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Everything posted by GravitySuitCollector

  1. Awesome stuff, man. As for suggestions for a remix, Mega Man Zero music has always blown my socks off. Also, there aren't that many remixes from the series. A great example from MMZ4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tm4Hb0Kkjc One from MMZ3: And another: There's a great variety of music in the games, so if you decide to check them out, you'll have plenty of choices.
  2. This mod looks really cool. Good job on the music; I really like the Krisle theme.
  3. The octorok things in the forest hurting one heart killed me once. Those guys were pure evil. Pretty much all the enemies hurt at least one heart, so that made you have to be careful.
  4. I do, too. She's not that annoying to me, at least. The hearts are low messages are annoying, but the battery one was actually a bit useful (although the battery message was a bit early to me... The Metroid Prime series on Wii handled it really well with the battery bar on top). I also liked the sort of dry humor they had with her (the undead bokoblin outlandish underpants made me laugh. ). One of the more annoying guides, I thought, was the King of Red Lions in WW. He just annoyed me for some reason. Although, she wasn't that big of a help in fighting some enemies; a lot of the time her messages gave no info on how to fight them at all. D:
  5. Thanks for reprimanding me. It's just from what I've read through on the judge's comments, it seemed like this oftentimes was an issue, and I was thinking it might be an issue here. I obviously haven't really made anything and submitted it to OCR yet, so I'm sorry if my perception of things was somewhat wrong. I found this stickied in the music comp/production section of the forums: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4556 Maybe you'll find something there, although the list of sites is a bit long, even in the first post.... Anyways, I look forward to hearing the next version of this. I think it sounded pretty good as it was when chimpazilla first posted it. I imagine, as Monobrow and Rozovian said, experimenting will help you out a bit.
  6. I'd take a listen to some of zircon's stuff, along with some other artists on this site. I really liked his album "antigravity" (it's on amazon). It feels ore like an experience sort of album than a dance one, which is why you should check out some of his other work. Also, check out Walter Meego. Other than that, I don't know; most of my music has come from here....
  7. Pretty good. I just have some things I think I might be able to point out. - Maybe more than a bit too much source for the judges. They'd most likely complain more than a bit about that. You might take the time to listen and maybe find a good countermelody, or change up the original some. Just make sure to listen to it compared to the rest of the song, like the bass lines. - The main bass throughout the piece sometimes seems to hold out unnaturally long. I don't know what else to say about it since I'm not an expert at all, but maybe someone else will have some advice to give on that. It does help support the song when it's in, but there could be a bit of variation in it. It gets boring after a while. - The mid range feels a bit lacking all throughout the song, and it seems a bit too much in the high-end. For example, listen to this: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01577/ It sounds a lot "fuller," because it has a bit more mid range stuff in it. Try pulling up the middle of the EQ in your media player and listen to your song again; it does feel quite a bit different. The whole song doesn't need it, but it might help it from feeling too hollow at parts maybe. It'll also help it feel a bit more powerful at different times if you mess with the mixing some. - Drums are one tone to me. Try changing some note volumes, for one. Drums aren't meant to be played at a single volume: . Mess around with the different volumes so that you emphasize certain ones you might want to stick out a bit more. You might also try changing up the drum pattern a bit. It gets repetitive somewhat, since it's in most of the song. Well, I guess to sum it up: more variation, in note arrangement, volume and rhythm, and try messing with the mixing/EQ a bit. Someone else could better fill you in on this than me. Keep up the good work! Edit: I guess I should also point out some things I liked. For example, I digged the sampling of the voices from Dark Beast Ganon in TP, and the song around 1:30 is good.
  8. I'm finding myself reading Korean ones a lot. Tower of God is looking really promising, for one. Things like this make me wish I knew Korean or Japanese....
  9. I loved this. Great job. Adventures are great in trios. I myself am a triplet, so I find myself spending much of my time figuring out what sort of stuff we can do together, especially since we each started going to college two years ago. Sometimes sad things happen in life, but that doesn't mean you can't do your best to acknowledge the good ones, as I feel you've done with this.
  10. Just in case people didn't know, and since I didn't already see the topic, the newest Humble Bundle is out! It's got a pretty good selection, and it gives you the DRM-free Android apps! I have tested Edge (gyro works along with multi-touch) and World of Goo (multi-touch works) on my sister's Kindle Fire, and those actually work on it great, too. http://www.humblebundle.com/ Android system requirements: http://humble.assistly.com/customer/portal/articles/332857-humble-bundle-for-android-system-reqs You still have to pay $1 or more to get Steam codes since a certain Steam Christmas event , but that still is an awesome deal with the average running $6 right now to get World of Goo with it. I haven't tested Anomaly and Osmos with the Kindle Fire, but I'll edit if I do. Ignore the message about it not being Android OS; it installs just fine.
  11. Great job. Yeah, the scream thing at the end does seem a bit off, but overall, this is awesome.
  12. Yeah, I don't mean to. I just figured if they get it in multiple languages, it might get the message across better.
  13. Disgusting. They pretty much say they can do whatever they want according to what they and their "licensors" decide, and they hold themselves free of blame. Take them down. What's the extent of OCR in Russia? How many members do we have that could send them an email in Russian (they say that's the law that applies to them, so give it to them in that language)? Would someone mind working up a nasty email to copy and send to these highly corrupt, immoral floaters that run such a thing? The internet has dropped an unsavory thing upon us all. Let's see if we can flush them down and out. This is a horrible thing to do to such a community as this and the artists that work so hard on the music we love. Maybe I ranted a bit too much....
  14. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01459/ It's not totally piano, but I think it's a really good one. I think The Wingless also has some others you might take a listen to.
  15. Take a look at the Google home page.... Sign it!
  16. I don't think they start out soulless.... Probably just me. French McDonald's commercial (Sonic): Honey Nut Cheerios(Sonic): Wow, I guess there's a lot more than I realized.
  17. I guess it's just my opinion that's different, then. Well, time for a couple more (Youtube, the source for everything).
  18. This made me lose a bit more faith in humanity. Why do they destroy themselves this way? I think this belittles the whole company and brand. It's one thing to have branded merchandise like toys, clothing, etc., but when they have a horrible plant in a commercial like this, it just hurts them. Anyways, the point of this thread is as the title says; seek out those commercials! I'm hoping to find more commercials that aren't for video games, but if it's good, let's see it! Well, time to watch something to get rid of this rage:
  19. Kill Me Baby ED ( キルミーベイベー) I find the ending addicting. The opening's horrible, though. I think it's a pretty funny anime so far, although the animation isn't the highest quality.It sort of surprised me when I found out this was a full episode length, too, considering its four panel nature. I know it's been done (Lucky Star ), but this one seems it would have done better split up a bit more. Again, don't bother with the opening.
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