part. Having a knowledge of music, you're able to listen to how it's performed well, and even how it might not be as could as it could be, but still enjoy it. There's something to be said how a production is executed to the audience. Also with the whole "agnostic" thing, you're going at it wrong. By going in like that, you prevent yourself from feeling the emotion of a piece. As with reading a good fantasy novel, you can't just go, "this is an affront to my personal beliefs," and expect to get something out when you finish it. If it still bothers you just pull something out like, "this is a song of praise," and listen for it (not necessarily in the lyrics).
  9. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00888/ First one that came to my mind.
  10. Nice to meet you. I hear the workshop here is wonderful, and from your question about if writing a good melody is all there is to it, usually a lot of people write that first after determining the key and feeling. Just keep in mind the chords and progressions that come in during and after. Those can be a pain sometimes, but they are definitely a part of music and how it feels. Of course, you probably knew that already. :b
  11. A bit late, but here's a bit of wants for me: - I grew up Nintendo, but now I'm multi-system. I do pretty much most types of gaming except a bit less MMO, racing, and I really haven't played flight sims. Internet speed is less than desirable. I love coop, being a triplet. Over 120 hours in Terraria.... I don't play GTA and God of War, and unfortunately I felt I shouldn't play Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. I have played Dead Space and Resident Evils. - Systems: NES to Wii/DS, PSX to PS3 plus PSP, and Xbox 360 - I don't think I'm lacking in music right now. I recently got the reward from zircon's Kickstarter for four albums. I'm looking forward to the new album release there. If you do get me music, I listen to almost anything. Rap, country and pop, though are less desirable. GOOD electronica along with classical are great. No matter what, I'll give it a listen. - I don't really own much gamer swag. I have the Metroid Prime Trilogy stuff and the Uncharted 3 stuff, but not much else. XL or XXL shirt size (XL tall best, 6'4" says so, but most of my clothes aren't so). Ties are cool; I wear one every Sunday. - My steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GravSuit/ My wishlist is outdated, though. :/ - Keep joke gifts pretty clean. - Arts/crafts are fine. I appreciate the time and work that goes into something of that nature. - I read a lot. I practically lived in the Library through middle and high school. Fantasy/sci-fi are the main genres. - I like anime/manga. I tend towards comedy, but anything can be good. Skip Beat, Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, Dai-Guard, Hayate No Gotoku, Chibi Vampire.... I don't actually own any, though. Wall of text.... Well, whatever's fine, just keep it clean and enjoyable. I'll like it. Ignore everything else I said.
  12. I'm back in this year. I'll PM you my info.
  13. Fantastic music. Very good job. The whole game looked great, and then I listened to the previews.... I haven't backed it yet. I'm going to hold off until I feel like I deserve it. I don't have a job right now, so I want to wait.
  14. If you want some regular stuff check out hollidayrain's and prototyperaptor's soundcloud pages. You should also check others' pages that are from this site. The EFP album that was released not that long ago has some great stuff, too.
  15. It's over! Congratulations on your successful funding. $28k, no less, seven times your original goal.
  16. Has anyone asked if Leia's a Disney princess yet? I don't feel like reading five pages right now to find out.
  17. Part of HiB 6's appeal to me were the OSTs. Dustforce's OST hooked me first listen. I've also been listening to the Mighty Switch Force OST.
  18. Doesn't Kickstarter use Amazon to handle payments?
  19. I'd like to create playlist for my external hard drive that would be drive letter independent, preferably directory independent, but I haven't located a program for it yet. The playlist creation in vlc media player doesn't do this, so the playlist doesn't work on other PC's if the drive letter changes. Does anyone have advice for this? I'd rather not have to go in and change a gazillion file URL's directly. If not, I'll see about editing the xspf directly, see if it's possible that way. EDIT: Noone knows...? If there aren't any replies in two days, go ahead and delete this. I'll try figuring out something on my own after that.
  20. As crowbar said, if you know someone, ask them. If not, google might be your only hope. I'd suggest simple term like "ps3 error," "ps3 not booting," or something like that first. After that, check with sny tech support if the data's that important.... I hope you are able to figure out what's up with it. Modern game systems don't really seem to compensate for increased heat output (higher power proceesing, clock speed, etc.) with better ventilation.... It's probably not good for the life of the systems. :/
  21. I really loved the preview for this. I really dig Colossus, Unity, and Neurobazaar (definitely influenced by Time to Oil Up, not a bad thing at all, and I look forward to hearing how you used Jillian Aversa's vocals differently ). The new version of Just Hold On also sounds really great. I'm looking forward to this.
  22. Very, very, good stuff. Thank you for sharing your work with us.
  23. I have all double S ranks in the mansion on Dustforce since getting it in the latest humble bundle. Been mainly working on the city and forest since then, along with improving some times. Congrats to all who have completed the game. I've been forcing through it all with dustgirl(the red one), but I've encountered a level in the city where the jumps just aren't geared toward her at all, it seems. Highly depressing.
  24. Two words: split screen. I hope you have two controllers. That was one of the main reasons I got the PS3 version.
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