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Everything posted by GravitySuitCollector

  1. It's been over 20 days since someone has posted in this thread, and that person was me.... EDIT: the last two posts, actually. Strike the Blood seems pretty generic as anime go, but that's not really an issue for me so far. Kill La Kill has that style going similar to FLCL and Gurren Lagann (same director apparently). I'm not sure what I think of it yet. I recently read through Superior and its sequel (didn't finish it before, restarted it). I enjoyed it, even though it had its moments where the plot line got weak and the story didn't flow right. I've also been reading a few Korean webcomics that have been translated. Noblesse and Kubera are a couple I'd recommend checking out at least for a few chapters. A lot of those Naver comics seem well written to me. I've been keeping up with regular manga like Beelzebub, too. Oh and this: http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/nukoduke-r7532
  2. Unfortunately, Twitch chat apparently isn't working for me; :/ I'm guessing it's a firewall issue. Anyways, good luck! EDIT: It's decided to work now. ' Oh well.
  3. http://www.crunchyroll.com/the-eccentric-family I enjoyed this one. Art style was interesting, comedy was there, seemed to strike a good balance of... something. I don't really care for the OP theme, though. checking out the first episode of this now: http://myanimelist.net/anime/18153/Kyoukai_no_Kanata
  4. I think it might be the wrong song, even. Bowzilla, I think. Edit: Yeah, definitely not right. Download it instead. By the way... Nice work.
  5. You can run up 1 block ridges now; it also triggers in air so you can get up onto things one block higher than before.
  6. The controller looks really interesting. I can't wait to get my hand on one. I like buttons, though.
  7. Dead Space? Sure. Call of Duty? I don't mind. Grand Theft Auto? No thanks. Bad things happen, but doing bad things doesn't sit well with me. Games like Skyrim involve more thought behind your action and where they put you in game. Things like killing random people in more realistic games, though, just gives a nasty feeling. Yuck.
  8. My eyes hurt slightly from it. Well, not really, but it does hide a lot of the color, I think. making everything brighter isn't exactly making it better, especially when there is a lot of blur added (like at 0:35: http://youtu.be/7PFuEXqsW8Q ) I still would get it if I had a Wii U, though.
  9. Rezzing this thread from the grave http://steamcommunity.com/id/GravSuit/stats/65300/achievements/
  10. I hope you have better luck with your next project. EDIT: That's a lot of music....
  11. I fell off it a bit ago, but I will second this. One-Punch Man IS awesome.
  12. It's another glorious day for your sigs. :)

  13. http://myanimelist.net/anime/16524/Suisei_no_Gargantia I've watched this one up to what's available. Standard mecha stuff mainly, but I've enjoyed it so far. I haven't watched any of the Attack on Titan anime. I'll probably skip on it for now. I have enjoyed the manga so far and will continue that as more chapters are available.
  14. Hmmmm. I felt it wasn't bad, but it could have used more rearrangement and original melody/ some counter-melody here and there. I didn't really hear any until after the six minute mark, around 4/5ths through the song. I don't know, maybe I'm just not hearing it right now.
  15. That's 387.5 million for South America(blame Google/wikipedia if all my numbers are wrong), around 1.7 billion total. I was trying to include fairly relevant country areas as far technology/internet goes. Countries like Guatemala obviously wouldn't have that large of a gamer base anyways. China, I'm not so sure about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360_launch#China Quoting Wikipedia for lack of initiative to find factual links. Plus, there's a key phrase that limits the system as far as the region is concerned: internet censorship. This was just my way of putting out why they might be overestimating a little. This isn't even putting internet connectivity, income and the percentage of people who'd want these over other stuff into consideration. I think a real problem will be the price. There's just no getting around that. EDIT:...Unless, of course, they decide to sell at a loss; unless they already are.
  16. The US population is around 316 million.... Europe is around 738 million according to wikipedia, Canada 34 mil, Mexico 112, Japan 128 million roughly, around 1.3 billion total.... O.o (any other populations that should be included in this number?) How many of those people want a several hundred dollar set top box? (I don't even want to call it a game console )
  17. I thought FLCL had a fairly good dub, at least on the same level as the original audio. There are a few cases where I prefer dubbing, but generally, though, I go with subs.
  18. 1. Shulk 2. Dark Samus 3. Amaterasu
  19. I'm not sure I'm cut out for it. :/ I have managed to get into the top hundred on some Dustforce levels for completion, but that's pretty much it. I don't know, maybe actually speed running other games would be alright. Any good resources on speed running Super Metroid?
  20. ... Meh. It just looks like they slapped the Mega Man name on it, to me. It doesn't feel like how the Prime games compared to Super Metroid. Besides all the scanning, Metroid Prime felt like it belonged with the rest of the games before it. This game just seems like someone is calling a car and truck similar because of the same paint color (Ford Mustang truck...?). Both are alright, from the looks of it, but they're totally different. Am I the only one getting that vibe?
  21. Which one? I hope you mean the AGS-101, otherwise I'm going to have to come blind you with mine.
  22. The Ouya is aiming to fill a perceived niche; it's just some people aren't picking up on that. It's meant to be an easily accessible, inexpensive platform for devs to release on without paying however much Microsoft or Sony wants(there still is some, have to make money somehow), and to able to play them on your TV easily. PC's actually do take a bit of time to hook up. It's harder than moving and setting up a PS3, that's for sure. Hopefully for those who are getting an Ouya, there will be plenty of good multiplayer games. That's usually the only reason besides console exclusivity that I get games for console now. It's not as enjoyable having to configure and set up your computer before being able to play together (boot it up, log in to Steam, button map the controllers, set resolution, miss someone's controller's unplugged, close/reopen the game...). Between Super Metroid on an emulator or console (even Wii VC), I prefer the console. It's much simpler.
  23. Partway through listening I just had to unplug my headphones from the jack and turn the speakers UP. Seriously, I could not resist. This demands to be played out loud. Fantastic job, and I look forward to possibly more from you in the future.
  24. *flush* I replaced the wire/plug on my beat up headphones today; they were going out by the plug. Paid $2.69 for the plug at Radioshack because the old one was this plastic encased thing. Replaced the enamel covered wires with something more substantial. I did order a new pair (this pair has gotten a fair bit uglier; then again, these don't look great anyways), but now these will work a bit longer. Maybe I should cancel the new ones....
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